This is a movie made of the colors of the rainbow flag. Each color has a different meaning, and the film narrates the lack of those meanings in our lives in the era of “new normal”.
The talented Jazz singer Leyla with her traumatized childhood and mysterious photographer Murat with his dark world tries to find the answer to the question "Why do we want to live other people's lives?" by living their love story.
Vural, a husband and a father who was raised in faith, leads a seemingly pious and conformist life. But everything takes a sudden dark turn when he finds out a truth about his personal life.
Réexaminant son propre héritage, une figure renommée du cinéma érotique décide de se diversifier et de faire des films dans d'autres genres, de la science-fiction à l'action médiévale.
Alors qu'elle se rend à Adana pour une conférence, Şahsu en profite pour affronter son grand-père. Mais bientôt, elle découvre un mythe antique — et un amour épique.