Dugarsanjaa Navaan

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Түмний нэг: 1-р анги
The evolution of Chimed, the main character, is shown by the evolution of a servant man who was enslaved by foreign merchants and scorned by local rich people, who found his freedom with the revolution and then strives to work for his country. The feature of the film is that the behavior of the common man is formed along with the process of the revolution, and it clearly shows how a boy from the pastoral people not only learns to read and write by benefiting from science, but also works with all his strength to educate the people's children and grows into a leading intellectual.


Feb 19, 1968
It shows how the October Revolution affected the hearts of the Mongolian people, and how they defeated the white bandit Baron Ungern at the beginning of the revolution and put an end to his evil activities.
Агуйн Нууц

Агуйн Нууц

Apr 16, 1969
During the revolution, a school teacher who’s been defamed and falsely accused loses his life in an accident while going on an expedition with a regional personnel. His wife Saaral is forced to keep the secrets of his death.
Гул Аранжин

Гул Аранжин

Mar 01, 1961
A film about the scarcity of jobs for herders in rural areas. The main character is Arinjin, a student who goes through many schools in the city without success. He left the countryside and went to the city to study, but it was very difficult because he did not know the place or the people. Through the character of Aranjin, the audience conveyed the idea that it is important to find the right position.
Газар шороо мину зэ
It shows how the Chinese nationalistic landowners made evil plots with the intention of inheriting Manchu's imperial rights to Mongolia, and how the people of Darganga entered the path of freedom and happiness as a result of the victory of the people's revolution.
Мөнгөн буйл

Мөнгөн буйл

Jan 17, 1985
When people make a living with the strength and talent they have, they struggle with back, white, low-level work, tricks, and trade. The site that tells about this, shows the wisdom that profiteering is a risk of burning, but joint work is the key to achieving your goals and happiness in the form of a comic event.
Түмний нэг: 2-р анги
The evolution of Chimed, the main character, is shown by the evolution of a servant man who was enslaved by foreign merchants and scorned by local rich people, who found his freedom with the revolution and then strives to work for his country. The feature of the film is that the behavior of the common man is formed along with the process of the revolution, and it clearly shows how a boy from the pastoral people not only learns to read and write by benefiting from science, but also works with all his strength to educate the people's children and grows into a leading intellectual.


Jan 26, 1993
In every country and nation, there is a precious idol that should be cherished from generation to generation, which has clearly expressed itself and should not be forgotten or lost in time. This is the story of Mongolians, who have been blessed by the Almighty, and have passed down traditions from ancient times, and the quality of compassion for people.
Хэцүү даалгавар
If Ravjir, a tractor driver, gets a higher education, he estimates that his salary will increase and his life will improve. So, having a diploma of higher education, I boldly went to the teacher Sandag and asked him to do a lot of math tasks. The story is presented in a comical way, showing how Ravjir complains about not being able to fulfill this task.
Цогт тайж

Цогт тайж

Nov 17, 1945
This film revolves around Choghtu Khong Tayiji, a 17th century Mongolian prince who waged a campaign of independence against Tibetan and Manchu forces.


Jan 24, 1989
How the minds of children and young people change due to the positive and negative influence of upbringing is shown through the events of a group of young people who have forgotten their traditions and heritage.
Эцгийн голомт
In 1938, when he told the sad story of the repression that covered the Buriad nation, he showed it through an incident that happened to a blacksmith named Darkhan Shar, who had only one son.