Bob Mann

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Night Blooms

Night Blooms

Jun 07, 2022
Jessica Clement joue avec Nick Stahl dans un drame furtif des années 90 sur la jeune Carly et son histoire d'amour avec le père de sa meilleure amie.
You Ruined Our Life

You Ruined Our Life

Sep 16, 2017
Bob Tearman (Bob Mann) is 42 with a bullet. No wife, no kids. Zero accomplishments. His life has not turned out the way he thought it would. So much so, that's he's seriously wondering if he should even carry on living. And then one morning, through some kind of magic he doesn't understand, he finds the 12 year-old version of himself, Bobby (Jordan Poole) asleep in his apartment. When Bobby sees how badly their life has turned out he is determined to put things right. His plan to do this involves going after the bullies from junior high, now adults like Bob, and...wait for it...killing them. As things spiral out of control, Bob has his hands full, first with Bobby's crazy dreams of revenge and later the bullies themselves when the dreams become reality. At that point, to quote Bad Boys 2, the **** gets real.
Bone Cage

Bone Cage

Sep 17, 2020
Jamie (Taylor Olson) works a wood processor, clear-cutting for pulp in small-town Nova Scotia. At the end of each shift, he walks through the destruction he has created looking for injured animals and rescues those he can. Adapted from a play by Nova Scotian author Catherine Banks, Bone Cage is an impressive first feature from Halifax actor/filmmaker Taylor Olson that sensitively excavates the tragedy of how young people in rural communities, employed in the destruction of their environment, treat the people they love at the end of their shift.
The Mohel

The Mohel

Mar 21, 2021
After celebrating the birth of their first child, James and Lola are faced with family expectations and financial strain as they fly in a Mohel to perform their son’s Brit Milah – The circumcision ceremony.
Deadstick John

Deadstick John

Nov 16, 2021
Regular life is still a struggle for John years after his fall from grace. If he was marvelled at by the world again, life wouldn't be so bad.
Sharp Corner

Sharp Corner

Sep 06, 2024
It follows a dedicated family man who becomes obsessed with saving the lives of the car accident victims on the sharp corner in front of his house — an obsession that could cost him everything.
Dancing on the Elephant
Faced with a future of chair-xercise and spoon-fed pudding, nursing home friends Nora and Edna attempt to break out of the 'fox farm' and find a life worth sticking around for.


Sep 13, 2024
A woman goes to dangerous lengths to prove she wasn't responsible for a fart.
Retour à Sullivan's Crossing
Après que la vie personnelle et professionnelle de la neurochirurgienne Maggie Sullivan ait été bouleversée, elle rentre chez elle à Sullivan's Crossing. Là-bas, Maggie est obligée de naviguer dans son présent compliqué tout en affrontant le passé douloureux qu'elle a choisi d'ignorer pendant des années.


Nov 24, 2024
Découvrez le mystère d'une ville cauchemardesque dans le centre des États-Unis qui piège tous ceux qui y entrent. Alors que les habitants réticents se battent pour garder un sentiment de normalité et cherchent une issue, ils doivent également survivre aux menaces de la forêt environnante, y compris les créatures terrifiantes qui sortent lorsque le soleil se couche.
Les Mystères de Haven
Audrey Parker, agente du FBI, arrive à Haven, au Maine, pour ce qu'elle croit être une affaire de routine. Mais, plus elle passe de temps dans la ville, plus sa curiosité se développe; d'abord envers les habitants de la ville qui semblent être assaillis par bon nombre de problèmes surnaturels, ensuite envers la ville elle-même qui regorge de secrets et enfin envers ce lien surprenant qui la lie à cet étrange endroit.


Nov 16, 2022
Marcie Diggs, une grande avocate d'entreprise reconsidère ses priorités après que sa tante bien-aimée se soit suicidée. Elle décide de travailler comme aide juridique au sein d'une clinique, à Dartmouth, en Nouvelle-Écosse.