A young man catches up a train in Madagascar. We follow him through the compartments and discover the diversity of the passengers, merchandise and landscapes.
This film was made by 2nd year students from "Concepteur et réalisateur de films d'animation" in GOBELINS, as part of a pedagogical exercise, on the subject of esotericism, strange, bizarre.
What if it were possible to meet one another in our sleep? One night, three strangers find themselves in a Hotel of dreams. They must navigate this strange world together before dawn.
What if it were possible to meet one another in our sleep? One night, three strangers find themselves in a Hotel of dreams. They must navigate this strange world together before dawn.
What if it were possible to meet one another in our sleep? One night, three strangers find themselves in a Hotel of dreams. They must navigate this strange world together before dawn.
Mar 09, 2025
2025 min37 vues
Marshall et Frances, anciens partenaires de laboratoire au lycée, commencent à démêler une conspiration impliquant les grandes sociétés pharmaceutiques et le gouvernement fédéral pour supprimer la connaissance d'un champignon rare qui pourrait être la clé de la guérison de toutes les maladies du monde.