Helena Falé

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Morangos com Açúcar

Morangos com Açúcar

May 25, 2012
Morangos com Açúcar was a Portuguese Teen drama. It was broadcast daily on the Portuguese TV station TVI between 30 August 2003 to 15 September 2012. It has also been broadcast in Angola, Syria, Brazil and Romania.
Mara, une femme unique
L'effondrement d'une grande banque nationale déclenche l'affrontement de deux réalités…et le conflit entre deux familles. Luis Miguel est un jeune ingénieur portugais parti faire carrière en Angola en laissant derrière lui sa famille ultra traditionnelle et conservatrice et de surcroît touchée par la crise. Son père, Jorge, possède une importante entreprise de construction au Portugal qui est au bord du dépôt de bilan, et sa mère Pilar, femme à l’ambition débordante, espère devenir riche par son divorce. En Angola, Luis Miguel tombe amoureux de Mara, une jolie infirmière qui le sauve de la mort. Norberto, le père de Mara est un homme d'affaires angolais qui possède d'importants investissements au Portugal et qui est également le client numéro un de l'entreprise de construction de Jorge. En effet, il détient le sort de la société de Jorge entre ses mains mais malheureusement pour la famille de Luis Miguel, Norberto garde une rancune tenace contre les Portugais depuis que son propre père a été assassiné par l’un d’eux, pendant la colonisation. Le lourd héritage de son passé et ses intérêts professionnels actuels transforment la crise économique en un affrontement entre deux mondes. A cela, s’ajoute la vengeance d’une femme…Luena ! Luena veut récupérer à tout prix les biens de ses parents, des rapatriés du Portugal, qui avaient perdu toute leur fortune lors de l’indépendance de l’Angola. De plus, elle a un fils avec Norberto, le père de son amie Mara. Mara apprend après la mort de sa mère que celle-ci n'était pas sa mère biologique et de même pour son père. En effet, elle a été adoptée pendant la guerre. Norberto l'a trouvée dans la maison où sa mère biologique gisait sur le sol.
Rainha das Flores

Rainha das Flores

May 13, 2017
After losing your memory, who can you trust? Frozen Memories tells the story of Rosa, who suffers from retrograde amnesia, and Narcisa, who tries to take advantage of her sister's accident to keep all the wealth she built in the last decade. It also tells the story of Daniel, Rosa's husband who becomes a total stranger to her overnight. Daniel ends up losing her to Marcelo, the doctor who saves Rosa's life after the accident. It comes as such a shock to Rosa that it triggers flashbacks and old memories that will make her realize she was fooled. From here on, she will have to fight to get her old life back. Reconquer her empire and try to win back the real love of her life, Daniel, who has moved forward in a new relationship.
Pour l'amour de Louisa
La famille Marreiros voyage en Afrique du Sud pour fêter l'anniversaire d'Isabel, la tante de Louisa, dans la maison familiale. Miguel, le petit ami de Louisa, lui fait la surprise de les rejoindre. Il profite de ce séjour pour la demander en mariage.
Onde Está Elisa?

Onde Está Elisa?

Mar 20, 2020
The life of the Menezes family changes radically after the disappearance of Elisa, the eldest daughter of Rui and Francisca Menezes. With the tragedy, the obscure secrets of every family member, every friend, every person around Elisa, are unraveled.
A Teia

A Teia

Jun 17, 2019
A man and a woman with no apparent connection are involved in a bizarre bank robbery, resulting in their death. Their children (Lara and Simão), faced with the impasse in the police investigation, decide to unravel the mystery that led to the tragedy. What they discover is just the tip of the skein. Other deaths follow, all unrelated to view and entangled in a mysterious web that seems to have no end. What will be the next target?


Nov 23, 2019


The series develops around cases of homicides that occurred during the summer, at the time of the economic and social crisis that affected Portugal.
Quer o Destino

Quer o Destino

Oct 26, 2020
A story of love and revenge of a woman who, as an adult, returns to the place where she was raped and where she will be surprised with her ability to overcome.
Mar Salgado

Mar Salgado

Sep 18, 2015
Mar Salgado is a story of a woman who had 2 twins and thought they died after the were born, but it couldn't be more far from truth, and now 16 years later she'll try to find them.
Água de Mar

Água de Mar

Dec 18, 2014
Urban series that takes place between the Beach of the Shells and the new School of Arts that is being born in the palace of the Barahona family. Against the background of the mythical line of Cascais, this series has a plot full of strong emotions. Each episode combines different lines of stories that cross each other: the freshness of the summer novels, the rebelliousness of youth, the adventures and peripécias lived on the beach, the fight for fame, the generational conflicts and the reunions that can happen... when least expected.
Nunca Digas Adeus

Nunca Digas Adeus

Jun 10, 2002
Vera de Almeida Barreto highlights her choices as a woman dedicated to family, sacrificing herself to support her husband's career and raise their three children. Upon discovering Lourenço's affair with lawyer Daniela Lopes (Rita Salema), a younger woman, Vera reevaluates her life, questioning her role as a woman and facing a lack of support from her children in this challenging situation. The plot becomes even more complex when Vera falls in love with a younger man, challenging societal norms and exposing the double standards surrounding age differences in relationships.