The supernatural disturbance in the house he had just lived in came from a painting full of mystery. What's behind the painting? Will they be free from supernatural interference?
Just now her husband died, Rini's sorrow grew when Bude, who raised her, died. While returning home to mourn, Rini's only child, Hafis, disappeared and was found unconscious in the middle of the forest. He fought alone to save the only family he had left. At that time, Rini was again disturbed by a supernatural figure resembling Makmum, which made her faith waver and put her child in a dangerous condition.
The household of Laras and Raka is tested with the presence of another party in their lives. Can they maintain the marriage that has already been cracked?
Risa still has the ability to see ghosts even though she is no longer with her ghost friends. One day, when Risa attends a surprise proposal event for Riri prepared by Dimas, Riri’s lover, she feels an evil force approaching. Canting, the ghost that haunts the show, terrorizes Riri. While Riri experiences terror from Canting, Risa experiences terror in the form of repeated deaths.