This song-and-dance musical follows the journey of an island girl with a natural gift for dancing as she navigates through life in the city to follow her dreams and find love along the way.
Alex Walker, un des meilleurs agents de la DEA, a été contraint de prendre une retraite anticipée. La trahison de son partenaire et son hypertension l'ont amené à s'expatrier sur une petite île de l'archipel des Philippines où il est le gérant d'une boutique de souvenirs dans un hôtel de luxe. Si le cadre idyllique séduit les riches et les puissants, il attire aussi l'élite des criminels venus des quatre coins du monde. Malgré tous ses efforts pour mener une vie tranquille, Alex n'a pas son pareil pour se retrouver dans les situations les plus périlleuses. Et il aime ça !
Crossing paths in the beautiful town of Lobo, Batangas, a single mother and a widower get their second chance at love when they go against all odds to keep the flame alive.
Victor “Bangis” Lualhati has always been a fighter. As a former boxer, he gets used to overcoming obstacles through tough times. However, when he finds a suspicious message on his wife's phone, he will be faced with a challenge he never saw coming. As Victor investigates, he discovers there is more at play than just a cheating spouse. The deeper he digs, the more shocking realizations he makes.
A competent secretary and a narcissistic boss fall in love while uncovering a traumatic past that causes them to question whether their feelings are real or the result of a shared trauma.
The life of a simple flower farm girl is shattered when she falls for a charming accountant, who turns out to be a married gun cartel member. Targeted for his stolen money, she loses everything she holds dear and reinvents herself to seek justice.