Thyme Lewis

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May 09, 1997
L'histoire d'un voyage en apnée dans la journée banale d'un adolescent de Los Angeles âgé de dix-huit ans, Dark Smith, hanté par la fin du monde et la quête de l'amour pur.


Jan 04, 2022
When a homicide detective's disturbing dreams reveal parallels to an ongoing investigation, he must do whatever it takes to discover his connection to the brutal killings.
12 Bucks

12 Bucks

Oct 07, 1998
Johnny and Tanner are two brothers raised in a violently dysfunctional family, with a brutal psychopath for a father. One day, their father's abuse of their mother goes too far and tragedy strikes. Tanner winds up in jail, and Johnny is sent to a foster home, where he finally knows a stable life and a caring family. Years later, Johnny (Scott Waugh) is a college student with good marks and good prospects ahead of him, while Tanner (Sean Graham) is trying to dig himself out of a life of crime. Tanner calls Johnny and asks him for a favor -- he'd like his brother to vouch for him in a hearing with his parole officer in Hollywood. Johnny agrees, but then discovers that the hearing isn't in nearby Hollywood, CA, but on the other side of the country in Hollywood, FL. A promise is a promise, and Johnny and Tanner hop in Tanner's ancient Lincoln Continental with only 12 dollars to their name, hoping the fates will guide them safely to the East Coast.
Fierce Friend

Fierce Friend

Jan 01, 2006
A story about two boyhood friends who come to a crossroads in their adult relationship when one of them finds true love. The story explores the blurry line between love and friendship & obsession and jealousy.
Cassidy Way

Cassidy Way

Feb 23, 2016
When a film student and her two friends go to Kern County to shoot a documentary, they stumble upon a mysterious family and learn why Pandora's box should never have been opened.
Hidden Blessings

Hidden Blessings

Apr 07, 2000
A romantic suspense thriller and a classic who-dun-it about a relentless female detective (Cynda Williams) who investigates the murder of the wife ofn a prominent architect (Marc Gomes). Even though the husband is the prime suspect, his assistant Carrie McNichols (Kim Fields) gives him the perfect alibi. The case seemingly looks like an open and shut case. The detective finds herself hopelessly falling in love with him. Will her emotions cloud her judgement in investigating the case and if the husband didn't murderhis wife? Who Did?
Blue Line

Blue Line

Jul 03, 2017
A woman and her best friend go on a crime spree to rob her husband and escape her marriage.
Les gladiateurs de l'apocalypse
La troisième guerre mondiale a pris fin et la guerre a été déclarée hors la loi. Pour régler les conflits, on met au point de gigantesques robots, les Robots Jox, qui entrent en action quand les grandes puissances se disputent le controle d'un territoire. Achilles, l'un des pilotes de ces Robots, est envoyé en Alaska...
Science Fiction
Red Handed

Red Handed

Nov 04, 2020
When their father is murdered, three brothers descend upon an Oregon mountain river to spread his ashes. After they arrive, one of their children goes missing. One of the brothers was himself abducted 30 years ago when they visited this same river, but he has blocked the incident out of his mind. Only by unlocking the mysteries inside his subconscious, will they be able find the child.
Street Beat

Street Beat

Jan 01, 1993
A cop and a gang member trade places and find more than they bargained for through the power of music and love.
Opération Pandora

Opération Pandora

Jul 15, 1998
Un escadron d'hélicoptères se dirige vers une base américaine secrète dans le désert africain. Dérober Pandora, un dispositif militaire très puissant, est le seul objectif de Bill Stenwick. Mais un homme ose se mettre en travers de sa route...
American Horror Story

American Horror Story

Apr 24, 2024
À chaque saison, son histoire. American Horror Story nous embarque dans des récits à la fois poignants et cauchemardesques, mêlant la peur, le gore et le politiquement correct. De quoi vous confronter à vos plus grandes frayeurs !
The Cape

The Cape

Mar 11, 2011
L'officier Vince Faraday était un bon flic essayant de nettoyer sa ville de la corruption généralisée. Victime d'une machination et laissé pour mort, il est obligé de s'enfuir et de se cacher, loin de sa femme et de leur enfant. S'inspirant du comic préféré de son fils, il décide de devenir "The Cape", un super-héros faisant régner la justice dans les rues, effrayant les criminels de tous genres. A la recherche du parrain de la pègre qui l'a voulu mort, Vince rêve de retrouver un jour sa famille...
Action & Adventure
Bosch: Legacy

Bosch: Legacy

Nov 09, 2023
Harry Bosch entame un nouveau chapitre de sa carrière. Il se retrouve à travailler avec son ennemie d'autrefois et avocate de premier plan, Honey "Money" Chandler... Spin-off de la série Harry Bosch.