Külli Reinumägi

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Feb 25, 2010
A wintry fairytale for adults. The unusual love story is based on the motifs of H. C. Andersen's fairytale. A woman living in an ice castle lures a boy to her. He becomes so spellbound by the woman and her land of ice that he forgets the real world. The woman hides the secret of why she is living in the cold from the boy. Those, who know the original story by H.C. Andersen, will also remember that only a few lines spoke of the relationship between the boy and the Snow Queen. The question remained unanswered: what did the boy and the Snow Queen do in the ice castle during all the time the girl spent looking for the boy?


Sep 13, 2007
Autumn in Estonia, where six people live, six solitudes, prisoners of the monotonous architecture of Soviet-era concrete buildings, in search of human companionship, of love, of a ray of light in an ocean of gray.
Mis teeb rõõmsaks?

Mis teeb rõõmsaks?

Jun 06, 2024
Ten year old Lily has to play multiple roles at once, facing the questions of the adult world. It is often the children who know how to live life without making it overly complicated and see that the key to happiness lies in simplicity – whether it's the first rays of sunshine, a hug from a loved one, or a snowball fight.


Sep 20, 2024
Helena is a 48-year-old paramedic – a strong and efficient woman who has no difficulty handling the practical details of everyday life. Due to her work Helena is well aware of what goes on behind closed doors and in the dark shadows of the night. But the fact that she herself has emotionally abandoned her daughter Stefi a long time ago, remains invisible to her. Deeds that haven’t been done and words that haven’t been spoken lead Helena’s life towards that very darkness on a fast track.
Sandra saab tööd

Sandra saab tööd

Sep 24, 2021
Doctor of Physics Sandra suddenly loses her job. Finding a new job seems easy at first glance, but it turns into various tragicomic challenges. Endless job interviews bring the former researcher together with all sorts of situations and new personalities.
Un Toutou XXL

Un Toutou XXL

Aug 15, 2008
L'histoire de Myskry commence en 1989 lorsque le mur de Berlin s’effondre. Le père d'une famille finlandaise ramène à la maison un joli chiot nommé Myskry. Personne dans la famille ne sait rien sur ce nouveau chien, pas même sa race. Petit à petit, le mystère de Myskry se découvre et les nouveaux propriétaires du chien en apprennent d’avantage sur lui. Ils apprennent notamment qu’auparavant Myskry était placé comme chien de garde du mur de Berlin. Marie, la fille de 7 ans est très enchantée et décide de prendre le chiot sous son aile. Myskry grandit de manière impressionnante jusqu’à atteindre la taille d'un ours, il entreprend alors la tache d'enlever tous les dangers, les menaces et les obstacles autour de sa protégée, Marie. Très vite les deux amis deviendront inséparables.


Mar 08, 2012
A group of women create a organisation named "Kättemaksukontor" to fight for the rights of women and help solve murder mysterys for the police.
Tuuli Roosma mees

Tuuli Roosma mees

May 20, 2021
If you have the greatest wife on Earth and you are the lousiest man, who are you? The husband of Tuuli Roosma. One day Arbo is fed up with living in the shadow of his wife. He puts his foot down and starts a new life.


Nov 26, 2012
In a humorous tone, "Ment" (Russian criminals called militiamen in Soviet-era slang) tells the story of the daily life of an ordinary police officer.