Chris Smith

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Grooming Giselle

Grooming Giselle

Mar 29, 2013
Blake is a talented acting student as well as an unrealistic dreamer when it comes down to how to make a living until he makes it "big". Continuously fired from minimum wage employment, Blake and his best friend Elliot get sucked into the dangerous world of gambling. Luckily, Blake's sister Angela has proven to be a reliable roommate and so far taken care of her irresponsible younger brother. When a car crash on the way to a job interview lands her in the hospital, Blake offers to start the job in his sister's place, which turns out to be more complicated than expected: His ward is the homely and socially inept 20-year-old agoraphobic Giselle, who insists on a *female* assistant. However, the girl and her mother have never met Angela in person, and thus Blake is able to transform himself into a convincingly enough version of his sister.
Top Gunner: America vs. Russia
During a new age of tensions between America and Russia, an assassination attempt is made on the Russian president while visiting the White House. An enraged Russia scrambles jets over the Atlantic, forcing the U.S. to fill the sky with its own fighters trying to stop the high-tech SU-57 squadrons before they ravage Washington, D.C.
Le Garçon d'honneur

Le Garçon d'honneur

Aug 14, 2021
Depuis qu’elle lui a demandé d’être son garçon d’honneur, Terry n’a qu’une seule chose en tête : ruiner le mariage de sa meilleure amie d’enfance (légèrement homophobe sur les bords) ! Prêt à tout pour atteindre son but, Terry élabore tout un tas de stratagèmes jusqu’à séduire le futur marié.
Amours : mode d'emploi
Des amis trentenaires mènent tous une vie qui les insatisfaits, qu'ils soient éternels célibataires, mariés ou fraîchement séparés. Pire, ils se jalousent les uns les autres, persuadés qu'ils seraient plus heureux en échangeant leurs quotidiens...