Asavarid Pinitkanjanapun

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War of Y is divided into four stories about struggles within the entertainment industry. Story 1- New Ship Before the ship, it wasn't easy. But this new era is even harder. Story 2 - War of Managers The story of a shipped couple who are privately a real couple. Managers and drama clash until the couple is forced to separate. Story 3 - Y-Idol A reality search for new actors—who can sing, dance, and act—and the chaos of the Idol Camp. Story 4 - Wife When one half of a shipped couple has a wife, will their future in this industry be ruined?
Mon, a newly graduated student from university, starts working as an intern in a big company because she admires Sam, the super rich chairwoman since young age. However, when Mon met Sam again, her image of her completely crashed, since she was not like the media shows her.
Secret crush on you

Secret crush on you

May 13, 2022
Découvrez le secret d'un jeune homme ringard qui tombe amoureux d'un lycéen de troisième année. Parce que son rêve est si loin d’être réalisé, observer est la seule chose qu’il peut faire. Mais que se passe-t-il lorsqu'un jour propice, le monde trouve une opportunité pour Toh de se faire connaître auprès de Neua, la personne dont il est amoureux depuis longtemps. Cette opportunité imprévue produit un chaos époustouflant pour Toh et le gang. Que Toh garde son amour secret qu'il faut cacher ou qu'il agisse avec audace et insouciance, le cœur n'est pas à la hauteur et l'opportunité n'est pas facile à trouver. Est-ce que cela fonctionnera ou échouera-t-il ? Que fera un harceleur débutant de son amour ?
The sign

The sign

Feb 10, 2024
Depuis sa naissance, Tharn ressent certains évènements avant qu'ils n'aient lieu et ses prémonitions peuvent porter aussi bien sur des circonstances joyeuses que dangereuses. Lorsque son chemin croise celui de Phaya, il a le sentiment qu'ils se connaissent depuis longtemps. Partenaires d'une unité spéciale d'enquêteurs sur-entrainés ils devront surmonter bien des obstacles pour rester ensemble et découvrir la vérité.
The sign

The sign

Feb 10, 2024
Depuis sa naissance, Tharn ressent certains évènements avant qu'ils n'aient lieu et ses prémonitions peuvent porter aussi bien sur des circonstances joyeuses que dangereuses. Lorsque son chemin croise celui de Phaya, il a le sentiment qu'ils se connaissent depuis longtemps. Partenaires d'une unité spéciale d'enquêteurs sur-entrainés ils devront surmonter bien des obstacles pour rester ensemble et découvrir la vérité.
I'm Dawan. Since I can remember, I have always had strange dreams about a quiet girl who often played with me in my dreams. One day, a new neighbor moved in, and that led to my family falling apart. My father ran away with the man next door, who turned out to be the father of Khimhan the quiet and small girl from next door. Initially, we were not close at all, but circumstances brought us closer and made us understand each other. However, Khimhan was unaware that while in the real world we were just friends, in my dreams, she and I did things that went far beyond that. So, I kept my feelings concealed because I couldn't let her know. I never realized that in those dreams, I was not the only one dreaming.
The Loyal Pin

The Loyal Pin

Nov 17, 2024
La princesse Anin et Pin, amies d'enfance, sont séparées lorsque la princesse part étudier en Angleterre. Cette distance permet à Anin de prendre conscience des sentiments qu'elle éprouve pour son amie. À son retour en Thaïlande, elle tente de se rapprocher de Pin afin de lui avouer son amour. Mais, la situation se complique car Pin est déjà fiancée à Kueakiat, ce qui rend la confession de la princesse plus délicate.
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One of them is stubborn with their words, while the other is tough at heart. A clumsy, tsundere love story between a skilled female engineer and a fierce, beautiful vice president—will their love have a happy ending? Let’s find out!


Jan 01, 1970
The love between lord Khun Yai and Kaewta, a traditional Thai dancer, remained unfulfilled, leading to a tragedy that hindered Khun Phra Nai's soul from being reborn. In Kaewta's new life, he encounters the ancient Thai house inhabited by the owner's spirit. Memories of the past come to the surface.
When he gets tangled up with a mafia boss's son's girlfriend and ends up in a scuffle, young Yothin needs to find a safe place. Instead of sending him overseas, his father decides to send him to the countryside! There, he stays in Bang Pho under the care of subdistrict headman, a close friend of his father. He's also under the watchful eye of the village headman who happens to be the subdistrict headman's grandson and is overseeing his probation. As Yothin spends more time with Jomkhwan, his perception of the village headman begins gradually to change.