Soojin is not planning to get married nor have kids. However, her mother insists that she lives a NORMAL life and forces her to get her ova frozen. And things get very hormonal.
Kim Ji‑young est une épouse aimante et une mère attentionnée. Soucieuse de respecter les traditions familiales sud‑coréennes, la jeune trentenaire a quitté son travail dans une agence de relation publique pour se consacrer entièrement à l'éducation de sa fille. Ces valeurs ancestrales ne lui correspondent cependant pas, et Kim Ji‑young commence à perdre pied.
Yong-soon is an 18-year-old high school student. She falls in love with her gym teacher, but she thinks her teacher might have a girlfriend. Yong-Soon and her friends try to find out whether he does have a girlfriend, but they can't find any clues. Making things worse, her father brings a new stepmother from Mongolia.