Ayla Judson

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RSO [Registered Sex Offender]
After serving three long years in prison, a registered sex offender returns to civilization, only to find an environment that's completely uncivilized. At the top of his list is finding a job — and getting his vindictive girlfriend to put out again.
The Magnificent Dead

The Magnificent Dead

Jan 01, 2010
The Magnificent Dead takes place in the 1870's in the small Texas town of Rosewood where local rancher Jared Hamilton and his men have declared war on the town, using fear and death to prevent a new railroad line from coming through. Guided by a priest, Father Julian the desperate town leaders decide to hire a group of six gunmen to help clean up the town. These gunmen are legendary, as they are afflicted with Leprosy and fight with reckless abandon and ruthlessness, for they have nothing to lose.


Mar 05, 2009
Something awaits Tyler Jensen and his friends in the Hallettsville house. When Tyler's lifelong friends start dying, he must figure out a way to save himself, his girlfriend and the rest of the crew before the demons come.


Apr 01, 2007
A mother's jealousy, of her daughter's relationship with the father, becomes abusively hateful after the young girl accidentally causes the death of her father.
Katie's Journey

Katie's Journey

Feb 28, 2008
A little girl must reconcile with her father after a family tragedy. Little does she know that her anger fueled drawings have the power to change reality.


Mar 31, 2010
Anna is a young, single mother whose bold personality and twisted sense of humor leads people to either love or hate her. Carol, a family therapist, decides to love Anna, and wants to help, but inviting this reckless young mother and her three sons into her life ends up being a lot more than she bargained for.
Our Father

Our Father

Jun 01, 2018
Father Gabriel, a charismatic, man of God, undergoes a critical test of his faithfulness when he is reunited after 20 years with the woman he loved. Now a religious sister, she finds herself drawn to the mystical boxing priest who beyond being a dynamic leader in the community also heals the sick and performs miracles. When the two religious' passionate romance becomes uncontainable, they encounter a character from their past that will force Father Gabriel to choose between God's will and his will.
Comment manger 10 vers de terre en une journée
Dès sa première journée à sa nouvelle école, Billy, onze ans, doit affronter Joe, le turan de la classe. Déterminé à ne pas se laisser manger sur les pieds, Billy accepte un pari peu ragoûtant : manger dix vers de terre en une journée, et sans vomir ! En comparaison, même les choux de Bruxelles sont délicieux ! Mais s'il veut se faire respecter et gagner l'estime de ses camarades de classe, Billy n'a plus le choix : il doit relever ce défi... gastronomique !
Grey Ardent

Grey Ardent

May 17, 2007
So many films on the war show the "soldier away from home" point of view, but what happens to these young boys here, before they leave to fight? What conflicts do they face?


Aug 24, 2006
A young soldier returns home after two years in Iraq, and attempts to pick up his life where he left off. However, he doesn't receive the warm homecoming he expected and he starts to realize that things are not all as they seem.


Mar 28, 2008
Brandon King, un héros de la guerre en Irak, fête son retour dans sa petite ville natale du Texas. Il essaye de renouer avec sa vie d'avant, de ressérrer les liens avec sa famille et son meilleur ami, Steve Shriver, qui était avec lui en Irak. Mais l'armée lui ordonne de repartir là-bas, mais il refuse...