A satirical and fictional look at a 1950’s all black variety show and its controversial gay host Cherry Cola Pitts. Set in 1956, the show is threatening to overtake “I Love Lucy” in the TV ratings but faces backlash because of its flamboyant host as he battles to keep his show atop the ratings all while facing demons from his past and threats from inside his own network to bring him down.
Raven Harris is an exotic dancer determined to build her own empire with her brother Rashon. Together they have a plan to change their lives but unfortunately, someone is on a mission to destroy Raven.
While becoming the next upcoming entertainment mogul, Roman Perry learns about his brother's criminal activity, disrupting his career and family matters that unfold unsolicited secrets.
Tracy's life spirals when his brother, who is a drug lord and the owner of Street Approved Records, is murdered along with their mother. He finds himself drawn into a life he had grown up protected from and now finds it's the thing that drives him.
An expectant couple heads to a remote cabin to have a natural childbirth, but comes under attack from a predatory midwife who will stop at nothing to snatch their unborn child from them.