Sudo Yukiyo

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The Cossacks have left their beautiful wife and child behind. Every morning, he goes to work, and at night, when he comes home, he finds his wife and child. The man begins to feel that something is different. He can't sleep, he can't laugh, and he has no answers. One day, a woman chased by a suspicious foreigner runs into the cinema where he works. A few days later, by chance, he meets the woman again and decides to accompany her on her "last dangerous job", without knowing what is going on. During the short journey. The man is convinced that she is the answer to his life... The story could be seen as a dream of a Peter Pan man who wants to be a boy forever, but thanks to the characters and good performances of the lead actors, it is successfully made into a physical reality. The result is a bittersweet, "slightly older" boy meets girl story.


Oct 28, 2001
L'histoire est celle, assez classique d'une guerre des clans ourdie par le plus puissant d'entre eux pour les contrôler tous, Mais une petit groupe d'irréductible se dégage et décide de se battre jusqu'au bout. Ce groupe c'est celui d'Higuchi et de Kunihiko, deux dur de dur qui n'acceptent pas de se faire gober sur tapis vert par leurs anciens rivaux et vont donc entrainer avec eux quelques yakuzas décidés pour défendre leur clan.