Jerry Brown

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Road to the Presidency
ROAD TO THE PRESIDENCY is a three-part documentary that offers an unprecedented view of the 1992 Presidential race Bill Clinton's ascent to the presidency. This documentary presents startlingly up-close views of Bill Clinton's path through the primaries, the Democratic convention, and the televised debates with President George H.W. Bush. Produced for PBS' groundbreaking series "The 90s," and directed by pioneering video journalist Scott Jacobs, ROAD TO THE PRESIDENCY goes far beyond simple campaign reporting. It is compelling viewing that is at times funny and poignant as well as instructive, and provides an inside-look at the 2004 Presidential election.
Jerry Brown: The Disrupter
Governor Jerry Brown has had a storied political life, and Marina Zenovich’s tremendous portrait of him captures the highs and lows, augmented by present-day interviews with her protagonist. Ahead of his time in many ways, especially as an environmentalist, he is the longest-serving governor in the history of California, who eliminated the state’s billion-dollar deficit and enacted historic environmental and criminal justice reforms. From his early days in San Francisco as the son of Governor Pat Brown to his current work around climate change and nuclear threats, Zenovich’s timely film proposes a hopeful alternative to the current political morass.
The Fight In The Fields
This documentary traces the history of the United Farmworkers Union and the life of its founder, Cesar Chavez, from his birth in Arizona, his education into organizing and non-violence, his formation of the union, to his death in 1993. It includes newsreel footage of the Delano grape boycott, Senate hearings conducted by Robert F. Kennedy, Chavez's fasts, encounters with growers and rival Teamsters. Recent interviews with Chavez family members, Ethyl Kennedy, Roger Cardinal Mahony, Governor Jerry Brown, and current and past UFW leaders round out the history and assessment of Chavez and the Union.
The War Room

The War Room

Nov 03, 1993
A behind-the-scenes documentary about the Clinton for President campaign, focusing on the adventures of spin doctors James Carville and George Stephanopoulos.
The First Angry Man

The First Angry Man

Nov 07, 2019
“The First Angry Man” unpacks the dramatic campaign that slashed property taxes in California, leading to the collapse of the great public ambitions of postwar America and launched a nationwide tax revolt that continues unabated today.
The Black Godfather

The Black Godfather

Jun 06, 2019
Ce documentaire suit Clarence Avant, mentor résolu et véritable magicien œuvrant dans les coulisses de la musique, du cinéma, de la télévision et de la politique.


May 25, 2019
Les récits d'écologistes et de défenseurs de l'environnement sont opposés à la tendance humaine à l'ingénierie et au contrôle dans ce documentaire approfondi sur l'industrie lucrative des écloseries de saumon.
The Times of Harvey Milk
Retraçant fidèlement le climat politique et social de San Francisco dans les années 70, The Times of Harvey Milk constitue un portrait réussi et passionnant de ce qui fut vraiment perdu lorsque Harvey Milk, conseiller municipal de San Francisco, et le maire George Moscone furent brutalement assassinés en novembre 1978 par un autre conseiller municipal : Dan White. Fascinant du début à la fin, The Times of Harvey Milk reste toujours autant d'actualité qu'en 1984 lorsqu'il remporta l'Oscar.


Apr 27, 1983
Sur une musique de Philip Glass se succèdent des images de nature, de vies sociales, d'individus, de paysages somptueux arrachés à la paix de la Création par des bulldozers, des brouillards de pollution... Ce film nous emmène dans des lieux situés aux quatre coins des États-Unis et nous montre le lourd tribut que la technologie moderne fait payer aux humains et à la planète. Ce poème visuel ne contient ni dialogue ni narration vocale : son ton est donné par la juxtaposition d'images et la musique exceptionnelle de Philip Glass.


Oct 05, 1995
Pirated satellite feeds revealing U.S. media personalities’ contempt for their viewers come full circle in Spin. TV out-takes appropriated from network satellite feeds unravel the tightly-spun fabric of television—a system that silences public debate and enforces the exclusion of anyone outside the pack of journalists, politicians, spin doctors, and televangelists who manufacture the news. Spin moves through the L.A. riots and the floating TV talk-show called the 1992 U.S. presidential election.


Feb 06, 2004
Comment, aux Jeux Olympiques d'hiver de 1980 à Lake Placid, l'équipe de hockey américaine a remporté la médaille d'or face aux invincibles Soviétiques.
Harvey Milk

Harvey Milk

Nov 05, 2008
Le film retrace les 8 dernières années de la vie d'Harvey Milk. Dans les années 70, il fut le premier homme politique américain ouvertement gay à être élu à des fonctions officielles, à San Francisco en Californie. Son combat pour la tolérance et l'intégration des communautés homosexuelles lui coûta la vie. Son action a changé les mentalités, et son engagement a changé l'histoire.
Who Bombed Judi Bari?

Who Bombed Judi Bari?

Mar 02, 2012
Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney were falsely arrested for car-bombing themselves on May 24, 1990 while on an Earth First! musical organizing tour for Redwood Summer. They sued the FBI for violations of the First Amendment, claiming the FBI knew they were innocent but arrested them to try to silence them. Having survived the bomb but now stricken by cancer, Judi Bari, a leader of the movement to save California's old growth redwoods, gives her on-camera, deathbed testimony about the attempt on her life and her colorful organizing history with the radical environmental movement Earth First.
Gore Vidal: The United States of Amnesia
Anchored by intimate, one-on-one interviews with the man himself, Nicholas Wrathall’s new documentary is a fascinating and wholly entertaining tribute to the iconic Gore Vidal. Commentary by those who knew him best—including filmmaker/nephew Burr Steers and the late Christopher Hitchens—blends with footage from Vidal’s legendary on-air career to remind us why he will forever stand as one of the most brilliant and fearless critics of our time.
The Syndrome

The Syndrome

Oct 12, 2014
An explosive documentary focused on a team of doctors who expose the junk science behind an unprecedented criminal justice crisis.
Ivory Tower

Ivory Tower

Jun 13, 2014
As tuition spirals upward and student debt passes a trillion dollars, students and parents ask, "Is college worth it?" From the halls of Harvard to public and private colleges in financial crisis to education startups in Silicon Valley, an urgent portrait emerges of a great American institution at the breaking point.
The Last Party

The Last Party

Aug 27, 1993
A youthful perspective on the 1992 presidential campaign with a witty, cautionary message to young Americans to start participating in democracy or get the kind of government they deserve.


Oct 01, 1992
This is a documentary about the 1992 New Hampshire primaries. It includes much footage of candidates as they meet people, and just before they go "on-air".
Rogues In Robes

Rogues In Robes

May 04, 2016
A clinical review of judicial corruption, the good and the bad guys showcased. The need for complete, federal and state judicial reform, term limits, with no immunities.
Workers Con

Workers Con

Nov 01, 2017
Workers Compensation, is the Worker's Con, a process flawed, buried in bureaucracy, adding insult to injury.
The Road to Mass Incarceration
This video, The Road to Mass Incarceration, by Greenhouse Media summarizes criminal justice policy decisions dating back to the 1960s. Although the effects often took decades to manifest, each of these policy shifts increased the rate of incarceration in the U.S. The video ends with many of the architects of these changes, Democrats and Republicans alike, admitting the failure of these policies and suggesting that it is time for real change.
A Good Day to Die

A Good Day to Die

Nov 12, 2010
Interviews and archival footage profile the life of Dennis Banks, American Indian Movement leader who looks back at his early life and the rise of the Movement.
The Real World

The Real World

Aug 29, 2019
Que se passe-t-il quand on se dit les choses en face ? Pour répondre à cette question, des inconnus acceptent de devenir colocataires dans cette série de téléréalité culte.
The Problem with Jon Stewart
Il est facile de se sentir dépassé par les problèmes du monde. Il est plus difficile d'identifier les systèmes responsables de leur création. Dans cette série, Jon Stewart rassemble des personnes affectées par différentes parties d'un problème pour discuter de la façon dont nous proposons le changement.
The Reagans

The Reagans

Dec 06, 2020
L'ascension politique de Ronald Reagan, ex-acteur hollywoodien de seconde zone qui a épousé en seconde noces Nancy Davis en 1952 , est spectaculaire.


Mar 06, 2020
Ce documentaire en quatre parties raconte les dessous de la campagne présidentielle pour les élections de 2016 aux Etats-Unis de la candidate démocrate, Hillary Clinton. Il repose sur des images d'archives et des entretiens exclusifs avec les membres de la famille Clinton qui abordent de nombreux thèmes. Parmi eux, la liaison en 1998 entre Bill Clinton et la jeune stagiaire de la Maison Blanche, que le président américain avait initialement niée et qui avait mené à une procédure en destitution. Mais le Sénat, acquis alors aux démocrates, avait voté contre la destitution de Bill Clinton, lui permettant d'achever son second mandat.
War & Politics