Ali Rıza Özbilgiç

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Manisa Tarzanı

Manisa Tarzanı

Dec 16, 1994
Ahmet Bedevi, also known as Tarzan of Manisa, was born in 1900 in Baghdad to become a soldier, fighting in the War of Independence and honored with a medal. He returned to a ruined and destroyed Manisa in 1923. Bedevi started working at the Municipality as a fireman and a gardener. He became the pioneer and symbol of planting activities. Because of the soft climate of the area, he first wore a vest and trousers and then he started wandering about in the town in his shorts. The people of Manisa saw his resemblance to Tarzan because of his clothes, and always cherished him with love. Tarzan of Manisa lived in the mount Spilylus, ignoring all his individual needs but working for a greener environment. He died on 31st May, 1963. However, he has never been forgotten by the locals; on the contrary, he was immortalized for the things he did for Manisa and people followed his example.
Adı Vasfiye

Adı Vasfiye

Nov 03, 1985
The story of a provincial woman named Vasfiye, whose life passed changing hands and drifting between men in Aegean towns, is told by different narrators. The story changes every time the narrator changes. However, it is not known which story is the truth.
Olanlar Oldu

Olanlar Oldu

Jan 19, 2017
Les projets d'une mère pour trouver l'âme sœur de son fils tombent à l'eau lorsqu'une jeune femme fait irruption dans leur vie et provoque tout un lot de mésaventures.
Bodrum Masalı

Bodrum Masalı

Jun 08, 2017
A drama about a family which the father was in debt. After they lost everything they move in Bodrum where the parents born. They struggle to save the father from the police.