Bruno Nuytten

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Nathalie Granger

Nathalie Granger

Sep 27, 1973
Dans une jolie maison des Yvelines, au bord d'une rivière, vivent deux femmes. L'une s'adonne aux travaux ménagers et au jardinage, assiste aux leçons de piano des enfants. L'autre, Madame Granger, s'inquiète de l'avenir de sa fille Nathalie, "d'une violence peu commune", a dit la maîtresse. Nathalie acceptera-t-elle d'être pensionnaire et de suivre des cours de musique? Seul un transistor, narrant les méfaits de deux jeunes tueurs, brise le silence qui hante la maison. C’est alors qu’un représentant fait irruption dans la maison.
Il était une fois... Tchao pantin
"Derrière le succès critique et commercial de "Tchao Pantin" (1983) se dissimule une tragédie, celle de Coluche à un tournant de sa vie et de sa carrière. Claude Berri, réalisateur du film, Richard Anconina et Agnès Soral, ses acteurs, retracent la genèse du film. Mais Coluche devient progressivement le véritable sujet de l'enquête de Serge July... "Il était une fois... Coluche !"


Jan 29, 2016
A meeting between two friends: the cinematographer Caroline Champetier shoots a documentary about cinematographer Bruno Nuytten, making a film about his gesture and the relation between film art and craftwork.
La couleur des mots

La couleur des mots

Jun 12, 1984
This afterword to India Song (Duras' celebrated 1975 film) is organized in several parts. It begins with an interview to Marguerite Duras by Dominique Noguez, an expert in her work; the interview links the film to the two movies whom it's related to: The Ravishment of Lol V. Stein and The Vice-Consul. Several themes are tackled: childhood, autobiographical traces, relationships between differents characters and different films and more. India Song's main actors — Delphine Seyrig and Michael Lonsdale, who played Anne-Marie Stretter and the French vice-consul — join the conversation and talk about their roles and their craft. Marguerite Duras then evokes her memories of the shooting with the composer Carlos D'Alessio and her camera operato Bruno Nuytten. The conversations are punctuated by clips of the film.


May 31, 2000
A behind the scenes look at Bernardo Bertolucci’s classic film about the dark side of the sexual revolution: Last Tango in Paris, starring Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider.


May 31, 2000
A behind the scenes look at Bernardo Bertolucci’s classic film about the dark side of the sexual revolution: Last Tango in Paris, starring Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider.


Jun 20, 1980
A behind the scenes look at Bernardo Bertolucci’s classic film about the dark side of the sexual revolution: Last Tango in Paris, starring Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider.
Albert souffre

Albert souffre

Sep 02, 1992
A behind the scenes look at Bernardo Bertolucci’s classic film about the dark side of the sexual revolution: Last Tango in Paris, starring Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider.
Albert souffre

Albert souffre

Sep 02, 1992
A behind the scenes look at Bernardo Bertolucci’s classic film about the dark side of the sexual revolution: Last Tango in Paris, starring Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider.
Le Pornographe

Le Pornographe

Oct 03, 2001
A behind the scenes look at Bernardo Bertolucci’s classic film about the dark side of the sexual revolution: Last Tango in Paris, starring Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider.


May 27, 1981
A behind the scenes look at Bernardo Bertolucci’s classic film about the dark side of the sexual revolution: Last Tango in Paris, starring Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider.
La Femme du Gange

La Femme du Gange

Apr 03, 1974
A behind the scenes look at Bernardo Bertolucci’s classic film about the dark side of the sexual revolution: Last Tango in Paris, starring Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider.
Jean de Florette

Jean de Florette

Aug 27, 1986
A behind the scenes look at Bernardo Bertolucci’s classic film about the dark side of the sexual revolution: Last Tango in Paris, starring Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider.
Cygne II

Cygne II

Jul 02, 1976
A behind the scenes look at Bernardo Bertolucci’s classic film about the dark side of the sexual revolution: Last Tango in Paris, starring Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider.
La Tortue sur le dos

La Tortue sur le dos

Sep 27, 1978
A behind the scenes look at Bernardo Bertolucci’s classic film about the dark side of the sexual revolution: Last Tango in Paris, starring Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider.
L'assassin musicien

L'assassin musicien

Mar 17, 1976
A behind the scenes look at Bernardo Bertolucci’s classic film about the dark side of the sexual revolution: Last Tango in Paris, starring Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider.
L'Exercice du pouvoir

L'Exercice du pouvoir

Mar 08, 1978
At the turn of the century, an unusual woman refuses to become an object to be desired or played with. Instead she wants to succeed on the stage of politics in the Third Republic.
Cygne I

Cygne I

Jul 02, 1976
At the turn of the century, an unusual woman refuses to become an object to be desired or played with. Instead she wants to succeed on the stage of politics in the Third Republic.
Souvenirs d'en France

Souvenirs d'en France

Sep 03, 1975
At the turn of the century, an unusual woman refuses to become an object to be desired or played with. Instead she wants to succeed on the stage of politics in the Third Republic.
La Pirate

La Pirate

May 23, 1984
At the turn of the century, an unusual woman refuses to become an object to be desired or played with. Instead she wants to succeed on the stage of politics in the Third Republic.
Les Sœurs Brontë

Les Sœurs Brontë

May 09, 1979
At the turn of the century, an unusual woman refuses to become an object to be desired or played with. Instead she wants to succeed on the stage of politics in the Third Republic.
La vie est un roman

La vie est un roman

Apr 20, 1983
At the turn of the century, an unusual woman refuses to become an object to be desired or played with. Instead she wants to succeed on the stage of politics in the Third Republic.
Invitation au voyage

Invitation au voyage

Jun 19, 1982
At the turn of the century, an unusual woman refuses to become an object to be desired or played with. Instead she wants to succeed on the stage of politics in the Third Republic.
Tchao Pantin

Tchao Pantin

Dec 20, 1983
At the turn of the century, an unusual woman refuses to become an object to be desired or played with. Instead she wants to succeed on the stage of politics in the Third Republic.
Les Enfants

Les Enfants

Feb 01, 1985
At the turn of the century, an unusual woman refuses to become an object to be desired or played with. Instead she wants to succeed on the stage of politics in the Third Republic.
La Quille, bon Dieu !

La Quille, bon Dieu !

Jan 01, 1971
At the turn of the century, an unusual woman refuses to become an object to be desired or played with. Instead she wants to succeed on the stage of politics in the Third Republic.
Mon cœur est rouge

Mon cœur est rouge

Mar 23, 1977
A poll for an advertising agency during a working day resulting in a series of meetings with women and men from different social strata, each one of them with a different problem.
Le Camion

Le Camion

May 27, 1977
A poll for an advertising agency during a working day resulting in a series of meetings with women and men from different social strata, each one of them with a different problem.
Tristan et Iseult

Tristan et Iseult

Apr 09, 1972
This magnificently photographed French film tells the ancient legend of Tristan and Isolde to the accompaniment of an operatic musical score by MAGMA. Tristan is a young warrior who has been sent to Ireland from Cornwall to bring back Isolde, the bride of his king. The two of them drink a love potion, fall in love, and, despite the wrath of their people, persist in their tragic love.
Gradiva: Esquisse I

Gradiva: Esquisse I

Aug 29, 1978
The movie shows a smattering of images from the story of Wilhelm Jensen's Gradiva. The subject is sublimated desire.
India Song

India Song

Jun 04, 1975
The movie shows a smattering of images from the story of Wilhelm Jensen's Gradiva. The subject is sublimated desire.
Zoo zéro

Zoo zéro

May 09, 1979
The movie shows a smattering of images from the story of Wilhelm Jensen's Gradiva. The subject is sublimated desire.
Science Fiction


May 10, 1985
The movie shows a smattering of images from the story of Wilhelm Jensen's Gradiva. The subject is sublimated desire.
Nulle part ailleurs

Nulle part ailleurs

Jun 30, 1989
Des invités venus d'horizons divers (écrivains, chanteurs, acteurs, intellectuels…) étaient reçus afin d'être interviewés par l'animateur et parfois mis en boîte par différents intervenants et d'ainsi parler de leur actualité. Le tout était entrecoupé de séquences comme le JT (journal télévisé), la météo, les Nuls ou les Guignols, Le Cinéma de Jamel, le Live musical ou encore le Zapping.
Nulle part ailleurs

Nulle part ailleurs

Feb 03, 2015
"Un film et son époque" se compose de 10 volets documentaires sur 10 films mythiques, avec des entretiens exclusifs et des archives inédites. Les films, a fortiori les plus grands, sont toujours des documents exceptionnels pour témoigner d’une époque. Raconter leur genèse, leur fabrication, leur accueil, les replacer dans leur contexte historique et culturel, permet de mieux les comprendre mais aussi de mieux appréhender la période de leur création. Pour paraphraser le titre d’une célébrissime émission de la télévision d’autrefois : la caméra du documentaire «?Il était une fois…?» explore le temps du film…