Mike Marino

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Walking on the Sky

Walking on the Sky

Sep 09, 2005
A small group of friends are faced with the sudden tragic death of one of their own when he commits suicide, leaving the remaining six in a free-fall of attempting to find out why.
Kung-Fu and Titties

Kung-Fu and Titties

Aug 09, 2013
Richard Titties, an out-of-shape martial arts wannabe, is shot into an alternate dimension after his girlfriend Cynthia is kidnapped. Her captors are a group of tittie obsessed madmen led by Zeefros, the master of the supernatural realm. Zeefros kidnaps women for the sole purpose of seeing their titties. Richard joins up with his sister Raine Brown, a Gorilla and a gaggle of other strange characters, in order to save his girlfriend. He must search inside, overcome his futile martial arts skills, and find the kung fu fighter within if he is to save himself and all those that dwell in the alternate world.


Dec 13, 2016
A widely ignored filmmaker becomes a vicious serial killer to punish the world for rejecting his self-proclaimed brilliance. He stays one step ahead of the authorities, broadcasting his crimes on the internet.
Totally Blonde

Totally Blonde

Jan 01, 2001
Meg Peters just can't seem to find Mr. Right, she bleaches her hair blonde and we answer the age old question "Do blondes really have more fun?"


Mar 15, 2024
A young woman is plagued with recurring visions of a demon-like creature that she believes she actually saw during a night in the woods with her boyfriend and their roommate. Her attempts to get the guys to take her seriously are dismissed as false memories from a drunken night. While driving to the backcountry, they encountered a ranger who cryptically warned them about strange sounds in the forest and the dangers of trespassing on a private stretch of land called the Devil's Backbone. As the days pass, the visions grow stronger and the Creature's form becomes more clear, until one night it appears outside her window. She again tries to warn her friends, armed with knowledge that the threat is real. However, when the Creature gets inside, it's already too late.—Cody Boesen


Aug 02, 1989
Dino Capisco vient juste de sortir de prison. Désirant se rapprocher de sa fille, il l'engage comme chauffeur. Mais, celle-ci s'habitue vite au mode de vie de son gangster de père.


Mar 15, 2024
A young woman is plagued with recurring visions of a demon-like creature that she believes she actually saw during a night in the woods with her boyfriend and their roommate. Her attempts to get the guys to take her seriously are dismissed as false memories from a drunken night. While driving to the backcountry, they encountered a ranger who cryptically warned them about strange sounds in the forest and the dangers of trespassing on a private stretch of land called the Devil's Backbone. As the days pass, the visions grow stronger and the Creature's form becomes more clear, until one night it appears outside her window. She again tries to warn her friends, armed with knowledge that the threat is real. However, when the Creature gets inside, it's already too late.—Cody Boesen


May 13, 2004
Psychiatre à la radio, Frasier Crane, voit ses petites habitudes bouleversées lorsqu’il accepte d’accueillir son père chez lui. Divorcé et maniaque, cet homme de quarante ans est habitué à vivre seul et n’aime pas que l’on dérange sa petite routine. Cependant il ne peut mettre à la porte son père handicapé (policier blessé en service) et les deux hommes sont obligés de cohabiter tant bien que mal. Mais la communication n’est pas bonne, père et fils ont du mal à extérioriser leurs sentiments et les discussions finissent bien souvent en disputes. Pour s’éloigner de cette ambiance tendue, Frasier aime retrouver son frère Niles autour d'un café, pour philosopher sur l'existence et critiquer son entourage. Niles est un personnage snob et intolérant, peu disposé à faire des sacrifices.


Jan 27, 2002
Nikki White poursuit son rêve d'être une showgirl à Las Vegas, tandis que son mari, Dwight, tente de percer dans la lutte professionnelle.