Drew Hastings

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Drew Hastings: Irked and Miffed
At 6'6" tall, clad in a tailored black suit and trademark black horn-rimmed glasses, Drew Hastings is a commanding presence on the stage. As he launches into his personal study of the complex human condition, the irregularities and uncertainties of misguided love, and his earnest attempts at farming, he is hilarious, insightful and deeply self-deprecating. Drew has been a regular guest on the syndicated Bob and Tom Radio Show and All-Star Theatre Tour, and he has years of stand up experience in clubs all across the country. His seasoned comedic talent pays off big in his first long awaited comedy special! Articulate yet acerbic, Drew Hastings is a raconteur with plenty of stories to tell. Irked & Miffed will leave you anything but.
Night Creep

Night Creep

Jan 01, 2003
Shot-on-video horror centered around a nightmare stalker and a hallucinogenic drug.
Bienvenue en prison

Bienvenue en prison

Nov 17, 2006
Le jeune John Lyshitski est un pur produit du système pénitentiaire américain. Il a passé la moitié de sa vie derrière les barreaux et en connaît le fonctionnement par cœur. Après sa quatrième sortie, il décide de se venger du juge responsable de ses malheurs, mais apprend que celui-ci vient juste de mourir. Dépité, John découvre que le magistrat avait un fils et décide de déplacer l’objet de sa vengeance vers lui, en ourdissant un complot qui envoie sa progéniture en prison. Mais pour être bien certain que le fils de son ennemi va souffrir de la même façon que lui a souffert durant la moitié de sa vie, il décide de commettre un crime afin de l’accompagner derrière les barreaux.
Drew Hastings: Irked and Miffed
At 6'6" tall, clad in a tailored black suit and trademark black horn-rimmed glasses, Drew Hastings is a commanding presence on the stage. As he launches into his personal study of the complex human condition, the irregularities and uncertainties of misguided love, and his earnest attempts at farming, he is hilarious, insightful and deeply self-deprecating. Drew has been a regular guest on the syndicated Bob and Tom Radio Show and All-Star Theatre Tour, and he has years of stand up experience in clubs all across the country. His seasoned comedic talent pays off big in his first long awaited comedy special! Articulate yet acerbic, Drew Hastings is a raconteur with plenty of stories to tell. Irked & Miffed will leave you anything but.


Aug 15, 2000
Sammy is an American animated television series that aired from August 8 until August 15, 2000. Inspired by Spade's own family tree, the show turns on James Blake, a TV star who's absentee free-loading father Sammy resurfaces after James makes it big.


Aug 15, 2000
Sammy is an American animated television series that aired from August 8 until August 15, 2000. Inspired by Spade's own family tree, the show turns on James Blake, a TV star who's absentee free-loading father Sammy resurfaces after James makes it big.