Bruce Gordon

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Lucy Gets Lucky

Lucy Gets Lucky

Mar 01, 1975
Lucy pulls out all the stops in Las Vegas to see her favorite entertainer, Dean Martin. Lucy gets a job working at the MGM Grand casino and high-stakes hijinks follow.


Aug 03, 1978
Un nouvelle espèce de piranhas créée par l'armée, capable de vivre en eau douce et en eau salée, est accidentellement relâchée dans un fleuve durant l'été. Le carnage commence...
La pêche au trésor

La pêche au trésor

Oct 12, 1949
Une folle poursuite ou les Marx sont lancés à la recherche de diamants dissimulés dans une boîte de conserve. Scène mémorable ou Harpo est torturé par une duchesse russe qui veut "le faire parler" ! C'est le dernier film réunissant Harpo, Chico et Groucho et une des premières apparitions au cinéma de Marilyn Monroe.
La Cité sans voiles

La Cité sans voiles

Mar 04, 1948
New-York, une nuit, une femme est attaquée chez elle par deux individus. Ils l'endorment au chloroforme, la noient dans sa baignoire, et lui dérobent ses bijoux. Quelques heures plus tard l'un des deux se débarrasse de l'autre. La police enquête sur le premier crime, convoque les suspects, en tient un, le surveille. Un jeune policier fait le lien entre les deux affaires...
La dernière rafale

La dernière rafale

Jul 14, 1948
Plusieurs personnes ont trouvé la mort lors de différents hold-up dans la région de Center City. Danker, un suspect dont on a retrouvé la carte d'identité sur un des lieux du crime, est innocenté et, dès sa sortie de prison, assassiné. L'inspecteur Briggs et son adjoint Gordon font appel à l'agent du FBI Gene Cordell qui, sous le nom de Joe Manley, débarque dans le quartier de Skid Row et tente d'infiltrer la pègre.
The Lark

The Lark

Feb 10, 1957
Adaptation of Jean Anouilh's 1952 play about Joan of Arc, the young girl who led the French to victory against the English in the Hundred Years' War.
TV Movie
Dans les griffes du vampire
Plusieurs jeunes femmes d'une petite ville du far west succombent mystérieusement à la suite d'une forme inhabituelle d'anémie. Dans le même temps, la famille Carter se retrouve menacée par un propriétaire terrien qui veut asseoir sa puissance dans la région, tandis qu'un mystérieux mercenaire habillé de cuir arrive en ville. Intrigué par ce nouvel arrivant qui fuit la lumière du soleil, le pasteur Dan Young va, quant à lui, découvrir bientôt que c'est un dangereux vampire...
Machismo: 40 Graves for 40 Guns
A Mexican bandit and his gang are offered a pardon and a cash reward if he will cross the border into America and bring back a gang of murderous gold thieves who robbed the local church and killed the priest and the Head Federales' wife and children.
Rider on a Dead Horse

Rider on a Dead Horse

May 27, 1962
Three prospectors divide and bury their gold to safeguard it from warring Apaches. Cue a series of double crosses, triple crosses, chases, and shoot-outs as greed drives the three men to murder and betrayal.
Les boucaniers

Les boucaniers

Dec 11, 1958
Fin 1814, le général Andrew Jackson apprend que les Anglais préparent un coup décisif à la Nouvelle-Orléans. De leur quartier général de Barataria, Jean Laffitte et ses boucaniers contrôlent la ville. Jusqu'à présent, le pirate, dont la tête est mise à prix, est parvenu à rester neutre. Il est amoureux d'Annette Claiborne, la fille aînée du gouverneur de l'État qui est victime de ses préjugés de caste et n'ose s'avouer qu'elle aime aussi le pirate français, alors que sa sœur Marie n'hésite pas à suivre l'homme qu'elle aime, Antonio Corona, à bord du Corinthian. Par amour pour Annette, Laffitte donne l'ordre à ses hommes de ne jamais attaquer de bateaux battant pavillon américain. En dépit de cet ordre, le capitaine Brown attaque et coule un navire. Laffitte et son second arrivent trop tard sur les lieux du naufrage…
Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar

Aug 01, 1955
The assassination of the would be ruler of Rome at the hands of Brutus and his fellow Senators has tragic consequences for the idealist and the republic.
La Tour de Londres

La Tour de Londres

Oct 24, 1962
Richard, duc de Gloucester, n'accepte pas que son aîné, le roi Édouard IV, à l'agonie, choisisse l'un de ses neveux comme successeur. Il assassine donc son cadet, le duc de Clarence, que le roi mourant a désigné comme protecteur. Dès lors, Richard bascule dans un engrenage meurtrier afin d'asseoir sa position sur le trône mais est hanté par les fantômes de ses victimes qui prophétisent la mort brutale du prétendant à la couronne.
Key Witness

Key Witness

Oct 06, 1960
An average Los Angeles citizen witnesses a gang murder when he stops to use a telephone. When he presents himself to the LAPD as the only person willing to identify the culprits, he opens himself up to a campaign of intimidation from the gang involved.
Boss Nigger

Boss Nigger

Aug 17, 1975
Deux chasseurs de primes noirs montent dans une petite ville dans l'Ouest à la recherche d'un hors la loi. Ils découvrent que la ville n'a pas shérif, et prendre bientôt sur cette position, bien contre la volonté des bourgeois blancs pour la plupart.
Hello Down There

Hello Down There

Jan 01, 1969
Acculé par son patron qui ne croit pas en son projet, Fred Miller, le concepteur d'une habitation sous-marine révolutionnaire, parvient à convaincre sa famille, à savoir sa femme qui a peur de l'eau et ses enfants qui composent des tubes pop, de vivre dans son invention durant un mois, en y incluant le reste du groupe musical. Même un collègue peu scrupuleux, une bande de requins, un ouragan déchaîné, un producteur de disques trop enthousiaste, une émission de télé, voire la marine américaine ne seront pas de taille à détourner la famille Miller de ses objectifs...
Mission of Danger

Mission of Danger

Jan 16, 1960
After his Rangers are caught during a raid, a major must infiltrate the French army to save his men.
77 Sunset Strip

77 Sunset Strip

Feb 07, 1964
Stu Bailey and Jeff Spencer are the wisecracking, womanizing private-detective heroes of this Warner Brothers drama. They work out of an office located at 77 Sunset Strip in Los Angeles, California, right next door to a snazzy restaurant where Kookie works as a valet. The finger-snapping, slang-talking Kookie occasionally helps Stu and Jeff with their cases, and eventually becomes a full-fledged member of the detective agency. Rex Randolph and J.R. Hale also join the firm, and Suzanne is their leggy secretary.
Cain's Hundred

Cain's Hundred

May 15, 1962
A former underworld lawyer goes to work for the Federal Government, determined to bring 100 top criminals to justice.
Simon & Simon

Simon & Simon

Mar 02, 1989
Ils ont beau avoir le même sang qui coule dans leurs veines, les frères Simon n'ont vraiment rien en commun. A.J. est tout ce qu'il y a de plus poli et classique, tandis que son grand frère Rick, un ancien du Vietnam, aime sortir des sentiers battus. Ensemble, ils sont pourtant à la tête d'une agence de détectives où leurs différences les aident à résoudre toute sorte d'affaires...
The Lucy Show

The Lucy Show

Mar 11, 1968
The Lucy Show is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from 1962–68. It was Lucille Ball's follow-up to I Love Lucy. A significant change in cast and premise for the 1965–66 season divides the program into two distinct eras; aside from Ball, only Gale Gordon, who joined the program for its second season, remained. For the first three seasons, Vivian Vance was the co-star. The earliest scripts were entitled The Lucille Ball Show, but when this title was declined, producers thought of calling the show This Is Lucy or The New Adventures of Lucy, before deciding on the title The Lucy Show. Ball won consecutive Emmy Awards as Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series for the series' final two seasons, 1966–67 and 1967–68.
Route 66

Route 66

Mar 20, 1964
Route 66 est une série télévisée américaine dans laquelle deux jeunes hommes ont parcouru l'Amérique dans une voiture de sport Chevrolet Corvette. L'émission a été diffusée chaque vendredi sur CBS du 7 octobre 1960 au 20 mars 1964. Elle mettait en vedette Martin Milner dans le rôle de Tod Stiles et, pendant les deux premières saisons et demie, George Maharis dans le rôle de Buz Murdock. Maharis a été malade pendant une grande partie de la troisième saison, période au cours de laquelle Tod a été montré voyageant seul. Tod a rencontré Lincoln Case, joué par Glenn Corbett, à la fin de la troisième saison, et a voyagé avec lui jusqu'à la fin de la quatrième et dernière saison.
La Cité sans voile

La Cité sans voile

May 29, 1963
La série présente des enquêtes menées par les inspecteurs du 65e commissariat de police du New York City Police Department avec des intrigues se concentrant beaucoup sur les criminels et les victimes.


Apr 13, 1975
Joe Mannix est un enquêteur au service de la société Intersect. Dirigée par Lew Wickersham, cette agence peut toujours compter sur ses ordinateurs super puissants pour gérer les crises et obtenir des informations. Pourtant, Mannix, son meilleur agent, privilégie le terrain. Retrouver des personnes disparues, rechercher des objets volés ou démêler des affaires de corruption sont dans ses cordes. En raison de ses méthodes de vraie tête brûlée trop solitaire, le justicier au brushing impeccable entre très souvent en conflit avec son supérieur, dont la vision d’une affaire n’est jamais la même.
Action & Adventure
Surfside 6

Surfside 6

Jun 25, 1962
Surfside 6 was an ABC television series which aired from 1960 to 1962. The show centered on a Miami Beach detective agency set on a houseboat and featured Troy Donahue as Sandy Winfield II; Van Williams as Kenny Madison; and Lee Patterson as Dave Thorne. Diane McBain co-starred as socialite Daphne Dutton, whose yacht was berthed next to their houseboat. Margarita Sierra also had a supporting role as Cha Cha O'Brien, an entertainer who worked at The Boom Boom Room, a popular Miami Beach hangout at the Fontainebleau Hotel, directly across the street from Surfside 6. Surfside 6 was in fact a real address in Miami Beach, where an unrelated houseboat was moored at the time; it can also be seen in the sweeping aerial establishing shot of the Fontainebleu in 1964's Goldfinger.
Gunsmoke Police Des Plaines
Gunsmoke est une série dramatique américaine de radio et de télévision créée par le réalisateur Norman MacDonnell et l'écrivain John Meston. Les histoires se déroulent dans et autour de Dodge City au Kansas, pendant la colonisation de l'Ouest américain. Le personnage central est le maréchal Matt Dillon, joué par William Conrad à la radio et par James Arness à la télévision.
Perry Mason

Perry Mason

May 22, 1966
La série met en scène les affaires traitées par Perry Mason, célèbre avocat de Los Angeles.
Studio One

Studio One

Sep 29, 1958
An American radio–television anthology series, created in 1947 by Canadian director Fletcher Markle, who came to CBS from the CBC. Studio One, presented by Westinghouse, was one of the first of the anthology TV programs. The episodes were often abridged remakes of movies from years gone by and many future well-known television and movie actors appeared in the productions.


May 20, 1975
Cette série met en scène le quotidien de deux policiers de Los Angeles, Peter Malloy et Jim Reed dans leur voiture de patrouille.
Max la Menace

Max la Menace

May 15, 1970
Max la Menace, l'agent 86, travaille pour CONTROL une organisation de contre-espionnage qui contrecarre tous les maléfiques projets de KAOS (on apprend lors de l'épisode 8 de la saison 2 que KAOS aurait été créée en 1904 à Bucarest), organisation visant à répandre le chaos. Max est aidé dans toutes ses missions par l'agent 99 ainsi que par l'agent K-13, un chien. Autre personnage intervenant dans tous les épisodes est le « chef » qui assigne ses missions à Max au début de chaque épisode. Max déjoue alors brillamment les plans de KAOS.
Hallmark Hall of Fame

Hallmark Hall of Fame

Nov 27, 2011
Hallmark Hall of Fame is an anthology program on American television, sponsored by Hallmark Cards, a Kansas City based greeting card company. The longest-running primetime series in the history of television, it has a historically long run, beginning during 1951 and continuing into 2013. From 1954 onward, all of its productions have been shown in color, although color television video productions were extremely rare in 1954. Many television movies have been shown on the program since its debut, though the program began with live telecasts of dramas and then changed to videotaped productions before finally changing to filmed ones. The series has received eighty Emmy Awards, twenty-four Christopher Awards, eleven Peabody Awards, nine Golden Globes, and four Humanitas Prizes. Once a common practice in American television, it is the last remaining television program such that the title includes the name of the sponsor. Unlike other long-running TV series still on the air, it differs in that it broadcasts only occasionally and not on a weekly broadcast programming schedule.
L'Homme de fer

L'Homme de fer

Jan 16, 1975
Après avoir reçu une balle dans la colonne vertébrale, le redoutable policier Robert Dacier (Robert T. Ironside en version originale) se retrouve dans un fauteuil roulant, privé de l'usage de ses jambes. Il est entouré d'une équipe efficace avec laquelle il continue à mener ses enquêtes policières.


Jan 09, 1969
Blondie is an American sitcom that aired on CBS during the 1968-1969 television season. The series is an updated version of the 1957 TV series that was based on the comic strip of the same name. The series stars Will Hutchins as Dagwood Bumstead and Jim Backus as his boss Mr. Dithers, and featured child character actress Pamelyn Ferdin as the Bumstead's daughter, and character actor Bryan O'Byrne as the hapless mailman, always getting run over by Dagwood hurrying out the door, late for work.
Run, Buddy, Run

Run, Buddy, Run

Jan 02, 1967
Run, Buddy, Run is an American situation comedy starring Jack Sheldon, which ran on CBS from September 12, 1966, until January 2, 1967.


May 10, 1962
Outlaws is an NBC Western television series, starring Barton MacLane as U.S. marshal Frank Caine, who operated in a lawless section of Oklahoma Territory about Stillwater. The program aired 50 one-hour episodes from September 29, 1960, to May 10, 1962. The first season was shot in black-and-white, the second in color. Co-starring with MacLane in the 1960–1961 season was Don Collier as deputy marshal Will Foreman. In the second season, MacLane left the program, and Collier was promoted to full marshal, with Bruce Yarnell joining the cast as deputy marshal Chalk Breeson. Jock Gaynor appeared in the first season as deputy Heck Martin, the on-screen nephew of Will Foreman. Slim Pickens appeared as "Slim" in the second season. Judy Lewis also appeared the second season as Connie Masters, an employee of the Wells Fargo office in Stillwater. The dog who appeared in Walt Disney's Old Yeller was also cast in The Outlaws. Others who appeared on the program on at least three occasions were Vic Morrow, Cliff Robertson, Pippa Scott, and Harry Townes. In addition, John Anderson, Edgar Buchanan, Jackie Coogan, Bruce Gordon, Robert Harland, Robert Lansing Cloris Leachman, Robert Karnes, Brian Keith, Larry Pennell, Chris Robinson, William Shatner, Ray Walston, Jack Warden, and David Wayne each appeared twice in the series.
Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse
Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse is an American television anthology series produced by Desilu Productions. The show ran on CBS television between 1958 and 1960. Two of its 48 episodes served as pilots for the 1950s television series The Twilight Zone and The Untouchables.
Have Gun, Will Travel

Have Gun, Will Travel

Apr 20, 1963
Have Gun – Will Travel is an American Western television series that aired on CBS from 1957 through 1963. It was rated number three or number four in the Nielsen ratings every year of its first four seasons. It was one of the few television shows to spawn a successful radio version. The radio series debuted November 23, 1958. The television show is presently shown on the Encore-Western channel. Have Gun – Will Travel was created by Sam Rolfe and Herb Meadow and produced by Frank Pierson, Don Ingalls, Robert Sparks, and Julian Claman. There were 225 episodes of the TV series, 24 written by Gene Roddenberry. Other contributors included Bruce Geller, Harry Julian Fink, Don Brinkley and Irving Wallace. Andrew McLaglen directed 101 episodes and 19 were directed by series star Richard Boone.
Coup double

Coup double

Sep 08, 1972
Les enquêtes impayables de deux inspecteurs délirants, Lennie Crooke et George Robinson.
Lux Video Theatre

Lux Video Theatre

Sep 12, 1957
Lux Video Theatre is an American anthology series that was produced from 1950 until 1959. The series presented both comedy and drama in original teleplays, as well as abridged adaptations of films and plays.
Peter Gunn

Peter Gunn

Sep 18, 1961
Peter Gunn, amateur de jolies femmes tout autant que de jazz, a quitté la police. Il est aujourd'hui un privé célèbre à Chicago. Une certaine Daisy Jane, tenancière d'une maison close de luxe, fait appel à Gunn pour qu'il retrouve Nick Fusco. Daisy est convaincue que celui-ci est l'auteur de l'assassinat de l'«Empereur des gangs», Julio Scarlotti, mais elle ne dispose d'aucune preuve. Elle prie donc le détective de faire la lumière sur cette affaire. Esprit frondeur, toujours prêt à secourir une belle femme, Gunn s'attelle donc à la tâche et commence son enquête. Comme à son habitude, il ne tarde pas à s'attirer les pires ennuis...
One Step Beyond

One Step Beyond

Jul 04, 1961
Produite en même temps que Twilight Zone, cette série a nourri l'intérêt croissant pour le paranormal d'une manière différente. Plutôt que de créer des histoires fictives avec des rebondissements surnaturels, ce programme cherchait des histoires réelles/surnaturelle, y compris des fantômes, des disparitions, des monstres, et les recréait pour chaque épisode. Aucune solution à ces mystères n'a jamais été trouvée, et les téléspectateurs ne pouvaient que se demander, et si c'était vrai ?
M Squad

M Squad

Jun 21, 1960
Lt. Frank Ballinger is a no-nonsense plain clothes cop in the elite M Squad Division. The Squad's task is to root out organised crime and corruption in America's Second City, Chicago.
Adventures in Paradise
Adventures in Paradise is an American television series created by James Michener which ran on ABC from 1959 until 1962, starring Gardner McKay as Adam Troy, the captain of the schooner Tiki III, which sailed the South Pacific looking for passengers and adventure. USA Network aired reruns of this series between 1984 and 1988. The plots deal with the romantic and detective stories of Korean War veteran Troy. The supporting cast, varying from season to season, features George Tobias, Guy Stockwell, and Linda Lawson.
Action & Adventure


Apr 05, 1968
Tarzan est une série qui a été diffusée sur NBC de 1966 - 1968. La série dépeint Tarzan comme un personnage bien instruit, celui qui, fatigué de la civilisation, était revenu dans la jungle où il avait été élevé. Le spectacle a retenu plusieurs des signes extérieurs de la série classique de film, y compris Cheeta, tout en excluant d'autres éléments, tels que Jane, dans le cadre du « nouveau look » pour le légendaire apeman que producteur Sy Weintraub avait présenté en images précédentes de mouvement avec Gordon Scott , Jock Mahoney, et Mike Henry. CBS a diffusé la répétition d'épisodes du programme au cours de l'été 1969.
Action & Adventure
The Philco Television Playhouse
The Philco Television Playhouse is an American anthology series that was broadcast live on NBC from 1948 to 1955. Produced by Fred Coe, the series was sponsored by Philco. It was one of the most respected dramatic shows of the Golden Age of Television, winning a 1954 Peabody Award and receiving eight Emmy nominations between 1951 and 1956.


Jun 10, 1959
Casey Jones, policière de New York, lutte contre le crime, ce qui l'amène souvent à s'infiltrer dans les quartiers les plus malsains et les plus dangereux de la ville.
Bat Masterson

Bat Masterson

Jun 01, 1961
Bat Masterson is an American Western television series which showed a fictionalized account of the life of real-life marshal/gambler/dandy Bat Masterson. The title character was played by Gene Barry and the half-hour black-and-white shows ran on NBC from 1958 to 1961. The series was produced by Ziv Television Productions, the company responsible for such hit series as Sea Hunt and Highway Patrol.


Apr 17, 1961
Sugarfoot is an American western television series that aired on ABC from 1957 to 1961. The series stars Will Hutchins as Tom Brewster, an Easterner who comes to the Oklahoma Territory to become a lawyer. Jack Elam is cast in occasional episodes as sidekick Toothy Thompson. Brewster was a correspondence-school student whose apparent lack of cowboy skills earned him the nickname "Sugarfoot", a designation even below that of a tenderfoot.


Jan 02, 1961
Riverboat is a 44-episode western television series starring Darren McGavin and Burt Reynolds broadcast on the NBC television network from September 13, 1959 until January 2, 1961. It was produced by Revue Studios.
The Detectives

The Detectives

May 18, 1962
The Detectives est une série policière américaine diffusée sur ABC pendant ses deux premières saisons, et sur NBC pendant sa troisième et dernière saison. La série, dont la vedette est la star du cinéma Robert Taylor, a été produite par Four Star Television.
Action & Adventure
Robert Montgomery Presents
Robert Montgomery Presents is an American dramatic television series which was produced by NBC from January 30, 1950 until June 24, 1957. The live show had several sponsors during its seven-year run, and the title was altered to feature the sponsor, usually Lucky Strike cigarettes, for example, Robert Montgomery Presents Your Lucky Strike Theater, ....The Johnson's Wax Program, and so on.
The Manhunter

The Manhunter

Mar 12, 1975
The Manhunter is an American crime drama that was part of CBS' lineup for the 1974–1975 television season. The series was produced by Quinn Martin and starred Ken Howard as Dave Barret, a 1930s-era private investigator from Idaho. The series was executive produced by Quinn Martin.
Johnny Ringo

Johnny Ringo

Jun 30, 1960
Johnny Ringo is an American Western television series starring Don Durant that aired on CBS from October 1, 1959, until June 30, 1960. It is loosely based on the life of the notorious gunfighter and outlaw Johnny Ringo, also known as John Peters Ringo or John B. Ringgold, who tangled with Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, and Buckskin Franklin Leslie.


May 31, 1960
Tightrope is an American crime drama series that aired on CBS from September 1959 to September 1960, under the alternate sponsorship of the J.B. Williams Company, and American Tobacco. Produced by Russell Rouse and Clarence Greene in association with Screen Gems, the series stars Mike Connors as an undercover agent named "Nick" who was assigned to infiltrate criminal gangs. The show was to have originally been titled Undercover Man but it was changed before going to air.
Jefferson Drum

Jefferson Drum

Dec 11, 1958
Jefferson Drum, also known as The Pen and the Quill, is an American Western television series starring Jeff Richards that aired on the NBC network from April 25 to December 11, 1958.
The Walter Winchell File
The Walter Winchell File is the title of a television crime drama series that initially aired from 1957 to 1958, dramatizing cases from the New York City Police Department that were covered in the New York Daily Mirror. The series featured columnist and announcer Walter Winchell, John Larch, George Cisar, Robert Anderson, Robert Brubaker, Dolores Donlon, and Gene Barry, a year before he was cast in the lead of NBC's Bat Masterson. Thirty-nine episodes were produced; the first twenty-six aired on ABC during the 1957-1958 season, and the final thirteen were seen in syndication in 1959. Among the guest stars was the child actor Dennis Holmes, who played 7-year-old Allie Marisch in the 1957 episode "Thou Shalt Not Kill."
Joe Forrester

Joe Forrester

May 03, 1976
Joe Forrester is an American Crime/Drama TV series, starring Lloyd Bridges.
Behind Closed Doors

Behind Closed Doors

Apr 09, 1959
Behind Closed Doors is an American drama series set during the Cold War hosted by and occasionally starring Bruce Gordon in the role of Commander Matson. The series, which aired on NBC from October 2, 1958, to April 9, 1959, focuses, among other themes, on how the former Soviet Union stole American missile secrets and proposes steps to prevent further espionage. Behind Closed Doors is based on the files and experiences of Rear Admiral Ellis M. Zacharias, who offers comments at the end of each segment. Behind Closed Doors, a Screen Gems production, replaced Jackie Cooper's sitcom The People's Choice, followed the NBC quiz show, Twenty-One, and preceded the The Tennessee Ernie Ford Show. Its competition was The Pat Boone Chevy Show on ABC and Dick Powell's Zane Grey Theater western anthology series on CBS.
War & Politics
The Barbara Stanwyck Show
The Barbara Stanwyck Show is an American anthology drama television series which ran on NBC from September 1960 to September 1961. Barbara Stanwyck served as hostess, and starred in all but four of the half-hour productions. The four she did not star in were actually pilot episodes of potential series programs which never materialized. Stanwyck won the Emmy Award in 1961 for Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Series. Three of the shows in which Stanwyck starred were an attempt at spinning off a dramatic series of her own, in which she appeared as "Josephine Little", an American woman running an import-export shop in Hong Kong. The series, produced at Desilu Studios, was directed by Stuart Rosenberg. The Barbara Stanwyck Show lasted one season. It aired at 10 p.m. Eastern on Mondays opposite Jackie Cooper's military sitcom Hennesey on CBS and the second half of Gardner McKay's Adventures in Paradise on ABC.
Tombstone Territory

Tombstone Territory

Jul 08, 1960
Tombstone Territory is an American Western series starring Pat Conway and Richard Eastham. The series' first two seasons aired on ABC from 1957 to 1959. The third and final season aired in syndication from 1959 until 1960.
He & She

He & She

Mar 13, 1968
He & She is an American sitcom that aired on the CBS television network as part of its 1967-1968 lineup, originally sponsored by General Foods and Lever Brothers. He & She is widely considered to be ahead of its time by broadcast historians. Its sophisticated approach to comedy was viewed as opening doors to the groundbreaking MTM family of sitcoms of the 1970s, beginning with The Mary Tyler Moore Show in 1970. The character of Oscar was openly the pattern for the Ted Baxter character, for which creator Leonard Stern granted permission. CBS aired reruns of He & She in prime time from June 1970 to September 1970.


Jan 16, 1973
La série se déroule à la fin du XIXe siècle (après la guerre de Sécession) dans une petite ville (née lors du Gold Rush, La ruée vers l'Or) du Nevada, Virginia City, et dans le ranch de la famille Cartwright, le Ponderosa situé en périphérie. La famille est formée d'un veuf, Ben Cartwright, et des trois fils qu'il a eus de trois mariages différents. L'action, comme celle de la plupart des séries télévisées western4, est déclenchée par l'arrivée de visiteurs venus de l'extérieur, « qui viennent troubler l'harmonie organique du ranch et de la ville »5, et résolue par l'intervention d'au moins l'un de ses membres (épisode à référencer) ou, le plus souvent, par l'action de la famille Cartwright au grand complet. La seule source de tensions internes est la façon dont les habitants de Virginia City, définis comme de braves gens, sont susceptibles de céder au mal, contrairement aux Cartwright, moralement intègres.


Apr 17, 1961
Sugarfoot is an American western television series that aired on ABC from 1957 to 1961. The series stars Will Hutchins as Tom Brewster, an Easterner who comes to the Oklahoma Territory to become a lawyer. Jack Elam is cast in occasional episodes as sidekick Toothy Thompson. Brewster was a correspondence-school student whose apparent lack of cowboy skills earned him the nickname "Sugarfoot", a designation even below that of a tenderfoot.
Gunsmoke Police Des Plaines
Gunsmoke est une série dramatique américaine de radio et de télévision créée par le réalisateur Norman MacDonnell et l'écrivain John Meston. Les histoires se déroulent dans et autour de Dodge City au Kansas, pendant la colonisation de l'Ouest américain. Le personnage central est le maréchal Matt Dillon, joué par William Conrad à la radio et par James Arness à la télévision.
Gunsmoke Police Des Plaines
Gunsmoke est une série dramatique américaine de radio et de télévision créée par le réalisateur Norman MacDonnell et l'écrivain John Meston. Les histoires se déroulent dans et autour de Dodge City au Kansas, pendant la colonisation de l'Ouest américain. Le personnage central est le maréchal Matt Dillon, joué par William Conrad à la radio et par James Arness à la télévision.


May 20, 1975
Cette série met en scène le quotidien de deux policiers de Los Angeles, Peter Malloy et Jim Reed dans leur voiture de patrouille.


Mar 12, 1974
L'Américano-Polonais Thomas Banacek est un enquêteur privé qui travaille pour le compte de la Boston Insurance Company. Traquant les fraudeurs et trafiquants, l’homme déjoue des affaires criminelles qui lui permettent de mener grand train. Voiture avec chauffeur, cigares, jolies femmes : Banacek touche un pourcentage sur chaque affaire, suivant la valeur des objets retrouvés. Le gentleman cultive un goût certain pour la grande classe.
Robert Montgomery Presents
Robert Montgomery Presents is an American dramatic television series which was produced by NBC from January 30, 1950 until June 24, 1957. The live show had several sponsors during its seven-year run, and the title was altered to feature the sponsor, usually Lucky Strike cigarettes, for example, Robert Montgomery Presents Your Lucky Strike Theater, ....The Johnson's Wax Program, and so on.
Perry Mason

Perry Mason

May 22, 1966
La série met en scène les affaires traitées par Perry Mason, célèbre avocat de Los Angeles.
The Deputy

The Deputy

Jul 01, 1961
The Deputy is an American western series that aired on NBC from September 1959, to July 1961. The series stars Henry Fonda as Chief Marshal Simon Fry of the Arizona Territory and Allen Case as Deputy Clay McCord, a storekeeper who tried to avoid using a gun.
Perry Mason

Perry Mason

May 22, 1966
La série met en scène les affaires traitées par Perry Mason, célèbre avocat de Los Angeles.
Studio One

Studio One

Sep 29, 1958
An American radio–television anthology series, created in 1947 by Canadian director Fletcher Markle, who came to CBS from the CBC. Studio One, presented by Westinghouse, was one of the first of the anthology TV programs. The episodes were often abridged remakes of movies from years gone by and many future well-known television and movie actors appeared in the productions.
Studio One

Studio One

Sep 29, 1958
An American radio–television anthology series, created in 1947 by Canadian director Fletcher Markle, who came to CBS from the CBC. Studio One, presented by Westinghouse, was one of the first of the anthology TV programs. The episodes were often abridged remakes of movies from years gone by and many future well-known television and movie actors appeared in the productions.
Hallmark Hall of Fame

Hallmark Hall of Fame

Nov 27, 2011
Hallmark Hall of Fame is an anthology program on American television, sponsored by Hallmark Cards, a Kansas City based greeting card company. The longest-running primetime series in the history of television, it has a historically long run, beginning during 1951 and continuing into 2013. From 1954 onward, all of its productions have been shown in color, although color television video productions were extremely rare in 1954. Many television movies have been shown on the program since its debut, though the program began with live telecasts of dramas and then changed to videotaped productions before finally changing to filmed ones. The series has received eighty Emmy Awards, twenty-four Christopher Awards, eleven Peabody Awards, nine Golden Globes, and four Humanitas Prizes. Once a common practice in American television, it is the last remaining television program such that the title includes the name of the sponsor. Unlike other long-running TV series still on the air, it differs in that it broadcasts only occasionally and not on a weekly broadcast programming schedule.
Les Incorruptibles

Les Incorruptibles

May 21, 1963
Les Incorruptibles demeure sans contredit l'émission de télévision la plus violente dans les années 1960. Il faut dire que le théâtre s'y prêtait bien. Située à Chicago au temps de la prohibition, la série suivait les exploits de l'agent spécial du Trésor Eliot Ness et de son petit groupe d'agents dans leur lutte inlassable contre les membres de la pègre. Les Incorruptibles (The Untouchables) est une série télévisée policière américaine en un pilote de 90 minutes et 118 épisodes de 50 minutes, créée par Quinn Martin et diffusée entre le 20 avril 1959 et le 21 mai 1963 sur le réseau ABC. Elle y a rencontré un très grand succès : à son apogée, elle était suivie par un ménage américain sur trois1. En France, la série a été diffusée à partir du 5 janvier 1964 sur R.T.F. Télévision puis sur la première chaîne de l'O.R.T.F.
The Chevy Mystery Show
The Chevy Mystery Show is an American television anthology series featuring a different mystery each week that aired on NBC in 1960 as a summer replacement.


Jan 16, 1973
La série se déroule à la fin du XIXe siècle (après la guerre de Sécession) dans une petite ville (née lors du Gold Rush, La ruée vers l'Or) du Nevada, Virginia City, et dans le ranch de la famille Cartwright, le Ponderosa situé en périphérie. La famille est formée d'un veuf, Ben Cartwright, et des trois fils qu'il a eus de trois mariages différents. L'action, comme celle de la plupart des séries télévisées western4, est déclenchée par l'arrivée de visiteurs venus de l'extérieur, « qui viennent troubler l'harmonie organique du ranch et de la ville »5, et résolue par l'intervention d'au moins l'un de ses membres (épisode à référencer) ou, le plus souvent, par l'action de la famille Cartwright au grand complet. La seule source de tensions internes est la façon dont les habitants de Virginia City, définis comme de braves gens, sont susceptibles de céder au mal, contrairement aux Cartwright, moralement intègres.
DuPont Show of the Month
DuPont Show of the Month is an acclaimed 90-minute television anthology series that aired monthly on CBS from 1957 to 1961. The DuPont Company also sponsored a weekly half-hour anthology drama series hosted by June Allyson, The DuPont Show with June Allyson. During the Golden Age of Television, DuPont Show of the Month was one of numerous anthology series telecast between 1949 and 1962. Superficially, it resembled Playhouse 90 and other anthologies, but DuPont Show of the Month focused less on contemporary dramas and more on adaptations of literary classics, including Oliver Twist, The Prince and the Pauper, Billy Budd, The Prisoner of Zenda, A Tale of Two Cities and The Count of Monte Cristo.
The Doris Day Show

The Doris Day Show

Mar 12, 1973
The Doris Day Show is an American sitcom that was originally broadcast on the CBS network from September 1968 until March 1973, remaining on the air for five seasons and 128 episodes. In addition to showcasing Doris Day, the show is remembered for its many abrupt format changes over the course of its five-year run. It is also remembered for Day's statement, in her autobiography Doris Day: Her Own Story, that her husband Martin Melcher had signed her to do the TV series without her knowledge, a fact she only discovered when Melcher died of heart disease on April 20, 1968. The TV show premiered on Tuesday, September 24, 1968.


Sep 23, 1959
Trackdown is an American Western television series starring Robert Culp that aired on CBS between 1957 and 1959. More than seventy episodes of this series were produced by Dick Powell's Four Star Television and filmed at the Desilu-Culver Studio. The series was itself a spin-off of Powell's anthology series, Dick Powell's Zane Grey Theater.
The Doris Day Show

The Doris Day Show

Mar 12, 1973
The Doris Day Show is an American sitcom that was originally broadcast on the CBS network from September 1968 until March 1973, remaining on the air for five seasons and 128 episodes. In addition to showcasing Doris Day, the show is remembered for its many abrupt format changes over the course of its five-year run. It is also remembered for Day's statement, in her autobiography Doris Day: Her Own Story, that her husband Martin Melcher had signed her to do the TV series without her knowledge, a fact she only discovered when Melcher died of heart disease on April 20, 1968. The TV show premiered on Tuesday, September 24, 1968.
Have Gun, Will Travel

Have Gun, Will Travel

Apr 20, 1963
Have Gun – Will Travel is an American Western television series that aired on CBS from 1957 through 1963. It was rated number three or number four in the Nielsen ratings every year of its first four seasons. It was one of the few television shows to spawn a successful radio version. The radio series debuted November 23, 1958. The television show is presently shown on the Encore-Western channel. Have Gun – Will Travel was created by Sam Rolfe and Herb Meadow and produced by Frank Pierson, Don Ingalls, Robert Sparks, and Julian Claman. There were 225 episodes of the TV series, 24 written by Gene Roddenberry. Other contributors included Bruce Geller, Harry Julian Fink, Don Brinkley and Irving Wallace. Andrew McLaglen directed 101 episodes and 19 were directed by series star Richard Boone.
Shirley Temple's Storybook
Shirley Temple's Storybook is an American children's anthology series hosted and narrated by actress Shirley Temple. The series features adaptations of fairy tales like Mother Goose and other family-oriented stories performed by well-known actors, although one episode, an adaptation of The House of the Seven Gables, was meant for older youngsters. Temple's three children made their acting debuts in the last episode of the first season, "Mother Goose".


Apr 16, 1961
Omnibus is an American, commercially sponsored, educational television series.


Apr 22, 1962
Brett Maverick et Bart sont des joueurs affutés qui migrent de ville en ville à la recherche d'une bonne partie de poker. Le poker (à 5 cartes de tirage) est leur occupation favorite, le spectacle se fait autour des Mavericks, mais généralement la partie tourne autour du personnage principal.


Nov 18, 1998
En 1888, en Nouvelle-Calédonie. A peine Hélène, 10 ans, vient-elle de quitter le bateau qui l'a amenée de France avec sa famille, qu'un groupe de Kanaks les assaille pour les massacrer sauvagement. Hélène, seule rescapée, est recueillie par un prêtre, puis confiée à Campbell, un vieux paysan qui vit seul avec son fils, John, dans le village de Vaté. Obsédée par le souvenir de la tragédie qui a marqué ses 10 ans, Hélène s'attache pourtant, en grandissant, à cette terre et à cette population indigène qu'elle avait crues hostiles, notamment grâce à Hippocrate, un médecin français. Les années passent. Hélène épouse John, avec qui elle a été élevée...