Emirhan Akbaba

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Birlesen Gönüller

Birlesen Gönüller

Oct 24, 2014
A look inside the story of two newlyweds who are parted from each other and spend the next half-century of their lives trying to reunite.
Return of the Dark

Return of the Dark

Jul 07, 2023
A new threat has emerged for the wizarding world. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is shut down by the ministry following James' disappearance. Professor Thomson sets out on an adventure with his student Simon in search of the magic they require after realizing that the spells they use-including Avada Kedavra-are insufficient. Harry experiences trauma about his son's abduction. For the first time, helpless Harry is unsure of what to do. The army of the Dark Knight is being assembled in the meantime by the new foe Tenebris. James is discovered by Merlin and prepared to face Tenebris while everyone else believes he has died. The James Potter series' greatest epic battle starts. Written by Jordan
Return of the Dark

Return of the Dark

Jul 07, 2023
A new threat has emerged for the wizarding world. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is shut down by the ministry following James' disappearance. Professor Thomson sets out on an adventure with his student Simon in search of the magic they require after realizing that the spells they use-including Avada Kedavra-are insufficient. Harry experiences trauma about his son's abduction. For the first time, helpless Harry is unsure of what to do. The army of the Dark Knight is being assembled in the meantime by the new foe Tenebris. James is discovered by Merlin and prepared to face Tenebris while everyone else believes he has died. The James Potter series' greatest epic battle starts. Written by Jordan
Return of the Dark

Return of the Dark

Jul 07, 2023
A new threat has emerged for the wizarding world. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is shut down by the ministry following James' disappearance. Professor Thomson sets out on an adventure with his student Simon in search of the magic they require after realizing that the spells they use-including Avada Kedavra-are insufficient. Harry experiences trauma about his son's abduction. For the first time, helpless Harry is unsure of what to do. The army of the Dark Knight is being assembled in the meantime by the new foe Tenebris. James is discovered by Merlin and prepared to face Tenebris while everyone else believes he has died. The James Potter series' greatest epic battle starts. Written by Jordan
Return of the Dark

Return of the Dark

Jul 07, 2023
A new threat has emerged for the wizarding world. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is shut down by the ministry following James' disappearance. Professor Thomson sets out on an adventure with his student Simon in search of the magic they require after realizing that the spells they use-including Avada Kedavra-are insufficient. Harry experiences trauma about his son's abduction. For the first time, helpless Harry is unsure of what to do. The army of the Dark Knight is being assembled in the meantime by the new foe Tenebris. James is discovered by Merlin and prepared to face Tenebris while everyone else believes he has died. The James Potter series' greatest epic battle starts. Written by Jordan
Return of the Dark

Return of the Dark

Jul 07, 2023
A new threat has emerged for the wizarding world. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is shut down by the ministry following James' disappearance. Professor Thomson sets out on an adventure with his student Simon in search of the magic they require after realizing that the spells they use-including Avada Kedavra-are insufficient. Harry experiences trauma about his son's abduction. For the first time, helpless Harry is unsure of what to do. The army of the Dark Knight is being assembled in the meantime by the new foe Tenebris. James is discovered by Merlin and prepared to face Tenebris while everyone else believes he has died. The James Potter series' greatest epic battle starts. Written by Jordan


Aug 13, 2021
Yasin Gencer is a peddler selling chickpeas between Taksim and Tepebasi. He lives with his beloved Çigdem, on the edge of opening the restaurant they have planned for a long time, and is at the very end of marketing his pilaf, which everyone loves with his special recipe from his grandfather, to a wider audience and to meet their dreams.
Action & Adventure