Ewa Rodart

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La Chair de sa chair

La Chair de sa chair

May 24, 2023
Quand les chemins d'un adolescent enlevé, de gangsters sans scrupules et d'une femme ex-agent spécial sans pitié se croisent, le sang ne tarde pas à couler.
Two Shores

Two Shores

May 28, 2023
‘Anna Maria has a sad face, Anna Maria is looking ahead’, these lyrics of Czerwone Gitary’s ballad accompany the protagonist, who arrives at New York to deal with the emptiness left after his father who has been absent for many years. New facts about his life on emigration make Anna confront her past.


Nov 02, 2023
Joy Womack, une dan­seuse de bal­let de 15 ans, quitte sa mai­son fami­liale du Texas et s’en­vole pour Mos­cou après avoir mar­qué l’his­toire en étant accep­tée à l’A­ca­dé­mie de bal­let du Bol­choï. Son rêve est de sor­tir diplô­mée de l’A­ca­dé­mie et deve­nir dan­seuse étoile dans la com­pa­gnie d’é­lite du Bol­choï. Mais la concur­rence est rude et sa légen­daire ensei­gnante, Tatiya­na Vol­ko­va, exige une impli­ca­tion colos­sale de la part de ses élèves. Afin de pour­suivre son rêve, Joy devra faire des sacri­fices de plus en plus extrêmes, quitte à se mettre en danger…


Nov 02, 2023
Joy Womack, une dan­seuse de bal­let de 15 ans, quitte sa mai­son fami­liale du Texas et s’en­vole pour Mos­cou après avoir mar­qué l’his­toire en étant accep­tée à l’A­ca­dé­mie de bal­let du Bol­choï. Son rêve est de sor­tir diplô­mée de l’A­ca­dé­mie et deve­nir dan­seuse étoile dans la com­pa­gnie d’é­lite du Bol­choï. Mais la concur­rence est rude et sa légen­daire ensei­gnante, Tatiya­na Vol­ko­va, exige une impli­ca­tion colos­sale de la part de ses élèves. Afin de pour­suivre son rêve, Joy devra faire des sacri­fices de plus en plus extrêmes, quitte à se mettre en danger…


Sep 23, 2022
Après avoir été condamné à travailler dans un hospice, un ancien criminel se lie d'amitié avec un prêtre bienveillant qui va bouleverser sa vie.
Mój dług

Mój dług

Feb 25, 2022
A young entrepreneur, Slawomir Sikora, persecuted by a ruthless bandit, commits murders in defense of his loved ones. Sentenced to 25 years in prison, he ends up behind bars, where he has to fight for survival in the environment of recidivists sentenced for the most serious crimes. Deprived of hope for justice, isolated from those he loves, he must find the strength to survive and remain himself. Each day here is a fight to preserve dignity and humanity. It is a game for life, played according to extremely brutal rules. Sikora takes up this fight and cannot be broken. He learns to gain allies and friends, earn respect and maneuver between prison subcultures. Thanks to the friendship with a fugitive from the Foreign Legion convicted of murder and the help of a human rights activist, Sikora manages to believe that not everything is lost for him yet. But key decisions are made far beyond the walls.
Two Shores

Two Shores

May 28, 2023
‘Anna Maria has a sad face, Anna Maria is looking ahead’, these lyrics of Czerwone Gitary’s ballad accompany the protagonist, who arrives at New York to deal with the emptiness left after his father who has been absent for many years. New facts about his life on emigration make Anna confront her past.
Two Shores

Two Shores

May 28, 2023
‘Anna Maria has a sad face, Anna Maria is looking ahead’, these lyrics of Czerwone Gitary’s ballad accompany the protagonist, who arrives at New York to deal with the emptiness left after his father who has been absent for many years. New facts about his life on emigration make Anna confront her past.
Two Shores

Two Shores

May 28, 2023
‘Anna Maria has a sad face, Anna Maria is looking ahead’, these lyrics of Czerwone Gitary’s ballad accompany the protagonist, who arrives at New York to deal with the emptiness left after his father who has been absent for many years. New facts about his life on emigration make Anna confront her past.