Eager to escape her high-society life among the English Elite, a woman falls in love with a young musician. Her husband, however has other plans for her.
Ancien danseur-étoile du Kirov qui a fuit la Russie il y a dix ans, Nikolai Rodchenko se voit contraint, lors d'une de ses tournées, de retourner dans son pays natal. Il y fait la connaissance de Raymond Greenwood, danseur américain. Il lui demande de l'aider à repasser de nouveau à l'Ouest…
The Upper Hand is a British television sitcom, produced by Central Independent Television and Columbia Pictures Television and broadcast by ITV from 1990 to 1996. The programme was adapted from the American sitcom Who's the Boss?.
As in the former series, an affluent single woman, raising a son with the help of her mother, hires a housekeeper only to have a man apply for the job.