Kevin Altieri

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Heart of Batman

Heart of Batman

Oct 30, 2018
In the early 1990s, a rare gathering of talent defined Batman for a generation. Twenty-five years later, "Batman: The Animated Series" continues to inspire fans and myth-makers all over the world. This is an in-depth look at the storytellers behind the series.


Oct 30, 2000
Caitlin Fairchild, a teenager offered a place in an institute for gifted children. She soon learns that the school isn't really a school, but rather a military project to turn children with a special genetic structure into super soldiers. After developing incredibly enhanced abilities, Caitlin rebels against the program that created her.


Oct 30, 2000
Caitlin Fairchild, a teenager offered a place in an institute for gifted children. She soon learns that the school isn't really a school, but rather a military project to turn children with a special genetic structure into super soldiers. After developing incredibly enhanced abilities, Caitlin rebels against the program that created her.
Numéro 9

Numéro 9

Aug 19, 2009
Caitlin Fairchild, a teenager offered a place in an institute for gifted children. She soon learns that the school isn't really a school, but rather a military project to turn children with a special genetic structure into super soldiers. After developing incredibly enhanced abilities, Caitlin rebels against the program that created her.
Les Vengeurs Ultimate 2
Caitlin Fairchild, a teenager offered a place in an institute for gifted children. She soon learns that the school isn't really a school, but rather a military project to turn children with a special genetic structure into super soldiers. After developing incredibly enhanced abilities, Caitlin rebels against the program that created her.
Stretch Armstrong : L'évasion
Caitlin Fairchild, a teenager offered a place in an institute for gifted children. She soon learns that the school isn't really a school, but rather a military project to turn children with a special genetic structure into super soldiers. After developing incredibly enhanced abilities, Caitlin rebels against the program that created her.
Rat Bastard

Rat Bastard

Jan 01, 2000
Roscoe Rodent is a private detective, in distant future. Denied the opportunity to serve on the Manhattan Empire Police force because of his genetic make-up, he uses his talents for solving crime in a for-hire capacity.
Batman contre le Fantôme masqué
Roscoe Rodent is a private detective, in distant future. Denied the opportunity to serve on the Manhattan Empire Police force because of his genetic make-up, he uses his talents for solving crime in a for-hire capacity.
Nick's Thanksgiving Fest
Two segments (“Thanksgiving Nightmare” and “Thanksgiving Dreams”) and several mini segments explore the traditions, fun, and excitement of the holiday of Thanksgiving.
Nick's Thanksgiving Fest
Two segments (“Thanksgiving Nightmare” and “Thanksgiving Dreams”) and several mini segments explore the traditions, fun, and excitement of the holiday of Thanksgiving.
Nick's Thanksgiving Fest
Two segments (“Thanksgiving Nightmare” and “Thanksgiving Dreams”) and several mini segments explore the traditions, fun, and excitement of the holiday of Thanksgiving.
Nick's Thanksgiving Fest
Two segments (“Thanksgiving Nightmare” and “Thanksgiving Dreams”) and several mini segments explore the traditions, fun, and excitement of the holiday of Thanksgiving.

Apr 01, 2004

From Stan Lee, the man who brought us such popular superheroes as Spider-Man and The X-Men, comes this new kind of superhero in the form of the animated series "Stripperella". Pamela Anderson provides the voice of Erotica Jones who is stripper by night and superhero Stripperella by even later at night. A show with something for everyone, Stan Lee promises that despite it's adult setting 'Stripperella' is "really a family show...but for a highly sophisticated family."

Apr 01, 2004

From Stan Lee, the man who brought us such popular superheroes as Spider-Man and The X-Men, comes this new kind of superhero in the form of the animated series "Stripperella". Pamela Anderson provides the voice of Erotica Jones who is stripper by night and superhero Stripperella by even later at night. A show with something for everyone, Stan Lee promises that despite it's adult setting 'Stripperella' is "really a family show...but for a highly sophisticated family."

Sep 15, 1995

Homme d'affaires le jour, Bruce Wayne devient Batman la nuit pour protéger Gotham City avec sa Batmobile. Avec l'aide de Robin et Batgirl il affronte de nombreux criminels légendaires.
Action & Adventure

Sep 15, 1995

Homme d'affaires le jour, Bruce Wayne devient Batman la nuit pour protéger Gotham City avec sa Batmobile. Avec l'aide de Robin et Batgirl il affronte de nombreux criminels légendaires.
Action & Adventure

Jul 26, 2013

Après leur fuite de Cybertron détruite par des siècles de guerre, Optimus Prime et ses Autobots ont trouvé refuge sur une petite planète à l'autre bout de la galaxie : la Terre. Depuis leur arrivée, ils maintiennent leur véritable identité dissimulée en étant des "robots déguisés". Les Decepticons les ont suivis et menacent désormais la sécurité des habitants natifs de cette planète qu'Optimus Prime a juré de protéger...
Action & Adventure

Feb 03, 1989

En l'an 2020, un policier est victime d'un grave accident qui l'oblige à transformer une partie de son corps en cyborg. Il décide alors de créer un groupe de policiers spécialisés baptisé le C.O.P.S. pour pouvoir l'aider à arrêter le grand patron et ses hommes qui mettent leur ville à feu et à sang.

Nov 18, 2009

C'est la rentrée des classes pour Peter Parker, un lycéen de 16 ans très doué en sciences mais également l'objet de risée dans son lycée. Ce que tous ignorent par contre, c'est que quelques mois plus tôt, Peter Parker s'est fait piquer par une araignée génétiquement modifiée lui conférant des super pouvoirs. C'est ainsi qu'il est devenu Spider-Man, un super-héros qui a promis de lutter contre le mal dans la ville de New-York suite au meurtre de son oncle Ben.
Action & Adventure

Oct 22, 2016

Optimus Prime confie à une équipe d'Autobots spécialisés qui ne sont pas tout à fait prêts pour des batailles aux heures de grande écoute contre les Decepticons une mission vitale. Le but des Bots est d'en apprendre davantage sur l'humanité et comment aider les autres à découvrir ce que cela signifie vraiment d'être un héros.
Action & Adventure

Jun 09, 2022

Beaucoup de membres de la Ligue de justice, les plus grands Super héros de la terre, vivent des aventures en solo, et sont souvent accompagnés d'un jeune protégé. Un jour, les jeunes Partenaires (Robin, Aqualad...) sont tous invités à visiter le quartier général de la Ligue, le Hall de justice. A peine ont-ils commencé ladite visite qu'une menace oblige leurs mentors à quitter les lieux, leur interdisant de quitter le Hall de justice pour leur propre sécurité. Mais lorsque les jeunes héros découvrent une seconde menace, que leurs mentors n'ont pas remarquée en raison de la première qui les accapare, ils décident de prendre les choses en main...