William Kendall

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Assassinats en tous genres
Londres, 1906. Sonya Winter n'a qu'une ambition : devenir journaliste. Elle découvre qu'un mystérieux «Bureau de l'Assassinat» s'est rendu coupable d'une série d'attentats politiques. Persuadée de détenir un scoop, elle propose à Lord Bostwick, directeur d'un grand quotidien londonien, de réaliser un reportage sur cette étrange organisation criminelle. Bostwick lui promet une fortune - 80 000 livres - si elle convainc le président du Bureau, un certain Ivan Dragomiroff, de programmer son propre assassinat. A son tour, Sonya propose 20 000 livres à Dragomiroff...
The Jokers

The Jokers

May 15, 1967
Brothers Michael and David Tremayne decide to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London, not for criminal purposes, but to make themselves famous.
Left Right and Centre

Left Right and Centre

Jun 23, 1959
At the Earndale by-election natural history expert and TV personality Bob Wilcot for the Conservatives finds himself up against Billingsgate girl Stella Stoker for the socialists. Amateur politician against committed activist. But could it become boy-who-fancies-girl against girl-who-fancies-boy? The party agents are soon colluding against such a disaster.
That's a Good Girl

That's a Good Girl

Sep 29, 1933
That's a Good Girl is a 1933 British comedy film directed by Jack Buchanan and starring Buchanan, Elsie Randolph and Dorothy Hyson. The film was based on a musical show of the same title that opened at the Lewisham Hippodrome on 19 March 1928, in which Jack Buchanan also starred. The music was written by Joseph Meyer and Phil Charig, with lyrics by Douglas Furber. The film omitted much of music of the original show, but popularised one song in particular, Fancy our Meeting. The song remained a Jack Buchanan favourite and a version of it was also recorded by Al Bowlly shortly after the film's release.
Dieu pardonne, elles jamais !
Une série d'accidents inexplicables frappe le développement du premier avion de ligne supersonique au monde, le SST1 – un homme tombe victime d'une hôtesse de l'air meurtrière et deux femmes commettent des actes de sabotage séparés lors des tests. Le ministère de l'Air fait appel à Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond pour enquêter.
Les Procès d'Oscar Wilde
En Angleterre, à la fin du XIXe siècle, le marquis de Queensberry, brutal et aigri, persuadé que son fils cadet, Bosie, a une relation inappropriée avec le célèbre écrivain irlandais Oscar Wilde, entretient une querelle permanente avec ce dernier dans le but de ruiner sa réputation et de le faire tomber en disgrâce.
The King's Cup

The King's Cup

Feb 02, 1933
'Romance set around the famous air race in which a girl helps a nervous pilot to victory.' (British Film Institute)
Honeymoon Postponed

Honeymoon Postponed

Jan 29, 1961
Lancashire newlyweds Violet and Arthur Fitton are forced to postpone their honeymoon and move in temporarily with his parents.
Number Ten

Number Ten

Oct 07, 1968
The Prime Minister heads a cabinet divided on the question of either using force against an African state, or referring the matter to the United Nations.
Sweet Devil

Sweet Devil

Jan 12, 1938
Two business partners are having woman trouble. One wants to marry his secretary and the other is set to marry a wealthy aristocrat. When the partner who wants to marry his secretary lets her go before he proposes to her, the woman confused woman tries to commit suicide by jumping into a river. Complications ensue.
Doctor's Orders

Doctor's Orders

Nov 01, 1934
Leslie Fuller stars as a quack whose son qualifies as a doctor in total ignorance of his father's occupation!
Blind Folly

Blind Folly

Nov 10, 1939
A man inherits a nightclub that belonged to his brother but soon discovers that it is the headquarters for a dangerous criminal gang.
Good Night, Vienna

Good Night, Vienna

Mar 28, 1932
Max is an Austrian officer in the army and son of a highly placed general. His father wants him to marry a Countess but he has fallen in love with Vicki. Attending a party given in his honour, they are informed that war has broken out. Max writes a note to Vicki and goes off to war. Unfortunately the note is lost. Some time after the war, Max is just a shoe shop assistant while Vicki is now a famous singer. They meet and at first she snubs him but then falls in love with him again
Debt of Honour

Debt of Honour

Nov 02, 1936
A Colonel's daughter steals from the regimental mess funds to pay off her gambling debts. One of the officers, who is love with her, takes the blame, and is sent to Africa.
Un brin d'escroquerie

Un brin d'escroquerie

Feb 04, 1960
Max Easton, ancien sous-marinier, est de retour à terre. Le commandeur végète désormais à l'Amirauté. Sir Charles Holland doit, lui, être nommé ambassadeur à Bruxelles. Sa superbe fiancée, Virginia Killain, le rejoint. Max ne résiste pas aux charmes de la belle Américaine, dont il s'éprend presque aussitôt. Las, sa fortune se réduit à quelques pièces de monnaie, contrairement à celle de son rival. De plus, il n'a aucune situation. Max ne se le tient pas pour dit et se met en quête d'un moyen d'éveiller l'attention de Virginia. Un plan infaillible émerge bientôt de son imagination débordante...
Jumping for Joy

Jumping for Joy

Jan 01, 1956
At the racetrack, cleaner, Willy Joy is tricked into buying Lindy Lou, a useless greyhound, who's not too healthy either. While getting the dog back in shape, Willy crosses paths with a gang of crooks who's specialty is fixing the races with doped dogs.
Département S

Département S

Mar 17, 1970
Cette série met en scène les aventures du flamboyant Jason King, auteur à succès de romans policiers et collaborateur au Département S, une cellule d'Interpol dirigée par l'énigmatique Sir Curtis Seretse et destinée à régler les affaires que les autres agences de services secrets n'ont pu résoudre. Les autres membres en sont Stewart Sullivan, un Américain qui chapeaute l'équipe, et Annabelle Hurst, une spécialiste en informatique.
Action & Adventure
The Beverly Hillbillies
Jed Clampett's swamp is loaded with oil. When a wildcatter discovers the huge pool, Jed sells his land to the O.K. Oil Company and at the urging of cousin Pearl, moves his family to a 35-room mansion in Beverly Hills, California.
Chapeau melon et Bottes de cuir
John Steed, un agent des services secrets britanniques, flanqué d'accortes acolytes nommées Cathy Gale, Emma Peel ou Tara King, combat le crime et résout des mystères souvent mâtinés d'énigmes surnaturelles. Sans se départir de son flegme et ponctuant ses actions de citations tirées de Shakespeare ou Wilde, il affronte des criminels plus flamboyants et mégalomaniaques les uns que les autres...
Action & Adventure
Alfred Hitchcock présente
Immortalisée par la silhouette d'Alfred Hitchcock apparaissant sur l'écran au son de la Marche funèbre d'une marionnette de Charles Gounod, cette série est en fait une anthologie de petites histoires noires, à la chute souvent inattendue. Au début de chaque épisode et avant d'en faire la présentation, toujours teintée d'humour noir, Alfred Hitchcock saluait les téléspectateurs d'un sévère « Bonsoir ». Il revenait en épilogue pour exposer sa morale de l'histoire. (source : Wikipédia)


Nov 09, 1969
A BBC anthology series featuring adaptations of detective stories over 45 episodes in three seasons that ran from 1964 to 1969. As with many BBC programmes made before the early 1970s, many of its episodes no longer exist. Of the eighteen episodes from the first season only twelve are currently known to exist; likewise six of the sixteen editions from the second run are considered lost, and just one of the final ten survives in the archives.
Sunday-Night Play

Sunday-Night Play

Sep 15, 1963
BBC anthology drama series that ran over four seasons and replaced the previous BBC Sunday Night Theatre series.
Hancock's Half Hour

Hancock's Half Hour

Jun 30, 1961
Hancock's Half Hour is a BBC radio comedy, and later television comedy, series of the 1950s and 60s written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson. The series starred Tony Hancock, with Sid James; the radio version also co-starred, at various times, Moira Lister, Andrée Melly, Hattie Jacques, Bill Kerr and Kenneth Williams. The final television series, renamed simply Hancock, starred Hancock alone. Comedian Tony Hancock starred in the show, playing an exaggerated and much poorer version of his own character and lifestyle, Anthony Aloysius St John Hancock, a down-at-heel comedian living at the dilapidated 23 Railway Cuttings in East Cheam. The series was influential in the development of the situation comedy, with its move away from radio variety towards a focus on character development.


Dec 24, 1963
Maigret (titre original) est une série télévisée policière britannique, en quatre saisons et cinquante-deux épisodes (+ un épisode pilote), diffusée originellement de 1960 à 1963. Les enquêtes du commissaire Jules Maigret, basées sur les romans de Georges Simenon.
The Human Jungle

The Human Jungle

Dec 21, 1964
The Human Jungle is a British TV series about a psychiatrist, made for ABC Television by the small production company Independent Artists for transmission on ITV. Starring Herbert Lom, it ran for two series which were first transmitted during 1963 and 1965.


May 16, 1971
British television adaptation of the Jane Austen novel of the same name.