Kartal Karagedik

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Souhaitant déshériter son neveu Ernesto, don Pasquale entreprend, malgré son grand âge, de se marier… Un "opera buffa" énergique signé Gaetano Donizetti. Sous la baguette de Matteo Beltrami, la nouvelle production de l’Opéra de Hambourg réunit notamment le baryton Ambrogio Maestri et la soprano Danielle de Niese.
Le Nozze Di Figaro - Opera Ballet Vlaanderen
Take a philandering and arrogant Count who is no match for his wily servant Figaro and his soon-to-be-wife Susanna, as manipulative as she is charming. Add in one beautiful, disillusioned Countess and one irrepressible, testosterone-laden teenage boy Cherubino. Mix with the genius of Mozart and you have one of the most perfect operas ever written.