Karim Kojak

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حمادة يلعب

حمادة يلعب

Sep 19, 2005
Hamada is so desperate to get rich that he participates in all TV competitions hoping to win one day. Fate smiles on him and he indeed wins a sum of 1 million dollars. But life is not a wish-granting factory, is it?


Oct 06, 2002
El-Limby lives in a decrepit neighborhood with his mother Faransa and he develops feelings for his neighbor. However, her father objects to their marriage, and El-Limby's mother encourages him to find a job to provide for his family-to-be.
أولاد عزام

أولاد عزام

Sep 13, 2007
The events of the series revolve around the will of a wealthy father who passed away. He leaves a huge fortune to his children, placing a harsh condition in his will so that his four male children receive their share of the inheritance, which is that they not marry before the age of forty. For fear of being exposed to the problems and responsibilities he faced when he married at a young age.
هز وسط البلد
The film is set in the span of eight hours in the region of downtown Cairo, exploring the variety of characters present in the busy town, and several problems they face in their daily lives, in addition to the economical crisis the whole country is facing.
Les femmes du bus 678

Les femmes du bus 678

Dec 22, 2010
A chaque fois qu'elle monte dans le bus 678, au Caire, Fayza, une modeste fonctionnaire qui porte le voile, est certaine d'être harcelée. Elle finit par décider de rendre coup sur coup et le fait violemment. Ailleurs dans la capitale égyptienne, Seba milite pour les droits des femmes et dispense des cours d'autodéfense. La présence de son mari ne la préserve pas d'une violente agression, un soir, après un match de football. Une autre victime de violences sexistes, Nelly, trouve le courage de porter plainte contre son agresseur, brisant le tabou qui couvre de silence les crimes sexuels. Les trois femmes s'épaulent et appliquent la même stratégie punitive dans les bus. L'inspecteur Essam mène l'enquête...
ساندوتش عيال
The events revolve around the high divorce rates in Egypt and their negative impact on children. a lawyer who is in conflict with his wife, which draws his attention to the issue. He decides to advocate for the rights of children who have been harmed due to disputes, divorces, or separations between their parents, within a comedic framework.
ابن حلال

ابن حلال

Dec 28, 2014
A young man (Mohammed Ramadan) travels from Qena to Cairo for work, but the only job he can find is as a painter. He is constantly running into trouble, as he deals both with his extreme poverty and his desire to live a decent life for his mother. His world gets turned upside down when he finds himself way in over his head, and it becomes clear that he must find a way out before it is too late.


Jun 15, 2018
When Ebbo's father dies, he leaves behind a will that compels Ebbo to complete a list of tasks to be able to get his inheritance. Ebbo enlists his friend Semsem's help to complete the tasks.
باب الخلق

باب الخلق

Jan 31, 2013
After the Arabic language teacher travels outside Egypt in despair, he returns after a while to his hometown in Bab Al Khalq to be surprised by many changes that foretell a possibly mysterious future, whereupon he tries to coexist and keep pace with them to ensure the continuation of life.
سكة الهلالي

سكة الهلالي

Apr 14, 2007
Mustafa Al-Helaly is a university professor and head of the 'Virtue Party', who decides to run for parliament, but his life turns upside down after the retired dancer Sou'ad claims that he's the father of her reckless young daughter Nancy as a result of a one-night stand that happened 20 years ago.
حضرة المتهم أبي
The story revolves around an Arabic school teacher who is admired by his students. When his son is assaulted by some spoiled teenagers at the club, their parents force him to withdraw his police report and events escalate.


Aug 30, 2011
Adam, an Egyptian television series presented in Ramadan 1432 AH / 2011, written by Ahmed Mahmoud Abu Zeid, directed by Mohammed Sami, and starring: Tamer Hosni, Mai Izz Aldin, Dora, Majed Masri, Ahmed Zaher, Dina Fouad.