Keenen Ivory Wayans

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Scary Movie

Scary Movie

Jul 07, 2000
Un soir, Drew Becker reçoit un appel anonyme d’un maniaque. Traquée dans sa maison, puis dans son jardin, elle finit par se faire tuer. Sa mort plonge ses camarades de lycée en plein cauchemar, d’autant qu'ils doivent désormais faire face à un tueur en série, caché parmi eux. Flairant le scoop, la journaliste Gail Hailstorn débarque en ville, bien décidée à harceler Cindy Campbell et ses amis à propos de cette histoire...
Star 80

Star 80

Nov 10, 1983
Une jolie jeune femme, Dorothy Hoogstraten, devient la petite amie de Paul Snider, un agent artistique de seconde zone. Paul, persuadé qu'il pourra faire de Dorothy une vedette, la convainc de poser pour des photos de charme et d'envoyer celles-ci à Playboy. Dorothy, qui prend le pseudonyme de Dorothy Stratten, est engagée comme playmate et entame bientôt une carrière d'actrice. Elle épouse Paul, qui tente de contrôler la carrière de sa femme mais voit celle-ci gagner en indépendance. Paul, dont les affaires personnelles ne marchent pas alors que Dorothy remporte un succès croissant, devient bientôt jaloux et paranoïaque...
A Low Down Dirty Shame
A black detective becomes embroiled in a web of danger while searching for a fortune in missing drug money. During the course of his investigation, he encounters various old connections, ultimately confronting the criminal responsible for Shame's expulsion from the force. He must also deal with two women, Angela, a beautiful old flame, and Peaches, his energetic but annoying sidekick.
L'ombre Blanche

L'ombre Blanche

Oct 04, 1996
Cole était autrefois le meilleur tueur des services secrets. Il a changé de vie et est devenu criminologue à New York. Appelé à Los Angeles pour enrayer une vague de meurtres, il se voit obligé de faire équipe avec Campbell mais tout oppose les deux hommes. Les victimes d'un nouveau carnage ne sont autres que l'ex-femme de Cole et son mari. Celui-la comprend que c'est un avertissement, qui va le faire replonger dans son passé.
Wanted : Recherché mort ou vif
Le sergent James Dunn, tireur d'élite et héros de la guerre du Golfe, est condamné à mort pour avoir abattu un de ses supérieurs. Le colonel Casey, qui dirige une unité d'élite secrète, lui rend visite dans sa cellule et lui offre la liberté en échange d'un contrat: assassiner un industriel soupçonné d'avoir vendu des renseignements technologiques à une puissance ennemie. Le jour J, c'est la Première Dame des Etats-Unis qui est assassinée par un tueur d'élite. Dunn comprend qu'il vient d'être manipulé.
Why We Laugh: Black Comedians on Black Comedy
Directors Robert Townsend and Quincy Newell offer this comprehensive and hilarious examination of the history, evolution and cultural significance of African American comedy in America, from the earliest minstrel shows to the latest HBO special. Featuring interviews with cultural critics and loads of comedic clips, this program features appearances by a who's-who of black comedians including Chris Rock, Bill Cosby, Whoopi Goldberg and many more.
I'm Gonna Git You Sucka
Jack Spade revient de l'armée dans son ancien quartier ghetto lorsque son frère, June Bug, meurt. Jack déclare la guerre à M. Big, puissant crimelord local. Son armée est dirigée par John Slade, son idole d'enfance qui luttait contre les méchants dans les années 70.
Eddie Murphy: One Night Only
Eddie Murphy: One Night Only will pay homage to Murphy's journey from a 15-year-old aspiring comedian, to the record-breaking Raw, which remains the highest grossing stand-up film of all time, to his indelible characters and impressions from Saturday Night Live including Buckwheat, Gumby, Mr. Robinson and James Brown. Written by Spike TV
TV Movie
Spoof movie

Spoof movie

Jan 12, 1996
A vingt ans, Cendar n'est plus un enfant. Et pour qu'il devienne enfin un adulte, sa mère décide de le renvoyer auprès de son père. A son arrivée à South Central, Cendar se met à la recherche de ses anciens camarades, son cousin Loc Dog, Pattes Folles, paralysé mais pas manchot, et Preach, un farouche activiste noir. Tous les quatre se rendent à une fête organisée pour célébrer la libération de Cure Dent, un excité de la gâchette. C'est là que Cendar fait la connaissance de Dashiki, une jeune femme très séduisante et mère célibataire d'une ribambelle d'enfants de pères différents. Avant que Loc Dog ait pu l'avertir du danger, le joyeux drille tombe fou amoureux d'elle
Robert Townsend: Partners in Crime: Vol. 1
From comedian and filmmaker Robert Townsend (Hollywood Shuffle) comes this collection of comedy sketches starring some of the biggest names in show business. Featuring Keenan Ivory Wayans, Damon Wayans, and Paul Mooney among others Robert Townsend: Partners in Crime, Vol. 1 sends up such pop-culture staples as Dynasty and Michael Jackson.
Dying Laughing

Dying Laughing

Feb 24, 2017
The craft, creative process and complicated lives of Stand-up Comedians.
The Black List: Volume One
As a new chapter begins in this country, THE BLACK LIST offers a dynamic and never-before-heard perspective from achievers of color. This series of inspired - and inspiring - observations on African-American life in the 21st century forms a roll call of some of the most compelling politicians, writers, thinkers and performers ever to tackle their fields of endeavor. Watch the interview-portraits and get a sharper snapshot of where this country has been and where it's headed.
For Love and Honor

For Love and Honor

Sep 23, 1983
A military drama set on a Texas base focuses on the ups and downs of young paratroopers, who, while they're gearing up for possible combat assignments, often find themselves entangled in love affairs.
Dance movie

Dance movie

May 22, 2009
Thomas Uncles, un jeune danseur des rues issu des quartiers déshérités de la ville, et Megan White, une belle et riche jeune femme, partagent tous les deux la même passion : la danse. Leur rencontre va les amener à vivre toute une série de mésaventures désopilantes sur le dancefloor.
This Is Stand-Up

This Is Stand-Up

Apr 12, 2020
An intimate and revealing insight into the work and lives of Stand-Up Comedians. Some of the biggest names in the game reveal what it's like to pursue this most challenging, yet important art-form.
A Low Down Dirty Shame
A black detective becomes embroiled in a web of danger while searching for a fortune in missing drug money. During the course of his investigation, he encounters various old connections, ultimately confronting the criminal responsible for Shame's expulsion from the force. He must also deal with two women, Angela, a beautiful old flame, and Peaches, his energetic but annoying sidekick.
A Low Down Dirty Shame
A black detective becomes embroiled in a web of danger while searching for a fortune in missing drug money. During the course of his investigation, he encounters various old connections, ultimately confronting the criminal responsible for Shame's expulsion from the force. He must also deal with two women, Angela, a beautiful old flame, and Peaches, his energetic but annoying sidekick.
Wanted : Recherché mort ou vif
A black detective becomes embroiled in a web of danger while searching for a fortune in missing drug money. During the course of his investigation, he encounters various old connections, ultimately confronting the criminal responsible for Shame's expulsion from the force. He must also deal with two women, Angela, a beautiful old flame, and Peaches, his energetic but annoying sidekick.
F.B.I. Fausses Blondes Infiltrées
A black detective becomes embroiled in a web of danger while searching for a fortune in missing drug money. During the course of his investigation, he encounters various old connections, ultimately confronting the criminal responsible for Shame's expulsion from the force. He must also deal with two women, Angela, a beautiful old flame, and Peaches, his energetic but annoying sidekick.
The Five Heartbeats

The Five Heartbeats

Mar 29, 1991
A black detective becomes embroiled in a web of danger while searching for a fortune in missing drug money. During the course of his investigation, he encounters various old connections, ultimately confronting the criminal responsible for Shame's expulsion from the force. He must also deal with two women, Angela, a beautiful old flame, and Peaches, his energetic but annoying sidekick.
I'm Gonna Git You Sucka
A black detective becomes embroiled in a web of danger while searching for a fortune in missing drug money. During the course of his investigation, he encounters various old connections, ultimately confronting the criminal responsible for Shame's expulsion from the force. He must also deal with two women, Angela, a beautiful old flame, and Peaches, his energetic but annoying sidekick.
Eddie Murphy Raw

Eddie Murphy Raw

Nov 25, 1987
A black detective becomes embroiled in a web of danger while searching for a fortune in missing drug money. During the course of his investigation, he encounters various old connections, ultimately confronting the criminal responsible for Shame's expulsion from the force. He must also deal with two women, Angela, a beautiful old flame, and Peaches, his energetic but annoying sidekick.
Hollywood Shuffle

Hollywood Shuffle

Mar 20, 1987
A black detective becomes embroiled in a web of danger while searching for a fortune in missing drug money. During the course of his investigation, he encounters various old connections, ultimately confronting the criminal responsible for Shame's expulsion from the force. He must also deal with two women, Angela, a beautiful old flame, and Peaches, his energetic but annoying sidekick.
Thugaboo: Sneaker Madness
When D-Roc sees a pair of expensive sneakers called Air Jareds, he wants his mother to buy them to wear at school in order to look cool. His mother purchases a cheaper priced pair of Air Johnsons instead. Afraid of looking bad to his crew, D-Roc asks Soo-Young to make Air Jareds out of Air Johnsons and when they work out well, they realize they can make money by converting the shoes. Their plan to make money eventually goes wary and D-Roc is taught a lesson about being himself.
Thugaboo: Sneaker Madness
When D-Roc sees a pair of expensive sneakers called Air Jareds, he wants his mother to buy them to wear at school in order to look cool. His mother purchases a cheaper priced pair of Air Johnsons instead. Afraid of looking bad to his crew, D-Roc asks Soo-Young to make Air Jareds out of Air Johnsons and when they work out well, they realize they can make money by converting the shoes. Their plan to make money eventually goes wary and D-Roc is taught a lesson about being himself.
Little Man

Little Man

Aug 31, 2006
When D-Roc sees a pair of expensive sneakers called Air Jareds, he wants his mother to buy them to wear at school in order to look cool. His mother purchases a cheaper priced pair of Air Johnsons instead. Afraid of looking bad to his crew, D-Roc asks Soo-Young to make Air Jareds out of Air Johnsons and when they work out well, they realize they can make money by converting the shoes. Their plan to make money eventually goes wary and D-Roc is taught a lesson about being himself.
Little Man

Little Man

Aug 31, 2006
When D-Roc sees a pair of expensive sneakers called Air Jareds, he wants his mother to buy them to wear at school in order to look cool. His mother purchases a cheaper priced pair of Air Johnsons instead. Afraid of looking bad to his crew, D-Roc asks Soo-Young to make Air Jareds out of Air Johnsons and when they work out well, they realize they can make money by converting the shoes. Their plan to make money eventually goes wary and D-Roc is taught a lesson about being himself.
Dance movie

Dance movie

May 22, 2009
When D-Roc sees a pair of expensive sneakers called Air Jareds, he wants his mother to buy them to wear at school in order to look cool. His mother purchases a cheaper priced pair of Air Johnsons instead. Afraid of looking bad to his crew, D-Roc asks Soo-Young to make Air Jareds out of Air Johnsons and when they work out well, they realize they can make money by converting the shoes. Their plan to make money eventually goes wary and D-Roc is taught a lesson about being himself.
Robert Townsend: Partners in Crime: Vol. 1
From comedian and filmmaker Robert Townsend (Hollywood Shuffle) comes this collection of comedy sketches starring some of the biggest names in show business. Featuring Keenan Ivory Wayans, Damon Wayans, and Paul Mooney among others Robert Townsend: Partners in Crime, Vol. 1 sends up such pop-culture staples as Dynasty and Michael Jackson.
Eddie Murphy Raw

Eddie Murphy Raw

Nov 25, 1987
From comedian and filmmaker Robert Townsend (Hollywood Shuffle) comes this collection of comedy sketches starring some of the biggest names in show business. Featuring Keenan Ivory Wayans, Damon Wayans, and Paul Mooney among others Robert Townsend: Partners in Crime, Vol. 1 sends up such pop-culture staples as Dynasty and Michael Jackson.
I'm Gonna Git You Sucka
After he retires from the police force, a veteran cop is framed for robbery but his friends, a rookie and three ex-cops, come to his rescue.
Scary Movie

Scary Movie

Jun 10, 2026
The sixth entry in the horror spoof series. Details TBA.
Scary Movie

Scary Movie

Jun 10, 2026
The sixth entry in the horror spoof series. Details TBA.


May 20, 1993
À Boston, le “Cheers” est un bar tenu par Sam Malone, un ancien joueur de base-ball et alcoolique repenti. Au quotidien, le comptoir voit défiler nombre de piliers, à l’instar de Norm, Cliff ou Frasier. Entre deux chopes de bière, clients et employés méditent sur leurs vies sentimentales et professionnelles, se lancent des défis, comme des bouées de sauvetage. Au Cheers, l’une des serveuses se prénomme Diane. Abandonnée par son fiancé, la jeune femme un peu snob prend un virage à 90° en rejoignant Sam derrière le bar. Elle doit surtout composer avec Carla, l’une des historiques des lieux.


May 01, 1983
Les aventures des officiers Poncherello et Jon Baker, deux motards de la California Highway Patrol qui s’occupent de faire régner l’ordre sur les routes.
Ma Famille d'abord

Ma Famille d'abord

May 17, 2005
Michael Kyle est un mari aimant et un père de famille comblé. Mais il n'est pas toujours facile d'élever trois enfants. Entre un fils passionné de musique rap aux paroles plutôt agressives, une fille adolescente qui lui cause bien des soucis et la benjamine qui veut toujours avoir le dernier mot, on ne s'ennuie pas avec la famille Kyle.
Capitaine Furillo

Capitaine Furillo

May 12, 1987
Cette série met en scène la vie d'un commissariat de quartier dans une grande ville des États-Unis qui ne sera jamais clairement nommée. Loin de l'action et des héros éclatants, des policiers sans moyens sont confrontés à des situations humaines difficiles, eux-mêmes en proie à des difficultés personnelles (échecs sentimentaux, alcoolisme, relations père-fils conflictuelles…).
Inside Comedy

Inside Comedy

Jun 09, 2015
Half hour comedy documentary series from veteran funny-man David Steinberg and Steve Carell reveals the inspirations, influences and idols of some of the greatest comics of our time.
Finding Your Roots

Finding Your Roots

Feb 18, 2025
Noted Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates, Jr. has been helping people discover long-lost relatives hidden for generations within the branches of their family trees. Professor Gates utilizes a team of genealogists to reconstruct the paper trail left behind by our ancestors and the world’s leading geneticists to decode our DNA and help us travel thousands of years into the past to discover the origins of our earliest forebears.
In Living Color

In Living Color

May 19, 1994
In Living Color is an American sketch comedy television series that originally ran on the Fox Network from April 15, 1990, to May 19, 1994. Brothers Keenen and Damon Wayans created, wrote and starred in the program. The show was produced by Ivory Way Productions in association with 20th Century Fox Television and was taped before a live studio audience at stage 7 at the Fox Television Center on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, California. The title of the series was inspired by the NBC announcement of broadcasts being presented "in living color" during the 1950s and 1960s, prior to mainstream color television. It also refers to the fact that most of the show's cast were black, unlike other sketch comedy shows such as Saturday Night Live whose casts are usually mostly white.
For Love and Honor

For Love and Honor

Jan 15, 1984
For Love and Honor is a short-lived American military drama series that aired on NBC from September 23, 1983 to December 27, 1983. The series is inspired by the hit film An Officer and a Gentleman.
Campus Show

Campus Show

Jul 09, 1993
Denise Huxtable a quitté sa famille pour intégrer l'université : c'est pour elle le début d'une nouvelle vie où, affranchie de ses parents, elle doit faire face à de nouvelles responsabilités.
The Tonight Show avec Johnny Carson
Le 1er octobre 1962, Groucho Marx accueillit Johnny Carson comme le nouveau présentateur du The Tonight Show. L’émission a été filmée à New York pendant pratiquement les dix premières années, avec Johnny Carson en tant que présentateur. Puis à partir de mai 1972, le plateau déménagea au Studio One à Burbank en Californie pour le reste de son « mandat » .
Le Tonight Show

Le Tonight Show

Feb 25, 2025
Mêlant humour et talk-show, Jimmy Fallon reçoit des personnalités de la musique, du cinéma, ou encore du sport, pour un entretien.
Le Tonight Show

Le Tonight Show

May 19, 1994
In Living Color is an American sketch comedy television series that originally ran on the Fox Network from April 15, 1990, to May 19, 1994. Brothers Keenen and Damon Wayans created, wrote and starred in the program. The show was produced by Ivory Way Productions in association with 20th Century Fox Television and was taped before a live studio audience at stage 7 at the Fox Television Center on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, California. The title of the series was inspired by the NBC announcement of broadcasts being presented "in living color" during the 1950s and 1960s, prior to mainstream color television. It also refers to the fact that most of the show's cast were black, unlike other sketch comedy shows such as Saturday Night Live whose casts are usually mostly white.
Le Tonight Show

Le Tonight Show

May 19, 1994
In Living Color is an American sketch comedy television series that originally ran on the Fox Network from April 15, 1990, to May 19, 1994. Brothers Keenen and Damon Wayans created, wrote and starred in the program. The show was produced by Ivory Way Productions in association with 20th Century Fox Television and was taped before a live studio audience at stage 7 at the Fox Television Center on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, California. The title of the series was inspired by the NBC announcement of broadcasts being presented "in living color" during the 1950s and 1960s, prior to mainstream color television. It also refers to the fact that most of the show's cast were black, unlike other sketch comedy shows such as Saturday Night Live whose casts are usually mostly white.