The series revolves around Adly Allam, an employee in the National Library, he loves reading and culture, and lives with his grumpy wife Hayat, and her brother Araby under one roof. A demon called Sala appears to him , asking him to be in his life in exchange of changing his life for the better.
In a social and cynical context, the series revolves around Maemon, a very stingy man who has a wife and four kids whom he deprives of everything. After they all leave him, they discover that he's a billionaire. They then start a journey of finding his hidden wealth and how to get hold of it.
A crook manages to evade capture for a long time as he switches between various identities that make it difficult for the police to catch him. As he is finally caught by the police officer who has spent his life chasing him, both of them are changed forever by a series of events.
In this suspenseful thriller, a police officer is trying to find clues related to the unresolved murder of a young woman, feeling haunted by her ghost along the way.