Jun Itoda

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Sharivan Next Generation
Kai Hyuga / Sharivan découvre un espion de l'organisation Neo Madou. En plus de cela, l'ami de Kai, Seigi devient le nouveau Space Sheriff Estevan. Ils doivent trouver l'espion et empêcher un réseau de drogue d'envoyer un stupéfiant anti-douleur appelé Hyper-M sur Terre. Mais le nouveau Space Sheriff doit apprendre à faire confiance à son instinct et que tout n'est pas comme il semble. Suite direct de X-Or le film
工藤新一 京都新撰組殺人事件
Kudo Shinichi and Mori Ran are invited to the set of a jidaigeki in Kyoto. On their airplane ride to Kyoto, a murder mystery arises. As well, when they finally reach the set in Kyoto, they become involved in another murder mystery. Will Kudo Shinichi be able to solve the mystery?…
HITOSHI MATSUMOTO Presents Documental
Produit par Matsumoto Hitoshi, Documental est une expérience qui a pour but de réunir 10 comédiens dans une pièce et de les faire s'affronter... par le rire. Peu importe les moyens et méthodes, ils doivent faire rire les autres afin de les éliminer, le dernier à rester dans la pièce remporte 10 millions de yens et le prix du comédien le plus drôle.
Everybody has theories that they personally cling blindly to regardless of proof or scientific validity. In this entertaining information program, a host of celebrities present their cases for pet theories to studio guests by any means be it academic argument or laughably “out there” logic. Can their theories gain acceptance? Or will they be discarded as pop science that only adds confusion to the world? Find out through exhaustive examination including on-location experiments!


Nov 25, 2018
Saigo Takamori, the hero of the Meiji Restoration, was born to a poor, low-ranking samurai family in the Satsuma domain (present day Kagoshima Prefecture). His simple honesty caught the attention of its charismatic feudal lord of Satsuma, Shimazu Nariakira. Nariakira’s assertion that the love of people is what will enrich and strengthen the nation captivated Saigo who took on Nariakira’s secret mission and eventually became a key person for Satsuma. Not a portrait of him survives today and much of his life is a mystery. He is a man who was twice exiled and thrice married. He overthrew the Tokugawa Shogunate with exceptional bravery and action. Although he accomplished the restoration, he lost his life in a fight with the new Meiji government.