Natasha Paris

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La dernière incarnation
La vie monotone du comptable Marc-André, homme terre-à-terre, est brutalement chamboulée par l'arrivée spectaculaire de Mirah, une entité extraterrestre qui lui parvient directement d'une existence antérieure. En effet, du temps qu'il était un riche propriétaire terrien à l'époque lointaine des Mésopotamiens, Marc-André a injustement fait condamner son dévoué scribe Urshanabi et ses proches à l'esclavage. La vengeance de celui-ci, rendue possible grâce à un rituel chamanique, vient subitement hanter Marc-André qui, à l'aide de Mirah, se découvre des talents occultes étonnants. Empreint de références à la Mésopotamie, l'astrologie et l'ésotérisme, clin d'oeil aux typiques scénarios hollywoodiens. Cette comédie n'essayera pas de vous cacher sa fin, car comme vous le savez très bien, la fin est hautement prévisible dans ce genre de film!
Section 753.2

Section 753.2

Sep 17, 2009
In 1999, Richard Condo, a man with an already extensive criminal record, was arrested in Ottawa and charged with a slew of criminal charges which event ally resulted in a Dangerous Offender Application under the Criminal Code of Canada, Section 753. After having been found NOT to be a Dangerous Offender, Richard Condo was given an 8-year prison sentence to be followed by a 10-year supervision order as a long term offender, Section 753.2. At his release from prison in July of 2006, Richard Condo faced extensive media coverage and with the many adversities, stigmas and stereotypes associated with his past, he had to deal with a system that labeled him a certain failure. Inspired by true events, it is the story of a man given a second chance at life and how he responded to the adversities thrown at him to answer the ultimate question: Is there redemption for such a man?
Section 753.2

Section 753.2

Sep 17, 2009
In 1999, Richard Condo, a man with an already extensive criminal record, was arrested in Ottawa and charged with a slew of criminal charges which event ally resulted in a Dangerous Offender Application under the Criminal Code of Canada, Section 753. After having been found NOT to be a Dangerous Offender, Richard Condo was given an 8-year prison sentence to be followed by a 10-year supervision order as a long term offender, Section 753.2. At his release from prison in July of 2006, Richard Condo faced extensive media coverage and with the many adversities, stigmas and stereotypes associated with his past, he had to deal with a system that labeled him a certain failure. Inspired by true events, it is the story of a man given a second chance at life and how he responded to the adversities thrown at him to answer the ultimate question: Is there redemption for such a man?
Section 753.2

Section 753.2

Sep 17, 2009
In 1999, Richard Condo, a man with an already extensive criminal record, was arrested in Ottawa and charged with a slew of criminal charges which event ally resulted in a Dangerous Offender Application under the Criminal Code of Canada, Section 753. After having been found NOT to be a Dangerous Offender, Richard Condo was given an 8-year prison sentence to be followed by a 10-year supervision order as a long term offender, Section 753.2. At his release from prison in July of 2006, Richard Condo faced extensive media coverage and with the many adversities, stigmas and stereotypes associated with his past, he had to deal with a system that labeled him a certain failure. Inspired by true events, it is the story of a man given a second chance at life and how he responded to the adversities thrown at him to answer the ultimate question: Is there redemption for such a man?