At a Halloween carnival, a young father steals a magician’s rabbit to impress his ten-year-old son. The thrill of the petty theft quickly dissolves when the young boy is tasked with getting himself, his father, and his new pet home safe.
Outlaw gun for hire Jericho (played by Michael Pare) is on the run from the law when he finds himself tangled in a situation that will fundamentally change his life, his views and his beliefs forever.
A boy is haunted by a spooky figure stalking him in the dark. This ghost story is inspired by childhood nightmares, aimed to build a creepy atmosphere with one or two jumpscares mixed in there.
L'enquêteur paranormal Zak Bagans et son équipe, Nick Groff, Aaron Goodwin, Billy Tolley et Jay Wasley, recherchent des lieux hantés au niveau national et international. Au cours de leur enquête, Zak et son équipe se familiarisent avec la région, interrogent les habitants sur les lieux hantés et rencontrent les mauvais esprits qui hanteraient ces lieux.