Ian Lara offers his thoughts on a popular COVID-19 conspiracy theory, recalls discovering wine and stocks over the pandemic, and unpacks his recent dating experiences.
In his first standalone “Entre Nos” special, Ian Lara explores the lessons learned during the pandemic, including common problems of New Yorkers during travel, and offers some essential advice to avoid risky dating experiences.
Ian Lara offers his thoughts on a popular COVID-19 conspiracy theory, recalls discovering wine and stocks over the pandemic, and unpacks his recent dating experiences.
In his first standalone “Entre Nos” special, Ian Lara explores the lessons learned during the pandemic, including common problems of New Yorkers during travel, and offers some essential advice to avoid risky dating experiences.
Des vidéos, des photos, des publicités et des jeux de l'ère pré-Internet et un accent sur les choses qui seraient devenues virales si le web avait existé à l'époque. Un groupe de panélistes invités se joindra à l'émission pour la commenter et partager leurs souvenirs des années 1970, 1980 et 1990.