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Akio Kanzaki’s job as head of human resources is wearing his nerves thinner and thinner. To make matters worse, he’s on the brink of divorce with his wife, and his relationship with his college-student daughter isn’t exactly smooth sailing. One day, he decides to drop in to Tokyo’s old-timey district to visit his mother Fukue. However, things seem a little off. His mother used to be always working with an apron on, but now she’s covered in stylish clothes, looking livelier than ever, and even in love! Akio becomes perplexed, feeling out of place in his own mother’s home, but after encountering kind, warm—and almost nosey—neighbors and a side of his mother he’d never seen before, Akio gradually starts to discover something he had lost sight of.
Hula Fulla Dance

Hula Fulla Dance

Dec 03, 2021
Nous suivons le quotidien d'Hiwa Natsunagi, une jeune fille débutante au Hula, une danse Hawaïenne. Dans l'espoir de reprendre le flambeau de sa défunte grande sœur, anciennement danseuse, elle travaillera d'arrache-pied pour faire carrière dans ce domaine, aux côtés de ses camarades de classe au Spa Resort Hawaiians, un hôtel situé dans la préfecture de Fukushima.


Jun 24, 2023
En 2024, des monstres infâmes rôdent dans un Japon en ruines, alors que les survivants se rassemblent pour tenter de retrouver une vie normale. Kiruko accepte la dernière volonté d'une femme : elle doit emmener un garçon appelé Maru vers le « paradis ».
Legal High

Legal High

Dec 18, 2013
L'avocat Kensuke Komikado aime l'argent, le prestige et les femmes, mais il a aussi un taux de réussite de 100% quand il s'agit de ses affaires juridiques, peu importe les moyens. Machiko Mayuzumi est un avocate débutante qui a un sens aigu de la justice et une passion pour la protection des faibles. Elle est aussi maladroite et droite dans son travail. Un jour, Machiko Mayuzumi commence à travailler au cabinet juridique de Kensuke. Les deux avocats s'affrontent constamment, mais dans la salle d'audience, ils coopèrent pour ne faire qu'un.
The Case of Uzukawa Village
Pour tenter de la retrouver, le médecin Iwamori Akira se rend dans le village natal de sa femme qui a disparu. Les lieux sont particulièrement animés en raison des préparatifs d'une importante fête religieuse qui ne se tient que tous les douze ans. Cependant, derrière cette agitation se cachent également des tensions et des rancœurs qui donnent lieu à des conflits familiaux ou de générations. Un orage va s'abattre sur la localité et la couper du reste du monde. C'est alors que les morts vont commencer à s'enchainer.
A popular English teacher, Mizuguchi Risako has been kidnapped three days before the high school's graduation ceremony. Four high school seniors received a mysterious challenge letter, asking them to solve the mystery of the kidnapping case within 72 hours. The four students are Kurokawa Yoshiki, his childhood friend Takahata Ayane, sports all-rounder Ogita Junpei, and school's beauty contest winner Komatsu Mio. The four students were wondering why they're the only ones who received the letter, but later gradually found out the "other face" of Mizuguchi which she has been hiding.
Shibasaki Kaori is a doctor. Her patient that she was having an affair with dies. Kaori is suspicious of the patient's son Kido Takashi about the death. Noguchi Tomomi is a single mother. She is excited in experiencing love for the first time in 7 years. Harada Saeko is in conflict with her husband Harada Satoshi about having a child. Mizushima Juri insists on having freewheeling romance. She feels excitement with meeting a woman. These four women's lives connect and an unexpected story begins.
Ohganeku Michiko, who works in the planning sales department of a famous furniture maker, had a traumatic experience with her ex-boyfriend in the past. Being a railway otaku for 10 years, she uses her free time to visit train stations on local lines nationwide where she meets various people, enjoys the scenery and delicacies.