Emrullah Erbay

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Apr 03, 2024
Turquie, 1996. Ahmet, 14 ans, est dévasté lorsque sa famille l’envoie dans un pensionnat religieux (Yurt). Pour son père récemment converti, c’est un chemin vers la rédemption et la pureté. Pour lui, c’est un cauchemar. Le jour, il fréquente une école privée laïque et nationaliste ; le soir, il retrouve son dortoir surpeuplé, les longues heures d’études coraniques et les brimades. Mais grâce à son amitié avec un autre pensionnaire, Ahmet défie les règles strictes de ce système, qui ne vise qu’à embrigader la jeunesse.
İki Nehir Arasında

İki Nehir Arasında

Mar 01, 2024
1914-1918, Burma, Turkish POW camp, and other side Turkey, British POW camp. Hidden truths that still remain silent despite the intervening century. Descendants of Turkish and British soldiers who crossed paths in Mesopotamia during the First World War think upon the unknown stories of their grandfathers and how it has affected their lives. The film progresses with testimonies from two different nations' prisoners of war, who have been left outside of the historical framework, and showcases the shared painful effects of war's cruelty upon individuals, and the bond that distinguishes the reality of history from memory and forgiveness. The film focuses on the tragic stories of W. C. Spackman, an English military doctor working in the Indian Army, and Colonel Suphi Bey, a Turkish officer, whose destinies intersect in Mesopotamia.
Birlikte, Yalnız

Birlikte, Yalnız

Aug 19, 2022
Sevgi and Doğan, a young couple, steal cars in the poorer districts of Istanbul and sell them to the junkyard to be pressed. One day, however, an unsettling event shakes them to the core, pushing them to face some truths about their relationship and the harsh realities of life.