After losing his fiancée to a wealthy rival, Bob hires the Wing Man to help him get her back. Subsequently, though, the Wing Man faces off against his own arch enemy — another Wing Man — who has other plans for Bob. Through car races and bar hopping, this quest for love teaches Bob that true love is found right in front of him.
Neil Lawrence is sent to a boarding school by his father. During the first days he meets T.J. who he falls in love with. After being assigned a paper on Holden Caulfield - the main character in J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye" - Neil decides to go on a journey to meet Salinger, who he feels has played a huge role in his life. Neil & T.J. take off on a journey to New York City. A journey that leads to more then they both ever could have imagined - and changes both their lives forever.
Sue Thomas, une jeune femme atteinte de surdité quitte sa ville natale afin de réaliser son rêve de travailler pour le FBI. Accompagnée de son chien de support pour malentendants, Lévi, elle réussit à se rendre utile grâce à son excellente capacité à lire sur les lèvres.