Sebastian Nakajew

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Anatomie 2

Anatomie 2

Nov 23, 2003
Jo Hauser, qui débute en médecine, tente par tous les moyens de mettre la main sur un remède qui guérira son frère, gravement malade. Très vite, il fait la rencontre du professeur Müller-LaRousse, qui est prêt à l'aider. Mais les choses virent au cauchemar…


Jan 01, 2021
The boy is in the back of the car. The parents sit in the front and argue. Once again. The argument gets louder, more complicated. Until the boy can't take it anymore and leaves the car. While walking on a highway bridge he finds a stone. He looks down at the street with so many cars passing under him. Suddenly he sees a car in which something that seems all too familiar is happening. And what he just can't take anymore.
Rendez-vous l'an prochain
Allemagne, 1971. Elke vit à Cobourg, en Bavière, avec son époux et ses enfants. Tous les ans, elle rend visite à son beau-frère Helmut en RDA. À l'occasion de l'une de ses visites, elle rencontre Gregor, marié lui aussi. Ils entament alors une longue liaison, ponctuée de brèves retrouvailles, une fois par an, au mois de juin. Mais la distance qui les sépare est d'autant plus difficile à supporter que le mur de Berlin divise l'Allemagne. Gregor se montre jaloux d'Elke, qui vit du "bon côté", en femme indépendante et fortunée. Puis il apprend qu'il n'est pas son seul amant. En effet, pour Elke, les sentiments n'impliquent en rien la monogamie. Lorsque le Mur tombe, l'homme blessé dans son orgueil doit prendre une décision...
Wolfsland – Ewig Dein
The body of John Staffler, a well-known, successful lawyer, lies in front of the police officers. In his mouth: a red thong that definitely doesn't belong to his wife. At least that's what the former Hamburg criminalist Viola Delbrück and the Upper Lusatian loner Burkhard Schulz agree on. And also in the fact that the place where the body was found is not the crime scene. The investigation leads them to a country estate where Staffler apparently housed his lover. The trail continues to lead them to a young Polish-German couple, whose escape becomes more and more desperate the closer the two inspectors get to them.
TV Movie
Nous sommes jeunes. Nous sommes forts
Rostock, au lendemain de la réunification. Les sentiments xénophobes de la population s'exacerbent contre les travailleurs vietnamiens et les demandeurs d'asile. Le 24 août 1992, plusieurs centaines d'émeutiers d'extrême droite s'attaquent à coup de cocktails Molotov à des barres d'immeubles où sont hébergées des familles immigrées, le tout sous les acclamations de la foule.
Die Liebe des Hans Albers
He is considered to be one of the greatest German film stars, Hans Albers, known as "Der blonde Hans", a man made for the cinema. He was an actor, singer, idol of the Germans - and darling of the Nazis. Nevertheless, he could not protect his great love, the Jewess Hansi Burg. In 1938 she had to flee to London from anti-Semitism in Germany. But Albers himself stayed in Germany and continued to film, driven by a desire for a career and the call of money. In 1946, one year after the end of the Second World War, they meet again: Hansi Burg returns to the land of the murderers of her parents in the uniform of the British Army and visits Hans Albers in his villa on Lake Starnberg. He lives there with another woman. The rival has to go, then there is a tense debate. For a day and a night, the blonde Hans has to face uncomfortable questions and even more uncomfortable truths.
Une affaire d'amour

Une affaire d'amour

Sep 13, 2016
Sarah Pohl est journaliste dans un grand journal de Leipzig et elle est en train d'écrire un article sur un employeur (la société FCS) qui engage des femmes illégalement et ces femmes travaillent dans des conditions terribles.
Nazijäger - Reise in die Finsternis
Shortly after the end of the Second World War: In 1945 and 1946, the men of the British "War Crimes Investigation Unit" drove through northern Germany on the hunt for Nazi criminals. One of them is Captain Anton Walter Freud, the grandson of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis. Anton Walter Freud fled to London with his family from the Nazis in 1938. Now an intelligence officer, he's back to track down killers on Allied wanted lists: hitmen in pinstripes, brutal SS henchmen, and ruthless doctors who conducted medical experiments even on children. The soldiers who witnessed the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp months earlier are not squeamish about it. 24-year-old Freud is a free spirit known for his unorthodox methods. He knows how to make war criminals talk. So he comes across a crime that has hardly been known before, the murder of 20 children in Hamburg in the last days of the war.
SOKO Stuttgart

SOKO Stuttgart

Feb 20, 2025
The SOKO Stuttgart team investigates analytically and with sensitivity in the likeable state capital. The exciting cases of the series lead them to bizarre crime scenes and to different milieus.
Sur les lieux du crime
La série des Tatort, créé en 1970, est la plus ancienne et la plus appréciée des séries télévisées policières diffusées actuellement dans les pays germanophones. Au cours de l'année 2010, elle a été regardée chaque semaine par près de 8,5 millions de personnes en moyenne, d'après l'ARD.