Akin Omotoso

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Les trois jeunes détectives - le secret de l'île aux fantômes
Hannibal, Peter et Bob sont trois jeunes garçons californiens, détectives à leurs heures perdues. Quand le père de Peter s'envole pour l'île du squelette, au large de l'Afrique du Sud, afin de concevoir un parc d'attractions à la demande d'une vieille femme fortunée, le trio inséparable fait ses bagages et part à l'aventure. Bientôt, une mystérieuse bête terrifie et attaque les ouvriers du chantier. Un guérisseur prévient les nouveaux venus : l'île est sacrée et malheur à ceux qui tenteront d'y construire quoi que ce soit!
J'ai serré la main du diable
En 1993, le lieutenant-général canadien Roméo Dallaire a été envoyé par les Nations Unies au Rwanda à titre de commandant de la Mission d'assistance des Nations Unies pour le Rwanda (MINUAR). Sa mission, assurer le cessez-le-feu, est sous-financée, excessivement bureaucratisée et composée d'unités militaires venues de dizaines de pays et qui ont chacune un programme très différent... Tels sont les efforts du lieutenant-général Dallaire pour mettre fin à la folie du génocide rwandais, et ce, malgré l'indifférence totale de ses supérieurs.
Lord of War

Lord of War

Sep 16, 2005
Né en Ukraine avant l'effondrement du bloc soviétique, Yuri arrive aux États-Unis avec ses parents. Il se fait passer pour un émigrant juif...Audacieux et fin négociateur, il se fait une place dans le trafic d'armes. Les énormes sommes d'argent qu'il gagne lui permettent aussi de conquérir celle qui l'a toujours fasciné, la belle Ava. Parallèlement à cette vie de mari et de père idéal, Yuri devient l'un des plus gros vendeurs d'armes clandestins du monde. Utilisant ses relations à l'Est, il multiplie les coups toujours plus risqués, mais parvient chaque fois à échapper à Jack Valentine, l'agent d'Interpol qui le pourchasse. Des luxueux immeubles new-yorkais aux palais des dictateurs africains, Yuri joue de plus en plus gros. Convaincu de sa chance, il poursuit sa double vie explosive, jusqu'à ce que le destin et sa conscience le rattrapent...
Catching Feelings

Catching Feelings

Jun 18, 2017
Alors que la tension monte dans leur couple, un jeune professeur de Johannesburg et sa femme journaliste voient leur vie chamboulée par un écrivain célèbre et fêtard.
Naked Reality

Naked Reality

Dec 06, 2016
An experimental Afrofuturistic fable centered around Wanita, a mysterious young woman who embarks on a journey of discovery that might just save humanity. One hundred and fifty years in the future, Africa has become a single, sprawling metropolis controlled by a race of immortal beings, and full of regular mortals dying from a disease called Bad Luck. As Wanita leaves home one morning, a prayer to her ancestors unwittingly starts her on a path to the Dimsi — another dimension, invisible to the eye, but discoverable by the soul. Can Wanita follow her DNA to break free from the shackles of the immortals? A purposely unfinished work, NAKED REALITY boldly leaves the audience with a blank canvas to interpret and create, as Bekolo grants viewers access to limitless answers waiting to be unearthed.
Wonder Boy For President
"Wonder Boy for President," tells a story of a charismatic young man from the Eastern Cape who is coerced into running for president by two corrupt characters. It is a political satire that delves into political dynamics and challenges that arise.


Jul 22, 2021


A young lady baby sits for a mysterious woman and wakes up in a hospital with vivid memories of an occurrence she can't prove happened. It's left to an equally mysterious chain smoking detective to find out the truth. What happened? Did it happen?
Man On Ground

Man On Ground

Sep 12, 2011
Ade and Femi are expatriate Nigerian brothers. Ade is a successful banker in London, while Femi, once a political dissident in his home country, has had to escape to South Africa, live in refugee tenements and work menial jobs. The brothers have not only been physically estranged, their relationship is riddled with unspoken betrayal, guilt and scorn, which they have carried since the early days of their youth. During a short visit to Johannesburg, Ade discovers that his brother has been missing for a week. He sets out to investigate Femi's mysterious disappearance, reconstructing the pieces of his everyday life and the cruel hardships he endured just to survive. A riot erupts while Ade is visiting Femi's former boss in one of the townships. Ade is forced to take shelter with the employer. The mounting violence outside seeps into their exchanges and, eventually, prompts an explosion of revelation.
Man On Ground

Man On Ground

Sep 12, 2011
Ade and Femi are expatriate Nigerian brothers. Ade is a successful banker in London, while Femi, once a political dissident in his home country, has had to escape to South Africa, live in refugee tenements and work menial jobs. The brothers have not only been physically estranged, their relationship is riddled with unspoken betrayal, guilt and scorn, which they have carried since the early days of their youth. During a short visit to Johannesburg, Ade discovers that his brother has been missing for a week. He sets out to investigate Femi's mysterious disappearance, reconstructing the pieces of his everyday life and the cruel hardships he endured just to survive. A riot erupts while Ade is visiting Femi's former boss in one of the townships. Ade is forced to take shelter with the employer. The mounting violence outside seeps into their exchanges and, eventually, prompts an explosion of revelation.
Black Is King

Black Is King

Jul 30, 2020
Ade and Femi are expatriate Nigerian brothers. Ade is a successful banker in London, while Femi, once a political dissident in his home country, has had to escape to South Africa, live in refugee tenements and work menial jobs. The brothers have not only been physically estranged, their relationship is riddled with unspoken betrayal, guilt and scorn, which they have carried since the early days of their youth. During a short visit to Johannesburg, Ade discovers that his brother has been missing for a week. He sets out to investigate Femi's mysterious disappearance, reconstructing the pieces of his everyday life and the cruel hardships he endured just to survive. A riot erupts while Ade is visiting Femi's former boss in one of the townships. Ade is forced to take shelter with the employer. The mounting violence outside seeps into their exchanges and, eventually, prompts an explosion of revelation.
Tell Me Sweet Something
Ade and Femi are expatriate Nigerian brothers. Ade is a successful banker in London, while Femi, once a political dissident in his home country, has had to escape to South Africa, live in refugee tenements and work menial jobs. The brothers have not only been physically estranged, their relationship is riddled with unspoken betrayal, guilt and scorn, which they have carried since the early days of their youth. During a short visit to Johannesburg, Ade discovers that his brother has been missing for a week. He sets out to investigate Femi's mysterious disappearance, reconstructing the pieces of his everyday life and the cruel hardships he endured just to survive. A riot erupts while Ade is visiting Femi's former boss in one of the townships. Ade is forced to take shelter with the employer. The mounting violence outside seeps into their exchanges and, eventually, prompts an explosion of revelation.
Tell Me Sweet Something
Ade and Femi are expatriate Nigerian brothers. Ade is a successful banker in London, while Femi, once a political dissident in his home country, has had to escape to South Africa, live in refugee tenements and work menial jobs. The brothers have not only been physically estranged, their relationship is riddled with unspoken betrayal, guilt and scorn, which they have carried since the early days of their youth. During a short visit to Johannesburg, Ade discovers that his brother has been missing for a week. He sets out to investigate Femi's mysterious disappearance, reconstructing the pieces of his everyday life and the cruel hardships he endured just to survive. A riot erupts while Ade is visiting Femi's former boss in one of the townships. Ade is forced to take shelter with the employer. The mounting violence outside seeps into their exchanges and, eventually, prompts an explosion of revelation.


Oct 27, 2017
Ade and Femi are expatriate Nigerian brothers. Ade is a successful banker in London, while Femi, once a political dissident in his home country, has had to escape to South Africa, live in refugee tenements and work menial jobs. The brothers have not only been physically estranged, their relationship is riddled with unspoken betrayal, guilt and scorn, which they have carried since the early days of their youth. During a short visit to Johannesburg, Ade discovers that his brother has been missing for a week. He sets out to investigate Femi's mysterious disappearance, reconstructing the pieces of his everyday life and the cruel hardships he endured just to survive. A riot erupts while Ade is visiting Femi's former boss in one of the townships. Ade is forced to take shelter with the employer. The mounting violence outside seeps into their exchanges and, eventually, prompts an explosion of revelation.


Oct 27, 2017
Ade and Femi are expatriate Nigerian brothers. Ade is a successful banker in London, while Femi, once a political dissident in his home country, has had to escape to South Africa, live in refugee tenements and work menial jobs. The brothers have not only been physically estranged, their relationship is riddled with unspoken betrayal, guilt and scorn, which they have carried since the early days of their youth. During a short visit to Johannesburg, Ade discovers that his brother has been missing for a week. He sets out to investigate Femi's mysterious disappearance, reconstructing the pieces of his everyday life and the cruel hardships he endured just to survive. A riot erupts while Ade is visiting Femi's former boss in one of the townships. Ade is forced to take shelter with the employer. The mounting violence outside seeps into their exchanges and, eventually, prompts an explosion of revelation.
The Call

The Call

Jan 31, 2015
A pregnant prostitute, A taxi driver and an iPhone come together on an ordinary Johannesburg afternoon to decide the value of a life. Can two people who do not know how to love, create a home?
Courting Anathi

Courting Anathi

Jun 02, 2023
A pregnant prostitute, A taxi driver and an iPhone come together on an ordinary Johannesburg afternoon to decide the value of a life. Can two people who do not know how to love, create a home?
Bon pour le casse

Bon pour le casse

Jul 28, 2023
A pregnant prostitute, A taxi driver and an iPhone come together on an ordinary Johannesburg afternoon to decide the value of a life. Can two people who do not know how to love, create a home?
A Hotel Called Memory

A Hotel Called Memory

Sep 01, 2017
The film, set in Lagos, Cape Town and Zanzibar, tells the story of Lola, who recently separated from her husband in Lagos, seeks solace in Zanzibar, hoping to forget and move on with her life.
A Hotel Called Memory

A Hotel Called Memory

Sep 01, 2017
The film, set in Lagos, Cape Town and Zanzibar, tells the story of Lola, who recently separated from her husband in Lagos, seeks solace in Zanzibar, hoping to forget and move on with her life.
Le Daily Show

Le Daily Show

Feb 27, 2025
Trevor Noah et l'équipe de la plus fausse information au monde abordent les plus grandes histoires de l'actualité, de la politique et de la culture pop.
Jacob's Cross

Jacob's Cross

Nov 26, 2012
The series revolves around South African born businessman Jacob Makhubu Abayomi, a son of an ANC stalwart who finds that his biological father is actually a Nigerian tribal chief. Jacob's subsequent desire to build an African oil and gas business empire in the shadow of both of his fathers is set against the backdrop of family feuds and betrayals.