Tatsuyoshi Matsumoto

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Oct 21, 1989
The year is 2755. As a result of a system malfunction, the cargo ship XeBeC goes off-course in a warp gate and ends up within the orbit of the distant planet Garaga. After crashing on Garaga's surface, the crew must find ways to survive from hideous monsters, rabid ape soldiers, and a race of mysterious psychics.
Science Fiction


Apr 05, 1991
In the blink of an eye, high school student Taku Shimamura finds himself transported to the bizarre world of Slaffleaze, where intelligent creatures govern and the ruling class, led by the villainous Zolba, is plotting the invasion of the world they know as Capricorn, the Earth. Joining together with the oppressed Slaffleaze peasants, Taku must find a way to stop Zolba's dark forces before the way to the unsuspecting Earth is opened. In order to do so, he must first gain the love and trust of the last of the Yappie, the ancestral guardians of Slaffeaze. This is a task that will take more than a little courage and daring, for the last Yappie is not just a cute young female, she`s also a dragon.
Cours, Melos

Cours, Melos

Jul 25, 1992
In the blink of an eye, high school student Taku Shimamura finds himself transported to the bizarre world of Slaffleaze, where intelligent creatures govern and the ruling class, led by the villainous Zolba, is plotting the invasion of the world they know as Capricorn, the Earth. Joining together with the oppressed Slaffleaze peasants, Taku must find a way to stop Zolba's dark forces before the way to the unsuspecting Earth is opened. In order to do so, he must first gain the love and trust of the last of the Yappie, the ancestral guardians of Slaffeaze. This is a task that will take more than a little courage and daring, for the last Yappie is not just a cute young female, she`s also a dragon.

Apr 21, 1989

Alors que les troupes de Gilgamesh se retirent face à l'avancée de l'armée de Balarant, le groupe de Mellowlink Arity est laissé sur place, muni de simples fusils anti-AT, avec pour mission de ralentir suffisamment l'ennemi pour permettre à leurs camarades de s'échapper. Seul survivant, Mellowlink est accusé de haute-trahison ; il comprend alors avoir été trahi, et que le sacrifice de son unité aura en réalité servi les desseins de membres influents de l'armée. Dès lors, il décide de se venger de tous les responsables de la mort de ses compagnons.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Sep 10, 1991

L'histoire présente quatre Rois de Dragon Divins (tous frères), chacun avec leurs propres royaumes : un au Nord, un à l'Est, un au Sud et à un à l'Ouest. Les frères sont nés à nouveau mais dans le monde moderne, complet avec leurs pouvoirs surnaturels et leur capacité à devenir les Dragons dont ils sont descendants. Ils sont heureux de mener des vies ordinaires jusqu'à ce que de méchantes créatures viennent pour les attaquer...

Mar 27, 1990

The story is a succession of races in fancy routes (pyramids, labyrinths, etc.) and tracks fit to make the cars race. During the series run, many characters will appear, like Momotaro (and his Mini 4WD, Crimson Glory, DashWarriors'last obstacle towards the final victory), Sabu Kinjiro (Aero Solitude) and also Jin that will race the Hell Rally with a new Mini4wd, the Proto Emperor ZX (the previous one was the Dash-X1 Proto Emperor, defeated in the regional finals by Yonkuro's then new mini4wd, the Dash-01 Super Emperor). The tracks become always more harder and the stories unlikely (in a volume of the manga, is mentioned that even the prehistoric children used mini4wd-like cars built with natural materials like wood and leaves that would be pushed by the wind), the story always will focus even more on which one would be the true "Emperor", it will be discovered are many mini4wds with this title that will confront against Yonkuro's Emperor, until the epilogue, in the epic challenge of the Hell Rally. in this race Yonkuro will challenge a group of delinquents that want to take advantage of the best mini4wd racers to manage recovering a treasure hidden during the World War II by the nazis. Between his opponents there will be a revived Ken Hinomaru, ready to challenge the son and test his abilities with his new mini 4wd, the Dash-0 Infinite Boundless. In the end, Yonkuro, helped by his teammates (now far from racing, but always bound by a deep friendship), triumphs with his new car, the Liberty Emperor.

Sep 17, 1998

Lors d'un concours à l'école, un jeune garçon du nom d'Adrien Lemaire fabrique dans de la pâte à modeler un petit robot qu'il appelle Lutinor. Mais alors qu'il rentre de l'école, en passant par le lac des cygnes, un dragon sort de l'eau et l'emporte avec lui. Adrien se réveille alors dans un village près de la montagne sacrée. On lui révèle qu'il est le sauveur et qu'il doit rendre ses 7 couleurs à l'arc-en-ciel de la montagne sacrée en délivrant ses 7 mondes des sbires du Maître des Portes. Adrien se voit remettre une armure avec des patins à roulettes et une épée : Darandole. Il sera aidé dans sa quête par le robot qu'il a fabriqué (Lutinor), par Edwina (la jeune princesse du village), par Maître Jibaro et son robot Samourak...