Giovanni Morosi

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Ricomincio da tre

Ricomincio da tre

Mar 05, 1981
Gaetano, a young Neapolitan, decides to leave home, work and friends, to look for other moments of life and meet other people.
Cornetti alla crema

Cornetti alla crema

Sep 11, 1981
Mariana and Domenico are on the run from her jealous boyfriend who just happens to be an over-jealous professional football player.
Il conte Tacchia

Il conte Tacchia

Dec 23, 1982
En 1900 à Rome, le pauvre charpentier Francesco voit sa vie prendre un tournant inattendu lorsqu'il est reconnu comme un membre d'une noble famille en déclin. Francesco fait la connaissance du cynique et impitoyable Prince Torquato Terenzi, déçu par la vie et le progrès, et tombe également amoureux de la belle Duchesse Elisa. Lorsque le Prince Terenzi décède, Francesco se rend compte que son héritage ne l'a pas enrichi, car la famille noble est ruinée. Il décide alors de s'enrôler dans l'armée pour la guerre en Libye, mais il rentre rapidement en Italie, dégoûté par les atrocités des combats. Son rêve est de devenir chanteur, et il décide de partir pour l'Amérique avec la Duchesse Elisa.
Vieni avanti cretino

Vieni avanti cretino

Apr 07, 1982
Pasquale Baudaffi, on amnesty, comes out of prison and starts looking for a job with the help of his cousin Gaetano. But first he goes to what was once a brothel, but, unbeknownst to our hapless hero, has been taken over and rented as a dental office. Pasquale finds himself at the center of endless misunderstandings. He tries to be a gamekeeper but that's not okay, he tries to be a waiter in a bar: he immediately gets his orders wrong and he is fired. His performance as a garage keeper was negative. The very latest experience is in an electronics company but its insertion into the futuristic mechanism triggers the craziest complications. The encounter with a lost dog allows him to get to know his mistress and thus discover the woman of his life.
Dernier amour

Dernier amour

Nov 10, 1978
Ex-gloire de la comédie, Picchio tombe amoureux de Renata, jeune infirmière de la Villa Serena, la maison de retraite pour anciens acteurs de théâtre dans laquelle il vient d'arriver. Il décide de la suivre à Rome, pour vivre la première aventure amoureuse de sa retraite.
La Voix de la lune

La Voix de la lune

Mar 05, 1990
Le candide Ivo Salvini, vagabond qui communique avec la Lune, part pour une étrange contrée rendre un escarpin d'argent qu'il a autrefois dérobé à la blonde Aldina...
Giallo a Venezia

Giallo a Venezia

Dec 31, 1979
Fabio et sa femme Flavia sont retrouvés mort au bord de la lagune vénitienne. Il semblerait que la femme soit morte noyée, tandis que son mari a été lardé de coups de poignard. Le commissaire De Paul est chargé de trouver l'assassin. Pour ce faire, il va enquêter sur le passé des deux amants.


Aug 15, 1980
During a high-stakes investigation into corporate and banking elites tied to organized crime, a police chief and his team are murdered for refusing a bribe. Meanwhile, another officer finds his bank account credited with a large sum and receives anonymous instructions on how to handle the subsequent inquiry.
2020 Texas Gladiators

2020 Texas Gladiators

Jun 10, 1983
Sabrina, fille d'un savant qui a découvert une arme redoutable, est poursuivie par de sinistres personnages conduits par "One Eye". Ian, Harrison, Bons et Penny tentent de sauver la jeune fille. Après une violente bagarre, le groupe de gangsters s'enfuit en capturant Sabrina. La chasse à l'homme (enfin, à la femme) qui s'ensuit se termine au poste de police où Harrison relate toute l'affaire, mais le shérif est de mèche avec "One Eye".
SOS Concorde

SOS Concorde

Mar 23, 1979
Un journaliste tente d'arrêter l'écrasement d'un avion après avoir découvert le complot d'une compagnie aérienne pour sauver son entreprise en sabotant les vols Concorde et les faire déclasser.


May 23, 1980
Pallone is not very good at keeping jobs as in ten days he managed to get fired seven times .His big dream is to direct a large symphony orchestra and, as chance would have it, he has a girlfriend who is the daughter of a famous record producer. Could this fact help him to achieve his dream ?


Sep 28, 1988
As a boy the orphan Antonio Stradivari heard for the first time in his life the sound of a violin and he was fascinated by its voice. He tried to construct a violin and attracted the attention of Niccolò Amati, a famous lutist of Cremona. Antonio became apprentice in his bottega (workshop). Grown up, he fell in love for Francesca and he succeeded in marrying her. Afterwards he became more and more famous for his violins and he was granted a diploma from the king of Spain. After the death of his wife he was almost forced to marry again. He was chosen by Antonia Maria and it will be a happy marriage. In the background we have a look at the history of Northern Italy during the seventeenth century.
Peccati a Venezia

Peccati a Venezia

Jan 01, 1980
Melissa, a beautiful woman in her prime, her cousin Gianni and her elderly and paralyzed Aunt Adele live in a villa in a decadent Venice, Franca. A very young friend of the family comes to the villa. In a short time the life of the three is turned upside down.
Black Journal

Black Journal

Nov 24, 1977
Italie, 1938. Léa, une femme du Sud émigrée au Nord, a connu maintes fausses couches pénibles avant de mettre enfin au monde un fils, Michèle, auquel elle voue un amour possessif et sans limites. Offrant toutes les apparences d'une affable dame entre deux âges, Lea invite des femmes du voisinage à prendre chez elle le thé avec des petits gâteaux. Avec l'aide de Tina, sa servante attardée mentale, elle vend aussi à ses voisines un savon artisanal qui rend la peau très douce. Mais sous cette façade, Léa cache une toute autre personnalité et des activités pour le moins étranges, qui éveilleront l'attention du maréchal des carabiniers.


Sep 03, 1982
Two convicts escape from prison and evade the law by taking hostage the middle-class family of a doctor. One of the jailbirds calls the local television station, requesting that they broadcast his demand for a plane so they can escape the country. The television director and his crew show up to film the hostage crisis, and then things get progressively more bizarre and satirical. Not content with the living drama, he directs everyone's actions to make the event more newsworthy.