Jaromír Crha

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Comment On Réveille Les Princesses
A peine née, une jeune princesse reçoit une malédiction de sa tante, jalouse que sa soeur soit devenue reine à sa place. A ses dix-sept ans, la jeune fille s'endormira comme tout le royaume, quand elle se piquera le doigt. Avant l'arrivée des dix-sept ans fatals, le roi se débarrasse de tous les rosiers et objets piquants, et tente de la faire épouser par un prince d'un autre royaume pour l'éloigner...


May 09, 1980
Poslední propadne peklu
A historical film that takes place on the eve of the thirty year war combines aspects of fairy-tales with historical dramas, fencing with a child heroes who find themselves in great dangers. We are in the year 1611 and mercenaries that had previously invaded Czech lands now have to withdraw before the Hungarian king's army. In this chaos a magical bottle, that fulfills the owner one single wish, appears among some fugitives - however after the fulfillment it has to be sold for half it's price to a new owner. The director Ludvík Ráža has created an attractive and surprisingly cruel film aimed not only at young viewers.
30 případů majora Zemana
Thirty Cases of Major Zeman is a Czechoslovak action-drama television show intended as a political propaganda to support the official attitude of the communist party. The series were filmed in the 1970s. Each episode encompasses one year, and investigations are stylized to that year. Most are inspired by real cases. The series follows the life of police investigator Jan Zeman during his career from 1945 to 1975.