Su Xin

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Jan 01, 1970
The story begins when a white-collar worker discovers old records in her childhood home which takes the story to the end of Qing and the beginning of the Republican era. The female protagonist is a woman with a unique ability and a special mission. She can help men and women through their emotional problems and leave them with no regrets regardless of the outcome. Yet her own experience with love is not without troubles of its own.


Apr 08, 2020
They say that people who in their seventies would have told 90,000 lies throughout their lifetime. Dai Meng, Liao Duo Duo, and Hua Sheng are three individuals who use lies as a means to seek out the truth. Expert lie detector Dai Meng resigns from his job due to a mistake at work. He opens up a firm that specializes in solving all kinds of problems from emotional disputes, debts to work-related issues. As long as it does not violate the law, he will accept any job. Dai Meng relies on his expertise in analyzing the telltale signs of a lie to help him in his work. With business booming, he crosses paths with Liao Duo Duo, a fellow analyst, and they immediately have a go to see who's better. Dai Meng wins the round but gets stuck with her company.
Please Feel At Ease Mr. Ling
L'histoire d'un "lapin" qui ramène à la maison un "grand méchant loup" suit une jeune femme nommée Gu An Xin qui tombe par hasard sur le cadre supérieur Ling Yue après qu'il ait eu un accident. Gu An Xin a ramassé un homme. Au début, elle pensait qu'il était stupide, mais après quelques jours d'interaction, il s'avère être un génie. Il s'avère que Ling Yue a eu un accident après avoir été pris dans la vilaine lutte pour la succession d'un puissant conglomérat. Avec deux personnes si différentes l'une de l'autre vivant ensemble, quel genre de relation cela va-t-il apporter ?
A story that follows two people's brave pursuit of love from their campus days to their humble beginnings as they enter the workplace to chase after their dreams together. Xia Linxi's senior year is full of radiance while Jiang Zhenghan's is in peril. Jiang Zhenghan is doing everything he can to earn money and ends up becoming the tutor of a very unwilling Xia Linxi who still hasn't forgotten their terrible first meeting. When the two felt love for the first time, it was sweet and pure. It's the kind of love that you want to profess to the world but it wasn't until after their exams that their feelings became more clear. Just as they wished, Xia Linxi and Jiang Zhenghan are admitted to the same university. From their youth to adulthood, from the school to the workplace, from a school uniform to a wedding dress, they have each other as a lifelong companion.
J'aimerai au printemps
Après avoir surmonté une épreuve difficile, Chen Maidong, jeune homme au caractère rebelle, décide de devenir croque-mort. En situation de handicap suite à un accident de voiture, Zhuang Jie, quant à elle, mène une brillante carrière et voit sa vie prendre une tournure plus favorable. Leur rencontre bouleversera leurs existences et leur permettra de guérir de leurs blessures.