In this sequel to "Home of the Brave," Noah makes the decision to join the stoic Lieutenant McCluskey and battle-fatigued Sergeant Roberts' squad, venturing into war-torn Virginia once more. However, upon facing combat, Noah and the squad are quickly beset by doubt, fear, and distrust, forcing some to question their true allies.
Three battered criminals are marooned at their rendezvous point after a botched heist. Beset by distrust and paranoia, the trio must ask themselves if there's a traitor among them, or if their boss had set them up to fail from the very beginning.
The Cold War turns hot and a terrible conflict wages across the United States. Sierra, a young civilian, embarks on a quest to find her missing brother, with the help of the grizzled veteran Luther and her impressionable cousin Noah. The trio of travelers must brave the war-torn countryside on their mission to rescue Brent, who they can only hope is still alive.
In this sequel to "Home of the Brave," Noah makes the decision to join the stoic Lieutenant McCluskey and battle-fatigued Sergeant Roberts' squad, venturing into war-torn Virginia once more. However, upon facing combat, Noah and the squad are quickly beset by doubt, fear, and distrust, forcing some to question their true allies.