Letters from the Ceresco community trace the fragility of harmony, the dream of life in association. Members of the phalanx drift apart, lingering in private corners, suspended in speculative time.
Terminal Island is a portrait of Paradise Lost. Los Angeles, California is a place of immense beauty and a perfect climate, but it is also a nexus for ecological dread. Smoggy skylines, overdevelopment and the dying off of the iconic (and invasive) LA palm tree are some of the clues that Tinseltown is in trouble.
Terminal Island is a portrait of Paradise Lost. Los Angeles, California is a place of immense beauty and a perfect climate, but it is also a nexus for ecological dread. Smoggy skylines, overdevelopment and the dying off of the iconic (and invasive) LA palm tree are some of the clues that Tinseltown is in trouble.
Fragmented records of events almost too sinister to believe: Cold War era covert radiation testing performed by the United States government on its citizens. The film grapples with the challenges of documenting the invisible, and capturing what is merely waves and frequencies. Shot on expired film, it is through the contaminated image and a complex soundscape that the unseen becomes manifest.
Fragmented records of events almost too sinister to believe: Cold War era covert radiation testing performed by the United States government on its citizens. The film grapples with the challenges of documenting the invisible, and capturing what is merely waves and frequencies. Shot on expired film, it is through the contaminated image and a complex soundscape that the unseen becomes manifest.
Fragmented records of events almost too sinister to believe: Cold War era covert radiation testing performed by the United States government on its citizens. The film grapples with the challenges of documenting the invisible, and capturing what is merely waves and frequencies. Shot on expired film, it is through the contaminated image and a complex soundscape that the unseen becomes manifest.