Chen Chen

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Le Boxeur manchot

Le Boxeur manchot

Aug 02, 1972
Yu, le meilleur boxeur de son école ne râte pas une occasion de se battre, démolissant tout sur son passage. Mais le méchant de service ne s'avoue pas vaincu et engagera tous gros bras du pays pour dévaster l'école en question, laissant simplement Yu avec un bras en moins. Recueilli par un moine taoïste qui lui enseignera la technique de « la main de fer », et après un entraînement quasi inhumain, Yu pourra revenir sur le devant de la scène et se venger des japonais, coréens, tibétains, thaïlandais et hindous qui l'ont rendu infirme.
The New Shaolin Boxers
Un jeune garçon (Fu Sheng), dont la naïveté n’a d’égal que les extraordinaires compétences martiales, ne cesse de s’attirer des ennuis en venant en aide aux opprimés. Il se met ainsi bien vite à dos la population de la ville mais aussi les membres de la redoutable bande qui la tyrannise. Les événements dégénèrent et le voilà bientôt renvoyé de l’école d’arts martiaux par son sifu (Shan Mao) qui agit de la sorte pour le protéger. Alors que le turbulent jeune homme est en passe de se faire tuer en pleine rue par le chef de la bande (Johnny Wang Lung Wei), son sifu lui vient en aide et s’attire les foudres du truand. Dès lors, il décide de l’envoyer en apprentissage auprès d’un grand maître (Chan Wai Lau) qui maîtrise la technique du Choy Li Fut.L’élève se forme mais, dans son village natal, la bande assassine son ancien sifu.
Les Panthères du Kung Fu
Violette tente de s'emparer d'un chargement d'or appartenant au seigneur Chang. L'embuscade tourne mal et le bras droit de Violette, Kwan, est fait prisonnier. Il est emmené au palais de Chang pour y subir d'atroce tortures afin de révéler l'endroit où se cache Violette.


Feb 21, 1975
Five pretty girls go to Hong Kong to stay with their uncle who is a police superintendent. Soon they run into a gang of thieves, which gives them a chance to put their excellent kung fu skills to good use. This Bod Squad will kick your ass!
7 Man Army

7 Man Army

Apr 16, 1976
1933 : l’armée japonaise avance de plus en plus dans le territoire chinois. Les forces de résistance sont en déroute et un groupe de 7 soldats (dont un enfant) va tenter de tenir tête à 20 000 militaires nippons pour la sauvegarde d’un point stratégique de la Grande Muraille, Pa Tou Lou Tzu.
Le Guerrier de Kubilai Khan
Mai 1275, fraîchement arrivé à la cour de l’Empereur Kubilaï Khan, Marco Polo (Richard Harrison) se voit proposer un périple de trois ans dans les contrées chinoises afin de mieux connaître le pays et son peuple. De retour, il assiste à une tentative d’assassinat sur la personne du souverain menée par deux Hans. L’un d’eux parvient à s’échapper. Kubilaï Khan charge alors Marco Polo, accompagné de trois des meilleurs combattants tartares (Gordon Liu, Johnny Wang Lung Wei et Leung Kar Yan) et d’une petite armée, de le traquer jusqu’au foyer de la rébellion, à Hangzhou. La troupe ne tarde pas à occire le Han et son jeune frère, puis parvient à capturer sa femme. En chemin vers la capitale rebelle, Marco Polo et ses hommes croisent quatre vendeurs de sel (Alexander Fu Sheng, Chi Kuan Chun, Philip Kwok et Bruce Tong) qui cachent leur véritable identité…
Ying Zhao Tang Lang

Ying Zhao Tang Lang

Jun 11, 1977
After the Mantis Fist school attacks the Eagle's Claw school and leaves their teacher for dead, the dying master passes over his senior student, Chen Tien Chun, to anoint his second most senior pupil, Lee Cheh, as new master. Dejected, Chen joins the Mantis Fist school and wins the affection of his new master's daughter, while his former schoolmates plot revenge.


Dec 03, 1977
On his wedding night Mar Tien Lang, a prosperous businessman and instructor of 'The Magic Kick' technique, is attacked in his villa by the vilainous Fang Kang.
Jiu wen long

Jiu wen long

Feb 09, 1978
He's just a hotheaded, rude and violent young man who loves punching people. His family are killed in a revenge attack and he seeks revenge.
Sheng jian feng yun

Sheng jian feng yun

Oct 21, 1977
After her father, a judge, is murdered by corrupt officials, a young woman must set out do recover the Blood Rain Sword, which her father had left to her, and encounters obstacles from the villainous Chao Pai.
Les 2 cavaliers de Shaolin
Sung Hua, le plus âgé de la branche de Fen Wang, fut frappé par le poison de cartilage de Kuan Lao Chin, car il avait découvert que ce dernier collaborait avec l'ennemi. Son maître le sauva et l'emmena à Fen Wan village, qui devint le théâtre des intrigues, des pièges, des complots et des règlements de comptes les plus féroces et les plus riches en rebondissements.
Tong tou tie bei

Tong tou tie bei

Aug 31, 1972
A debt-ridden martial artist is forced to work for a gangster, who then murders his family.


Feb 10, 1977
The place: Shanghai. The time: 1921. The Japanese aggression towards China is getting stronger each day. Enter Hsueh Ao-Lin, an agent of the government sent to uncover the Chinese traitors helping the enemy. Once inside, Hsueh must fight both the Japanese and his countrymen for his sake, and the future of China.


Jul 12, 1978
Police Captain Dragon Leg calls on the services of a known felon and playboy, Snake Fist, to help him infiltrate a gang of Mongolian arms dealers led by the Deadly master of the Spider Fist.
Le Magnifique

Le Magnifique

Mar 08, 1978
Tous les dix ans, les différents maîtres des arts martiaux se réunissent pour discuter des différentes techniques. De ces réunions est né un art de combat infaillible : "l'art du Snake et du Crane". Si le détenteur de ces secrets est doté d'une grande sagesse, il deviendra un maître vénéré de tous. Mais que deviendrait le pays si de telles connaissances venaient à tomber entre des mains diaboliques ?


Oct 10, 1975
This rare swordplay team with top kung fu starlet Polly Shang Kwan and Pai Ying are on a mission to escort an official across a particularly treacherous and dangerous valley.


Jan 01, 1978
A young man emerges from 18 years studying martial arts to find the man responsible for the death of his parents.


Jun 11, 1977
Meng Fei stars as a fighter-for-hire who seeks the jade statuette for an unidentified employer. Hu Chin plays the sexy femme fatale, Madame Pearl, who runs the local brothel, seemingly the center of the town's commercial life. Chi Kuan-Chun plays Wu Kang, the town boss, who is involved romantically with Madame Pearl and protects the brothel. Madame Pearl is in league with the bandits who stole the jade and is waiting for them to arrive in town. The very pretty Kitty Meng Chui plays a prostitute who becomes an ally of Meng Fei. Mysterious characters abound, including one elegant fellow who has the habit of placing a single rose on the bodies of fight victims, saying, "Even the dead love roses." Many other familiar faces are on hand as well.


Jun 17, 1978
A well-known family is wiped out when a princess is on the hunt for a special sword called "Witty Sword". The daughter in the family sent in the attack. But the princess's minions are soon her on the tracks. Amidst all the ports obliterated family adopted son and sword fighters on both sides. Also a mysterious fisherman settles in.


Nov 26, 1978
Kuan-Chun Chi stars as Kun Tak, a monastery worker who falls victim to the ploys of a sinister monk and flees his temple in shame, only to fortuitously cross paths with a host of martial arts masters who school him in the ways of kung fu. Once Kun Tak becomes a master himself, he returns to the temple to exact revenge against the monk and reveal his evil plot to the world. Directed by Chiu Lee, the film also stars Fei Meng.


Dec 10, 1982
An attempted rape of a deaf mute girl causes her to take revenge. Soon the killings begin.


Jan 01, 1978
The Shaolin Kid learns the deadliest Shaolin fighting techniques in order to seek out his father's murderer and rid the world of the ruthless Tibetan Red Lama. Along the way, the Shaolin Kid must uncover many hidden truths about his troubled past.


Mar 10, 1979
In her bid for domination of the kingdom, a wicked woman invites opponents to their doom at her 'Fairyland' estate.
Le Boss de Shanghai

Le Boss de Shanghai

Nov 22, 1979
Dans les années 30, deux bons copains sont forcés de gagner Shanghai après avoir tuer un mafieux. Travaillant sur les docks, ils parviennent à battre un gang, ce qui leur vaut de devenir les maîtres des lieux, mais aussi cela va leur attirer de nouveaux ennuis.


Mar 23, 1978
The film begins with footage of Bruce Lee's funeral. The narrator then says that there is a new actor "who looks quite like him" that will become Lee's successor. His name is Hsao Lung. Later Hsao Lung is filming a movie. On the set, he is approached by a group of gangsters, led by a man named George, who want to control Hsao Lung. Hsao Lung declines, so they go after his girlfriend Alice, forcing her poison Hsao. During sex, the poison takes action and Hsao supposedly dies. Hsao fakes his death and pretends to be a chef so that he can watch over Alice. Alice is kidnapped by the gangsters, so Hsao starts looking for her and goes to a shipyard. There he fights off 4 motorcycle-riding gangsters that are wearing multi-colored tracksuits, one of them being the iconic green and black one from Game of Death. He defeats them and goes to the tower of death.


Jan 01, 1979
A tale of a lowly slave in feudal China who wants nothing more than to become a Kung Fu Expert.