Ilya Rusak

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Paul and Trisha: The Art of Fluidity
A colorful documentary exploring the lives of two 77-year-old British artists living in one gender-fluid body: Paul Whitehead and Trisha Van Cleef. Paul Whitehead is a painter, graphic designer, writer, and musician who worked as an art director for Time Out and John Lennon; founded the Eyes and Ears Foundation and its Artboard Festival, which allowed artists to showcase their work on billboards; and made album covers for music icons like Genesis, Credence Clearwater Revival, Van der Graaf Generator, and Peter Hammill. Whitehead began exploring his gender identity through cross-dressing during the 1960s, leading to the emergence of the converged artist Trisha Van Cleef in 2004. The film delves into the brutal challenges and beautiful victories that Paul and Trisha have faced—together and individually—in the mercurial and competitive art world while unapologetically navigating the uncharted waters of gender identity and artistic expression, breaking down perilous stigmas along the way.
Au seuil de la mort

Au seuil de la mort

Dec 16, 2022
Dans une petite ville proche de la frontière mexicaine, Bryant se lie d'amitié avec un adolescent perturbé et l'initie aux arts martiaux. Alors que le passé mystérieux de Bryant le rattrape de façon explosive, il est contraint à un combat de vie ou de mort dans le but de laver son nom, sauver le garçon et récupérer tout ce qu'il a été contraint de laisser derrière lui.
The Rookie : Le Flic de Los Angeles
Lorsque sa femme le quitte et que son fils part à la fac, John Nolan, la quarantaine, est à un tournant de sa vie et décide de réaliser un vieux rêve : devenir flic ! Il part vivre à Los Angeles et se retrouve, malgré son âge, un bleu parmi les bleus...