Marc Johannes

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Dossier 1413

Dossier 1413

Dec 01, 1961
Le corps de Béatrice Dumontier a été retrouvé dans un fourré du bois de Meudon. En suivant une amie de la victime, le commissaire Rossi découvre qu’elle est la maîtresse du directeur de l’Ange Noir, un cabaret qui sert de façade à plusieurs activités illégales.
La vie normale

La vie normale

Jun 30, 1966
The dramatic affair between Dr. Jean-Pierre Cazot and a young French woman, Laurence, a survivor of a death camp, who is expecting an unwanted child.
Le crime de David Levinstein
David Levinstein, a young Jewish boy whose parents have been arrested and killed by the Nazis, is taken in by Monsieur Ray, the head of his school. Unfortunately for him, Donnadieu, a pro-Nazi schoolmaster, denounces him to the Gestapo and he is sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp. After being released in 1945, David attempts to live normally. He even marries Jacky, the woman he has fallen in love with. But fifteen years pass and the taste of revenge invades him and becomes irresistible. He eventually traces the teacher who gave him way.
Une fille nommée Amour
A pleasingly pump female gets behind the wheel of a car during a party game and has an accident. Now temporarily confined to a wheelchair, the girl is holed up in her apartment. Watching through binoculars, she sees a man in a Mardi Gras clownsuit fight with another man and flee. Somehow the clown ends up in the girl's apartment where the two make love. Later, he returns to her after the man he had fought with shoots him. Though his clownsuit is stained with blood, she allows him in once again and hopes that love has long last arrived.