Kashio Atsuki

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We Made a Beautiful Bouquet
Un soir à Tokyo, les étudiants Yamane Mugi et Hachiya Kinu font connaissance après avoir raté tous les deux le dernier train à la gare de Meidaimae sur la ligne Keio. Partageant les mêmes goûts en terme de musique ou de cinéma, ils se rapprochent très vite et commencent à sortir ensemble. Après avoir fini leurs études, ils s'installent dans le même appartement tout en travaillant à temps partiel. Tandis que le célèbre centre commercial PARCO de Shibuya ferme ses portes, que l'émission SMAPxSMAP s'arrête après plus de vingt ans à l'antenne, leur petite vie de couple, agrémentée de l'adoption d'un chat abandonné, poursuit son train-train immuable pendant que les deux jeunes gens cherchent un emploi plus stable. Cinq années d'une relation qui malgré les apparences pourrait bien se terminer aussi soudainement qu'elle a commencé.
As a reporter at a weekly magazine, Satoshi Onoe takes pride in his ability to write well and report ethically. But when the stakeout teams are shuffled around in light of a new investigation, Onoe ends up being paired up with the one and only Motoharu Kaburagi, an ill-mannered photographer who spells nothing but trouble. Onoe, who secretly regards Kaburagi as his biggest rival, absolutely despises him and his haphazard and unethical reporting methods, with the two bickering constantly. However, much to Onoe's surprise, his annoyance soon begins to shift as he spends more time with Kaburagi, and his feelings towards his arch nemesis turn a bit sweeter...
Two teachers work together at the same high school. Hikawa Toru is a methodical but naive, elite graduate from the University of Tokyo while Akagi Masashi is a physical education teacher who is kind-hearted but a little rough around the edges. Before Akagi knows it, he finds himself attracted to Hikawa, whose personality is the opposite of his own. Unable to hold back anymore, he kisses Hikawa one night. Seen by a passing student, everyone including the student body, parents, and even the school principal will become involved. What will become of these two?
Sometimes in a woman’s life, passions boil over and lead them to do things that – in ordinary circumstances – they would never dream of doing. And sometimes this manifests itself in a desire for intimacy. This omnibus-style drama series focuses on a different woman in each episode, focusing on the series of events that led up to a single instance of “transforming into an animal.”
Sumo Education !

Sumo Education !

Dec 21, 2022
Ryota Moriyama, étudiant de dernière année à l'université de Kyoritsu, reçoit une offre d'emploi dans une société de premier ordre, mais pour avoir son diplôme, il est contraint de rejoindre le club de sumo et de participer à au moins un combat. Pour réussir, en plus de devoir supporter l'entraînement stricte d'Honoka Oba, la seule membre du club depuis deux ans, Ryota devra aussi recruter de nouveaux membres !