Roger Frappier

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Réjeanne Padovani

Réjeanne Padovani

Jan 01, 1973
À la veille de l'inauguration d'une autoroute dont ils ont orchestré la construction, quelques politiciens sans scrupule se réunissent dans la demeure d'un parrain de la mafia, Vincent Padovani, pour célébrer l'événement. Tandis qu'ils échangent compliments hypocrites et blagues douteuses autour d'un repas bien arrosé, leurs hommes de mains et leurs gardes du corps discutent, boivent et jouent au sous-sol en attendant la fin de la soirée. C'est à l'extérieur de la luxueuse demeure que se trame le drame qui viendra gâcher l'atmosphère de cette petite rencontre entre amis : de retour des États-Unis, la femme de Padovani, Réjeanne, désire renouer avec son mari qu'elle avait abandonné quelques années plus tôt pour un rival juif. Ailleurs dans la ville, de jeunes militants préparent une manifestation pour protester contre les expropriations massives ayant découlé de la construction de l'autoroute.
Hochelaga, Terre des Âmes
Une tempête de pluie s’abat sur Montréal, provoquant un spectaculaire affaissement de terrain au stade Percival-Molson pendant un match de football. La partie est interrompue. En quelques heures, le stade devient un site archéologique protégé et des siècles d’histoire se révèlent sous nos pieds. L’archéologue mohawk Baptiste Asigny entreprend des fouilles qui le mènent à la découverte des multiples générations qui ont occupé ce lieu et de leurs secrets enfouis. Baptiste est dès lors déterminé à trouver ce qu’il cherche depuis toujours : la trace du village d’Hochelaga, là où ses ancêtres iroquoiens reçurent Jacques Cartier en octobre 1535. HOCHELAGA, TERRE DES ÂMES retrace 750 ans d’histoire à partir d’un seul lieu où les âmes de toutes les époques et de toutes les cultures se retrouvent malgré les siècles qui les séparent.
Dis-moi pourquoi ces choses sont si belles
Le Frère Marie-Victorin se lie d’amitié avec son étudiante Marcelle Gauvreau. Tous deux ont frôlé la mort et partagent le même amour de Dieu et de la nature. Plus tard, elle devient sa collaboratrice. Dans un échange épistolaire qui durera jusqu'à la mort de Marie-Victorin, ils explorent les désirs humains et la « biologie sans voile ». Ce grand amour chaste, l’amour de la flore québécoise pousse Antoine et Roxane, qui les incarnent à l'écran, à s’interroger sur leur propre rapport à l’amour et la Nature.
Moody Beach

Moody Beach

Aug 25, 1990
A man and a woman, who are both trying to run away from the banalities of life, fall in love.


Jan 19, 1979
In 1969, the federal government expropriated two hundred and fifteen families in eight towns of New Brunswick in order to build a national park. Not only did these families lose their homes and their memories, they also lost their livelihoods.
De l'amour et des restes humains
In 1969, the federal government expropriated two hundred and fifteen families in eight towns of New Brunswick in order to build a national park. Not only did these families lose their homes and their memories, they also lost their livelihoods.


Aug 23, 2024
In 1969, the federal government expropriated two hundred and fifteen families in eight towns of New Brunswick in order to build a national park. Not only did these families lose their homes and their memories, they also lost their livelihoods.
La Grande séduction à l'anglaise
In 1969, the federal government expropriated two hundred and fifteen families in eight towns of New Brunswick in order to build a national park. Not only did these families lose their homes and their memories, they also lost their livelihoods.


Sep 02, 2015
In 1969, the federal government expropriated two hundred and fifteen families in eight towns of New Brunswick in order to build a national park. Not only did these families lose their homes and their memories, they also lost their livelihoods.


Jan 01, 1986
A woman deals with her mother, an arts professor, plunging into chaos due to Alzheimer's.
Pouvoir intime

Pouvoir intime

Mar 05, 1986
A woman deals with her mother, an arts professor, plunging into chaos due to Alzheimer's.
Cheval Indien

Cheval Indien

Apr 13, 2018
A woman deals with her mother, an arts professor, plunging into chaos due to Alzheimer's.
Cheval Indien

Cheval Indien

Apr 13, 2018
A woman deals with her mother, an arts professor, plunging into chaos due to Alzheimer's.


Feb 07, 1980
A woman deals with her mother, an arts professor, plunging into chaos due to Alzheimer's.


Nov 15, 1996
A woman deals with her mother, an arts professor, plunging into chaos due to Alzheimer's.


Sep 15, 2000
A woman deals with her mother, an arts professor, plunging into chaos due to Alzheimer's.
Père et fils

Père et fils

May 16, 2003
A woman deals with her mother, an arts professor, plunging into chaos due to Alzheimer's.
2 Secondes

2 Secondes

Sep 12, 1998
A woman deals with her mother, an arts professor, plunging into chaos due to Alzheimer's.
La vie fantôme

La vie fantôme

May 26, 1992
Pierre is in love with two women and has a stable relationship with both of them. His wife, all by herself, makes him feel whole. However, he has the identical feeling with his librarian mistress and cannot understand why this arrangement shouldn't be satisfactory for everyone concerned.


Sep 20, 2020
In fall 2018, the Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal created the chamber opera Chaakapesh, a lighthearted story of the hero who founded the Innu people sung in three languages (Innu, Cree and Inuktitut) by Florent Vollant, Ernest Webb and Akinisie Sivuarapik. The orchestra then went on the road to perform the unique work in Quebec’s Far North, stopping in Kuujjuaq, Salluit, Kuujjuarapik, Oujé-Bougoumou, Mashteuiatsh and Maliotenam. Far more than just a concert film, Chaakapesh puts the audience front row centre as artists and communities come together in a remarkable cultural space. Poignant testimonials, important discussions and Maestro Nagano as we’ve never seen him before.


Sep 20, 2020
In fall 2018, the Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal created the chamber opera Chaakapesh, a lighthearted story of the hero who founded the Innu people sung in three languages (Innu, Cree and Inuktitut) by Florent Vollant, Ernest Webb and Akinisie Sivuarapik. The orchestra then went on the road to perform the unique work in Quebec’s Far North, stopping in Kuujjuaq, Salluit, Kuujjuarapik, Oujé-Bougoumou, Mashteuiatsh and Maliotenam. Far more than just a concert film, Chaakapesh puts the audience front row centre as artists and communities come together in a remarkable cultural space. Poignant testimonials, important discussions and Maestro Nagano as we’ve never seen him before.
La Vie après l'amour

La Vie après l'amour

Jul 07, 2000
In fall 2018, the Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal created the chamber opera Chaakapesh, a lighthearted story of the hero who founded the Innu people sung in three languages (Innu, Cree and Inuktitut) by Florent Vollant, Ernest Webb and Akinisie Sivuarapik. The orchestra then went on the road to perform the unique work in Quebec’s Far North, stopping in Kuujjuaq, Salluit, Kuujjuarapik, Oujé-Bougoumou, Mashteuiatsh and Maliotenam. Far more than just a concert film, Chaakapesh puts the audience front row centre as artists and communities come together in a remarkable cultural space. Poignant testimonials, important discussions and Maestro Nagano as we’ve never seen him before.
Une journée à Forillon
This short film illustrates a day in the life at Forillon National Park. Situated on the Gaspé peninsula in Quebec, the park offers spectacular views of sea, mountain and forest. A monumental landscape not to be missed. A film without words.
El lado oscuro del corazón
Oliveiro is a young poet living in Buenos Aires where sometimes he has to sell his ideas to an advertising agency to make a living or exchange his poems for a steak. In Montevideo, he meets a prostitute, Ana, with whom he falls in love. Back in Buenos Aires, he accepts a contract with a publicity agency to get the money for three days of love with her. Will he get what he's searching for when his ideal of love's pleasure is literally going in levitation while making love?
Mémoire traquée

Mémoire traquée

Jun 02, 1991
Oliveiro is a young poet living in Buenos Aires where sometimes he has to sell his ideas to an advertising agency to make a living or exchange his poems for a steak. In Montevideo, he meets a prostitute, Ana, with whom he falls in love. Back in Buenos Aires, he accepts a contract with a publicity agency to get the money for three days of love with her. Will he get what he's searching for when his ideal of love's pleasure is literally going in levitation while making love?
Mémoires de la terre

Mémoires de la terre

Dec 27, 2002
Set against the unforgettable beauty of Haida Gwaii (formerly known as the Queen Charlotte Islands), Memories of Earth takes viewers on a journey guided by traces of the past. The film records the meeting of two artistic worlds: that of the Haida, an indigenous people whose cultural life and mythology bespeak their belief in a tangible link between the real and the imaginary, and that of Frédéric Back, a master of animated film and committed humanist, whose works is an appeal to respect all things created. Through the magic of animation, the documentary casts fresh light on the legends and spirituality of the Haida.
L'autre maison

L'autre maison

Oct 18, 2013
Set against the unforgettable beauty of Haida Gwaii (formerly known as the Queen Charlotte Islands), Memories of Earth takes viewers on a journey guided by traces of the past. The film records the meeting of two artistic worlds: that of the Haida, an indigenous people whose cultural life and mythology bespeak their belief in a tangible link between the real and the imaginary, and that of Frédéric Back, a master of animated film and committed humanist, whose works is an appeal to respect all things created. Through the magic of animation, the documentary casts fresh light on the legends and spirituality of the Haida.
La Turbulence des fluides
Set against the unforgettable beauty of Haida Gwaii (formerly known as the Queen Charlotte Islands), Memories of Earth takes viewers on a journey guided by traces of the past. The film records the meeting of two artistic worlds: that of the Haida, an indigenous people whose cultural life and mythology bespeak their belief in a tangible link between the real and the imaginary, and that of Frédéric Back, a master of animated film and committed humanist, whose works is an appeal to respect all things created. Through the magic of animation, the documentary casts fresh light on the legends and spirituality of the Haida.
De la tourbe et du restant
This film is first and foremost a documentary on the exploitation of the peat bogs of the Bas-Saint-Laurent region, which export most of their humus production to the United States: but the film is also the story of the exploitation of nature by man and of man by man.
Cabine C

Cabine C

Mar 12, 2003
Pierre Chamberland travaille comme journaliste au sein d'un grand quotidien et vit au coeur du très populaire quartier du plateau Mont-Royal. Son frère François Chamberland, jeune comédien au talent limité, continue de rêver au jour où l'on finira par reconnaître son «immense» potentiel. Robert Gascon, le meilleur ami de François, est un éternel adolescent de 30 ans au passé nébuleux qui vit au crochet de la société. Finalement, Anaïs Fontaine, l'amie de Pierre, talentueuse graphiste à la pige, réussit grâce à sa forte personnalité à prendre sa place parmi les trois colocs. Même si Pierre et Anaïs ont l'âge de raison, ils ne vivent pas encore ensemble. Anaïs a son propre appartement et Pierre partage son loft avec François et Robert, quand ces derniers veulent bien lui laisser un peu de place. Les personnages du Plateau ont également leur lieu de ralliement, un petit pub de quartier où la charmante Béatrice et le sympathique Jean-Paul accueillent nos amis presque quotidiennement.